Originally posted by lxskllr
What do you think about politics?
Originally posted by NuuskuCan i pay with Soviet Rubles?
Originally posted by lxskllrI don't think that's possible. We could take the official equivalent in gold which equals 0.987412g per ruble, but Soviet rubles are virtually valueless these days. For awhile, we took Reichmarks in honor of tom502, but that program was suspended due to lack of use.
Originally posted by NuuskuSquirrel skins?
Originally posted by lxskllrWe might be able to work something out. We used to take beaver pelts as payment from the Canadians. Those were much better than the Canuckistan pennies they tried to pay us with. I still have my beaver hat, and for a unique touch, I left the tail on. Like Davy Crockett, but much cooler.
Originally posted by lxskllrWe might be able to work something out. We used to take beaver pelts as payment from the Canadians. Those were much better than the Canuckistan pennies they tried to pay us with. I still have my beaver hat, and for a unique touch, I left the tail on. Like Davy Crockett, but much cooler.
Originally posted by shikitohnoHere, libertarian is often used incorrectly as a way to say "I'm super conservative socially, and would love to protect major corporations" and have people think somewhat better of you. At the very least, that's how it is around me. People say they're libertarians around here, and in the next breath talk about how there should be harsher penalties for drug charges and that gay marriage should be illegal. Aside from a handful of people like lx who hold true to the original meaning of the term, it's largely been appropriated by the conservatives as a new buzzword used to put a friendly sounding name on the same old assholes real libertarians couldn't stand from the start.
Edit: Also, I'm pretty sure that Sweden and most of western European nations still enjoy free speech, and many of them fall firmly into the socialist mold. So I don't really get that comment of yours, BlueSaint.
What in the fly f**ck? What kind of libertarians are you hanging with? I guess this is the problem with libertarians is that there are many different kinds. As a libertarian myself (or at least that's how I would most closely describe myself) I am socially liberal but fiscally conserative. Conservative as in it's original meaning, and is not representative of the current conservative movement (i.e. wars, big government deciding who gets married/what a woman can do with their bodies etc).
My general political philosophy rotates around one central theme, which is that in general I believe in social programs (even statewide socialism) and also think regulation is a great idea, but have accepted the reality that none of these things are possible in a place as large as America because in order to have these things you must give government lots of power and centers of power breed corruption and always end up becoming oppressive. So while highly regulated socialist utopias sound great to me, I don't advocate for it because I know that government is corrupt and inefficient, and otherwise incapable of bringing such things. Once governments get large enough, they become obsessed with increasing their role and broadening their grasp on things until, again, oppression begins.
So basically I hate the government, I think it would be nice to have a smaller more responsible government with very clear and defined objectives, and restrictions places on what issues they may or may not intervene in. You know, sort of like how things were written in the constitution. But even with a guiding document like the constitution which so clearly outlines government's role and what rights the citizens have, you will note that government will still find a way to do things like, hmm I dunno let's start with:
No rights for women
Internment of a certain racial demographic into gulags
Restricting each and every freedom it can possibly get away with
Deciding who can and can't get married
Assasination of citizens without a court order
Warrantless Wiretaps
etc etc.
So you see, even with clearly defined limitation placed on a government we see that it is ineffective in fulfilling it's purpose or doing anything in a non-corrupt manner. Direct democracy also suffers from this problem because it allows the people to decide everything, and when the people decide they want slavery or that they hate gays than guess what happens, all those views become law.
So generally I am anti-government because they can never behave. I think government, socialism etc is a great idea but in practice it always turns outt he same no matter what system runs it, be it monarchs, republics, democracies, theocracies etc.
But back to my point, as a libertarian I believe the government shouldn't itnervene into the private lives of citizens, i.e. it has no right to say gays can't get married, that unions can't be formed amongst individuals, no right to restrict abortion or make certain substances illegal, decide what I do with my body or what religion I choose to practice etc.
Social Democracy
Traditionally, social democracy is an international political movement seeking a gradualist path to socialism through ameliorative reforms made on behalf of the working class. It relies on the use of the democratic process to achieve its aims as opposed to revolutionary means. In terms of modern social democracy, one view presented calls for the profound reformation of capitalism to align it with the ethical ideals of social justice while maintaining the capitalist mode of production, rather than creating an alternative socialist economic system.Words of Wisdom
Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Crow: Of course, that's a given.
Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to mePremium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.Frosted: lucky twat
Frosted: Aussie slags
Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow