Unfortunate camera location. It's hard to see outside :^D
He needs to get his window washer pump tuned up :^D
Tried different camera positions yesterday. But the guy doesn't even have window washer and his wipers work with a interval of 30 sec maybe That's wat you get from russian cars!
In finish with no losses, prolly did my best race so far lost to leader in best round only by 3 secs
here are some videos, you can skip the inside view one to around 2.00:
Congratulations! Sounds like a good run. What kind of course were you on? What's it's original purpose? It looks like an abandoned housing, or commercial subdivision.
Congratulations! Sounds like a good run. What kind of course were you on? What's it's original purpose? It looks like an abandoned housing, or commercial subdivision.
It's used by gokart racers, 1km long track, did 2 laps in each round, forgot to say that had 5th position and a fractured thumb, happened in last corner of 2nd round (on the inside cam vid, but nothing to see there, anyways did 8sec better in last round with that thumb, lol)
First gravel race ended with a crash and retirement. Went off the road and hit another retired car with my back end, but the reason for retirement was a little stone that went between some moving parts in gearbox and we couldn't locate it ant take it off, so sadly a total failure. Video from another car onboard will come soon too, didn't have camera on my car in first round where I went off.
Here's a pic from back end of the car:
Forgot to update thread.
First rally is done, finished 52nd overall, 8th in our class. As my codriver couldn't come, pacenotes were read by one of Estonian pro- basketball players. Hope to get onboard videos up on the weekend.
And here's an example of pacenotes for driving from one stage to another on public roads
Your car doesn't look too bad after the run in with the ditch. When does the next rally start?
Got car pretty much straightened up after the crash, had few close calls and barrel hits on this rally too, if you look close, right indicator light is broken. Next sprint is on 16th June, but rally on 7th July