This very well might be the best war porn ever posted. It’s that good. No idea where the guys at AC got their hands on this but it’s almost all brand new clips out of Afghanistan and it is simply amazing, up close and clear color footage. So many flying jihadis you'll lost track.
War Porn
War Porn
This very well might be the best war porn ever posted. It’s that good. No idea where the guys at AC got their hands on this but it’s almost all brand new clips out of Afghanistan and it is simply amazing, up close and clear color footage. So many flying jihadis you'll lost track.If you have any problems with my posts or signature
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AC-130 gunships (I'm assuming that's what this is was filmed from), are probably the single most awesome pieces of military hardware we have. I am biased since I was an artillery guy when I was in but controlling an spectre gunship is like a wet dream for me. They usually only reserve those for the special forces guys or occasionally the rangers so we never got to play with them though. Operating one of these is probably the best job in the entire military if you ask me.
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