Installing Lubuntu 1/3

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Installing Lubuntu 1/3

    Today we're gonna install Lubuntu. This is the lightweight version of the official Ubuntu family. It uses a lighter desktop environment(DE), and lighter packages. The window manager is OpenBox. The other official *buntus are...

    Ubuntu - The flagship version. Uses Unity shell - heavy, and pretty
    Kubuntu - Uses the KDE DE - heavy and pretty
    Xubuntu - Uses Xfce DE - medium weight, decent while keeping resource usage down.
    UbuntuStudio - I think this uses Gnome2 still - Full multimedia suite for audio/video production.

    I'll be assuming we're working from Windows here, and not all screenies were taken. If something was obvious, I ommitted it.

    First off, you need to download the .iso. Use this torrent for the 32bit version(used in this guide)...

    And this if you prefer 64bit...

    Then we need to get it on some media. Optical discs are lame, so I suggest using a USB installer. Download the Universal USB Installer from here, and follow the directions on their page...

    If you insist on using a crappy CD, I like imgburn for Windows...

    Once you've gotten Lubuntu on some media, you need to install the media, and then reboot the computer. During bootup, press the key(usually F11) to pick your boot device. Select the appropriate choice(either USB or CD), and it should start the Lubuntu live session process. Select your language when prompted, and you'll get a screen thusly...

    The options are self explanatory...

    1 - Boots to a live environment. What this guide is based on
    2 - Installs directly without going to a live environment
    3 - Makes sure your CD is alright
    4 - Tests your ram. Bad ram=bad install and operation
    5 - boots your usual O/S

    Select the first option, and if it asks you anything, answer. You'll then get a desktop that looks like this...

    Play around if you like, and when you're ready to install, click the icon in the upper left.

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