Originally posted by Snusdog
What do you think about politics?
Here, libertarian is often used incorrectly as a way to say "I'm super conservative socially, and would love to protect major corporations" and have people think somewhat better of you. At the very least, that's how it is around me. People say they're libertarians around here, and in the next breath talk about how there should be harsher penalties for drug charges and that gay marriage should be illegal. Aside from a handful of people like lx who hold true to the original meaning of the term, it's largely been appropriated by the conservatives as a new buzzword used to put a friendly sounding name on the same old assholes real libertarians couldn't stand from the start.
Edit: Also, I'm pretty sure that Sweden and most of western European nations still enjoy free speech, and many of them fall firmly into the socialist mold. So I don't really get that comment of yours, BlueSaint.
If Tim Tebow Did Not Exist, the Left Would Have to Create Him
A few months prior to the 2008 election my friend The Destroyer of Colons asked me, "When Bush is gone, who are liberals going to hate?" He was only half joking. "Not to worry," I assured him with a smile, "liberals can always find someone to designate as an object of their hatred."
When I was in high school the priest who was teaching our Senior year psychology class had us write an essay based on the quote, "If God did not exist man would have to create him." This was many years ago, but I recall my conclusion being something to the effect of saying that given mankind's emotional and psychological needs if God did not exist we would have to create some divine being to believe in to give our lives greater meaning.
This was actually a blog post I was kicking around last year, looking back on 2008 when the focus of the left's anger was directed toward Sarah Palin. It was almost surreal watching the hateful delight they took in watching our press journalistically rape her family while these same "professionals" ignored trivial matters like the horrifically flawed economic policies or lack of experience and questionable past of one party's actual presidential candidate. Personally I'm not a big Palin fan - I see her as someone with very real flaws to go with some very real accomplishments, but the way she enunciates just grates on me (sorry, that's just me). Then again, at least I generally agree with the substance of what she's saying and if her speaking manner is fingernails on a blackboard to me hearing her talk is probably a tabasco sauce enema to leftists. For that matter, the fact that the very mention of her name can send most leftists into a seething, purple-faced rage will always earn her a place in my heart. Not to mention this past summer's bus tour when the same press who had so much fun dumpster diving through her and her family's lives were now crying that she was treating them like paparazzi - that was a thing of beauty.
Getting back on topic, it seems that no matter what the time is, the left has to have someone as their focus as their anger. Even in those early days of the Obama presidency when all was right in the world their focus went toward Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck - reliable standbys. And then came the Tea Party. If you missed it the first time, check out my two part posting illustrating the left's anger toward the Tea Party as told through the five stages of death and dying.
The left threw out every bit of hateful invective that they had in their arsenal. The Tea Party was labeled astroturfers, racists, seditionists, idiots, rubes, and terrorists. Their crowning slur came when none of these charges stuck and the left threw to the most disrespectful, malevolent smear they could find toward the Tea Party - they compared the Tea Party to leftists.
Another interesting case study in leftist anger is the comic strip Doonesbury. While I once enjoyed it as an actual comic, over the last decade it's morphed into a sounding board for the angry and bitter leftist, Garry Trudeau. From 2000 - 2008 his range of topics could be summed up as:
- Hatred for George Bush
- Hatred for Fox News
- Hatred for George Bush
- Hatred for Schwarzenegger
- Hatred for George Bush
And of course, during the 2008 presidential campaign Sarah Palin joined this crowd. Mix in some patronizing, if not outright disdain for the military, and that pretty much sums up every comic not involving the personal lives of the characters, although these themes are generally woven in as well. One would expect that with a president as spectacularly inept as President Obama, Trudeau would have a field day. So naturally his strips have become focused on hated for Palin, Donald Trump, the Tea Party, and of course sympathy for the OWSers and their distaste for... prosperity?
(Excerpt) Read more at floppingaces.net...If you have any problems with my posts or signature
Originally posted by shikitohnoEdit: Also, I'm pretty sure that Sweden and most of western European nations still enjoy free speech, and many of them fall firmly into the socialist mold. So I don't really get that comment of yours, BlueSaint.
It's not like that here.
You know, wa3zrm, that's not really a great article to post. I seem to recall something about those living in glass houses being warned not to throw stones. See: The history of the conservative parties if you need any clarification. The conservatives have by and large built their entire platform around hating boogymen, be it communists, gays, immigrants, or terrorists. And had Obama not been the Democratic candidate, and some other Democrat won the Presidency, you can bet the right would be bitching and moaning just as much. Both sides just complain and snipe at the other, rather than actually expend some effort in accomplishing something useful.