fdisk -l
sudo yum update
sudo yum -y update
I forgot, and lx reminded me, but I did want to mention man pages. Generally, most packages will have some sort of documentation explaining how they're used and the various options for them. These are called man pages, and you can read them by typing
man foo
Man, this turned into a massive post...
Edit2: And while I'm thinking of it, I forgot to mention tab completion. When you're in the terminal, you can hit the tab key to auto-complete command or file names once you've typed enough of the name for the computer to be completely sure of what command or file name you intend to use. For example, you can type fdi and hit tab, and it'll fill it out as fdisk for you. However, in cases where there's ambiguity (you have .Xresources and .Xdefaults in your ~/ and you hit tab after entering .X), hitting tab once will do nothing.
Also, if you come across any instructions for something you're looking to do that tell you to edit a file or enter a directory with . in front of them, like that .Xresources file, the . means it's a hidden file or directory. In Nautilus, the default Gnome file manager, you need to enable the "show hidden files and folders" option in one of the menus. In the terminal, type
ls -a
Finally, I was going to tell you this when I woke up this morning, but you'd already managed to install Fedora on your own, so it was a bit late. 10GB of swap space is pretty much overkill. The general rule of thumb used to be make swap the same as your RAM, but it doesn't really hold true any more. 2GB of swap is likely more than sufficient, and 4GB is pretty much safe as you can be. If you're doing something and you get 4GB into swap, you've got some issues to fix with your machine, or you really need to upgrade your RAM if you actually need that much.
And by the way, if you still use torrents at all, I'll recommend rtorrent as a pretty good client. You can do quite a bit to automate things with its config file.