I had a fairly good Christmas this year. I had a nice dinner with the family. My wife survived her 60-80 hour retail work weeks. I got a week off with my son and I got a kindle fire as a gift. Best of all, I still have a good job and a roof over my head. How was your Christmas!
Did you survive christmas?
I have survived so far, my plane made it from wa to FL with no issues, now waiting in line at avis to grab rental car, reserved last month but now they are saying all cars are gone! i didnt make it this far to get effed! i would never be a B to the people working but some of the ppl around me are straight up douches! Reminder to all, don't take out frustration on poor people who had nothing to do with mistake...it is still xmas afterall!
Probably had about 10 full plates of food over the past few days and close to a half gallon of booze!! Not to mention the multiple extra large pieces of Tiramisu cake the wife made (and I don't even like sweets so much). I FEEL LIKE A BLOATED AND DRUNK PIG. Going to take a long walk tomorrow and not eat or drink til next week.
I did great, I am blessed to have everything that I have. This past year has been good to me and the next year is looking to be even brighter. I thank the universe that I have the family that I have and that I am able to make enough money to never go wanting, and I am glad to have been able to spread some Christmas cheer by buying some non-lame presents this year for the first time in a while lol.
Kindle fire is awesome, my uncle has one of those. Bought my mom a kindle this year for xmas but the kindle fire is way cool if you are trying to do more than read a book.
All in all it was very good. I'm tired now and back to work tomorrow. I had planned to take some extra time off but a bad case of whooping cough and a slip on the ice and hurt back all over the past month forced me to use up all of my sick and vacation time. I too am grateful I have a decent job in this economy. But it certainly isn't my dream job and I'm not looking forward to going in tomorrow.
We had a wonderful time. Our youngest is four and I used the help of her much older brothers to create a fairy-tale Christmas for her. Amazingly, it also was a sort of fairy tale for the rest of us
The only thing missing was a lot of snow. There is none, so instead of sledding we went to feed the swans. The beasts are bigger than my daughter and she squealed with joy when they took bread and grass and whatnot right from her hand.
I also finished a book on the 23-rd, so no deadline pressure either... Blessed time of the birth of our Lord... Also the papal mass started much sooner than the usual midnight, so none of the kids fell asleep
As I grow older (lewl) .. Christmas time is nothing special anymore...
I'm not sure why.. had a nice nice every evening in the family.... went to visit a few places nearby...
Went to a restaurant.. got some nice presents...
Got to stay with my GF a lot.... and that sort of stuff...
but still something is missing
not sure what ;-)
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