Physicists Anxiously Await New Data on ‘God Particle’

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by Jimbob11
    The two hemisphere's of Einstein's brain were basically woven together (apart from other anomalies).
    Can you elaborate on this? In what way were they woven together? I had never heard of this.


    • Bigblue1
      Banned Users
      • Dec 2008
      • 3923

      Originally posted by sgreger1
      Can you elaborate on this? In what way were they woven together? I had never heard of this.
      I heard russel crowe's brain is like this as well. That's why he was in that movie a beautiful mind..........


      • Jimbob11
        • Oct 2011
        • 137

        Originally posted by sgreger1
        Can you elaborate on this? In what way were they woven together? I had never heard of this.
        Basically, the membrane that normally separates the two hemispheres was largely missing in Einstein's brain. I think it stopped less than halfway back and the two hemispheres were grown together. This allowed (theory) his right and left brain to communicate in ways not normally possible. A concept like The Theory of Relativity requires heavy use of both hemispheres and it's believed that he was able to make the needed leaps due this increased communication.

        If you do an internet search "Einstein's Brain" I'm sure you'll find all kinds of info. A lot more accurate than my shitty memory too. Pretty interesting stuff....


        • Jimbob11
          • Oct 2011
          • 137

          Originally posted by Bigblue1
          I heard russel crowe's brain is like this as well. That's why he was in that movie a beautiful mind..........
          Except in Russel's case it just turned him into a pompous ass...


          • Kaplan
            • May 2011
            • 203

            Originally posted by clint404
            The crazy thing about gravity is if the sun were suddenly to disappear all of the planets would fly off all at once in a straight line. What this means is that forces move faster than the speed of light. You would think that the inner planets would be affected before the ooutter planets felt the loss. But no. Gravity is a force, although many millions of times weaker than the weak and nuclear force, that is transmitted faster than light. Its because of quantum entanglement. One of the strangest phenomonon we know
            I'm curious... What is your source for claiming that gravity is instantaneous, or at least travels many times the speed of light? Einstein's general theory of relativity predicted that gravity travels at the speed of light. It is now accepted that gravity probably travels at the speed of light, and is certainly not instantaneous. In 2002 they were able to test this. Here is a link describing it:

            So if the sun were to suddenly disappear, it would take over 8 minutes before the earth would no longer be in orbit.


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              Are we living in a MATRIX?? That ending scene from the movie Space odyssey 2001 with the reel of his life has always freaked me out.
              Maybe we are just realizing ourselves within the program the more we dig. Science would be part of that program.



              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                Originally posted by truthwolf1
                Are we living in a MATRIX?? That ending scene from the movie Space odyssey 2001 with the reel of his life has always freaked me out.
                Maybe we are just realizing ourselves within the program the more we dig. Science would be part of that program.


                Matey - that is one of the theories that is being explored (New Scientist)


                • clint404
                  • Jul 2011
                  • 317

                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  Yah this is one of the most interesting observations regarding gravity, it's using some sort of exploit to break all the rules and exert it's force on things quicker than even the light traveling between those things. We need to figure out how the **** that works with a quickness. Ive read about 4 books on quantum entanglement and related topics and it still eludes me exactly how it all works, I have a general understanding but to believe it requires me to let go and say "some shit just doesn't make sense". The difference between quantum physics and magic are few, but in the end Lx is right in that we are still pretty primitave from a scientific standpoint, we still use fire to produce energy to move around for the most part and most of the population doesn't even believe in evolution, so we have a ways to go still.


                  Maybe I'm lazy, maybe because I'm on a phone but I'm not gonna type it out but this video pretty much explains why. Sorry I was wrong its not entanglement. Its single path particles. Get your head out of newtonian and 20th century theroy.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by Jimbob11
                    Basically, the membrane that normally separates the two hemispheres was largely missing in Einstein's brain. I think it stopped less than halfway back and the two hemispheres were grown together. This allowed (theory) his right and left brain to communicate in ways not normally possible. A concept like The Theory of Relativity requires heavy use of both hemispheres and it's believed that he was able to make the needed leaps due this increased communication.

                    If you do an internet search "Einstein's Brain" I'm sure you'll find all kinds of info. A lot more accurate than my shitty memory too. Pretty interesting stuff....
                    Very interesting. Yet it is also interesting that such a special mind was allegedly needed to put the theory of relativity on paper, yet every science PHD from then on forward seems to understand it as well as he did. Maybe he was just more creative? The concept of relativity etc is actually very simple, it's just figuring it out from scratch takes that little extra bit of brain power I suppose lol.


                    • EricHill78
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 4253

                      I am the god particle.


                      • Jimbob11
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 137

                        Originally posted by sgreger1
                        Very interesting. Yet it is also interesting that such a special mind was allegedly needed to put the theory of relativity on paper, yet every science PHD from then on forward seems to understand it as well as he did. Maybe he was just more creative? The concept of relativity etc is actually very simple, it's just figuring it out from scratch takes that little extra bit of brain power I suppose lol.
                        Yeah, going from scratch is the tricky part. It's like the brain makes the leap without a conscious path. Once you get there and turn around you can trace the path back. I think most people experience this without even realizing it's happening.


                        • Jimbob11
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 137

                          Originally posted by EricHill78
                          I am the god particle.
                          Ha. God Particle is an awesome band name. If it's not taken, it's mine!


                          • Jimbob11
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 137

                            Originally posted by Jimbob11
                            Ha. God Particle is an awesome band name. If it's not taken, it's mine!
                            Damn, it's taken. They don't deserve the name. They should be named 'More Cymbal'


                            • Kaplan
                              • May 2011
                              • 203

                              Originally posted by clint404

                              Maybe I'm lazy, maybe because I'm on a phone but I'm not gonna type it out but this video pretty much explains why. Sorry I was wrong its not entanglement. Its single path particles. Get your head out of newtonian and 20th century theroy.
                              Actually it was Newton who said gravity was instantaneous.


                              • clint404
                                • Jul 2011
                                • 317

                                I'm not and encyclopedia nor am I google-ing all my facts.

                                But ithe debate over the speed of gravity is just that...a debate. We can't detect gravitons so its all a shot in the dark at this point.


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