The Snuson Confessional Sacristy & Bulletin

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    The Snuson Confessional Sacristy & Bulletin

    NASA debunks mysterious triangular 'UFO'

    Once again, alien conspiracy theorists have attempted to use publicly available NASA images to prove that the space agency must be engaging in an elaborate UFO cover-up. And, once again, they've been foiled by the laws of physics.
    This time, they called attention to peculiar new footage captured by a telescope onboard NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft — one of a pair of probes parked on either side of the sun which, together, provide a 360-degree view of the inner solar system. The footage shows Venus, Earth and, on the opposite side of the field-of-view, a mysterious triangular object headed our way.

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  • EricHill78
    • Jun 2010
    • 4253

    I miss Tom.


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Originally posted by EricHill78
      I miss Tom.

      No worries mate...................from time to time we all feel.............a know........

      OK....................I tried.............never mind
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

        Photographer captures disturbing images of children puffing on cigarettes

        Cherubic cheeks framed with gentle ringlets - they are the faces of innocence and beauty.
        But with cigarettes lingering between their fingers or pipes perched between their lips, their images are repulsive.
        In an attempt to play the attractiveness and vulgarity of smoking off each other, Belgian photographer Frieke Janssens has captured 15 eerie images of children puffing on cigarettes, cigars or pipes in a collection entitled 'The Beauty of an Ugly Addiction'.

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        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          So it really is all about the children...huh.


          • EricHill78
            • Jun 2010
            • 4253

            The first pic is Courtney Love as a child.. she was hardcore even back then! Haha


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Those children are so classy looking. Something they are doing makes them look so cool but I can't quite put my finger on it.


              • wa3zrm
                • May 2009
                • 4436

                This Article Explains Why Apple Makes iPhones In China And Why The U.S. Is Screwed

                The manufacturing processes of Apple and other electronics companies have come into sharp focus of late, with the revelation of more details about what life is like for the Chinese workers who make the world's gadgets.
                When one reads about these working conditions--12-16 hour shifts, pay of ~$1 per hour or less, dormitories with 15 beds in 12x12 rooms--the obvious assumption is that it's all about money:
                Greedy manufacturers want to make bigger profits, so they make their products in places with labor practices that would be illegal in America.
                And money is certainly part of it.
                But an amazing new article by Charles Duhigg and Keith Bradsher of the New York Times reveals that there's a lot more to it than that.
                The article illustrates just how big a challenge the U.S. faces in trying stop the "hollowing out" process that has sent middle-class jobs overseas--and, with it, the extreme inequality that has developed in recent years.
                The reason Apple makes iPhones and iPads in China, the article shows, is not just about money.

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                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9759

                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  Those children are so classy looking. Something they are doing makes them look so cool but I can't quite put my finger on it.

                  think sgreger is in denial and might be a pedo.

                  just sayin
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • wa3zrm
                    • May 2009
                    • 4436

                    Til death do us part: Marriage to dead girlfriend draws mixed reaction

                    Hopeless romantic or macabre publicity hound?
                    A Thai television director’s decision to marry his dead girlfriend and post photos and video of the event to Facebook and YouTube is drawing mixed reaction from the public.
                    Chadil Deffy, also known as Deff Yingyuen, married his girlfriend of 10 years, Sarinya “Anne” Kamsook, early this month as she lay in a coffin in a wedding-cum-funeral at a temple in Surin Province, the Pattaya Daily News reported.
                    During the ceremony, the 28-year-old groom, wearing a black tuxedo, placed a ring on the finger of his late girlfriend, whose body was lying on a raised platform, dressed in a white bridal dress.
                    He put photos of himself and his dead bride on his personal Facebook page under an album titled "Corpse Bride." He also uploaded a video to YouTube.

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                    Next he will complain that during sex she just lays there!
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                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      Too Many People Speak Out Of Their Ignorance

                      This may be the golden age of presumptuous ignorance. The most recent demonstrations of that are the Occupy Wall Street mobs. It is doubtful how many of these semiliterate sloganizers could tell the difference between a stock and a bond.
                      Yet there they are, mouthing off about Wall Street on television, cheered on by politicians and the media. If this is not a golden age of presumptuous ignorance, perhaps it should be called a brass age.
                      No one has more brass than the president of the United States, though his brass may be more polished than that of the Occupy Wall Street mobs. When Barack Obama speaks loftily about "investing in the industries of the future," does anyone ask: What in the world would qualify him to know what are the industries of the future?
                      Why would people who have spent their careers in politics know more about investing than people who have spent their careers as investors?
                      Presumptuous ignorance is not confined to politicians or rowdy political activists, by any means. From time to time, I get a huffy letter or email from a reader who begins, "You obviously don't know what you are talking about."
                      The particular subject may be one on which my research assistants and I have amassed piles of research material and official statistics. It may even be a subject on which I have written a few books, but somehow the presumptuously ignorant just know that I didn't really study that issue, because my conclusions don't agree with theirs or with what they have heard.

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                      • wa3zrm
                        • May 2009
                        • 4436

                        Marine's career threatened by controversial rules of engagement

                        Joshua Waddell, a first lieutenant in the U.S. Marines, appeared on his way to a stellar career as an American military officer. The son of a retired Navy SEAL commander, Waddell had won a Bronze Star during his first tour of duty in Afghanistan and had returned for a second.
                        Then he made a decision in combat that military experts say has severely jeopardized his future in the corps.
                        But some military experts say the black mark on Waddell's record was undeserved, that he and other young American officers are being put in a difficult, if not impossible, situation by unreasonable rules of engagement foisted upon the military by politically sensitive commanders in the Pentagon.
                        The facts in Waddell's case are spelled out in Marine Corps documents. But how those facts should be interpreted is a matter of heated dispute.
                        On Nov. 1, Waddell, a 25-year-old executive officer with 3rd Battallion, 7th Marine Corps Regiment, was monitoring a surveillance camera in Sangin, Afghanistan, when he spotted a man who had been identified as a bomb maker working with area insurgents. Two days earlier, a sergeant from India Company had lost both legs and a hand when a bomb detonated in their area of operation. The man spotted on the camera was believed to be responsible. After receiving permission from his battalion commanders, Waddell ordered Marine snipers to open fire on the man, and he was hit. A group of Afghans rushed to the man, put him on a tractor and attempted to flee. Waddell ordered the snipers to hit the engine block of the tractor, disabling it so the man believed to be a bomb maker would not escape. The tractor was hit but no civilians were injured.

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                        • wa3zrm
                          • May 2009
                          • 4436

                          If You See a Bigfoot, Should You Shoot Him?

                          In the new Animal Planet reality TV show optimistically titled "Finding Bigfoot," a team of experts examines video of an alleged Sasquatch spotted in the Canadian Rockies. The video, shot by a man named Todd Standing, shows something large and dark, standing atop a wooded ridge and then ducking back behind a bush. It could pretty much be anything, and when the experts concluded that the subject was probably not a Bigfoot, Standing expressed his frustration: "No video is ever going to be evidence, ever. It's never going to be good enough…"
                          Standing, like many Bigfoot researchers, misses the problem: It's not so much that any Bigfoot video is inherently worthless, it's that his video, like all that have come before it, is of such poor quality that there's no way to know what we're seeing. It could have been anything — a guy in a dark jacket (or gorilla costume), a bear or even Bigfoot. The fatal flaw in Bigfoot photos and videos is the image quality, not the image subject. If Standing, the "Finding Bigfoot" team, or anyone else shot well-lit, clear video of what was obviously a 12-foot-tall, hairy bipedal creature in the woods, that would be compelling.
                          But even the highest-quality photograph or video can't be considered definitive proof of Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or any other mythical beast. Similarly, if the goal is to simply make scientists and the general public take Bigfoot seriously, then some verified remains of the creature – be they hair, teeth, blood, bones or something else — would do the trick.
                          In the new Animal Planet reality TV show optimistically titled "Finding Bigfoot," a team of experts examines video of an alleged Sasquatch spotted in the Canadian Rockies. The video, shot by a man named Todd Standing, shows something

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                          • wa3zrm
                            • May 2009
                            • 4436

                            10 States Running Out Of Smart People

                            Find out which 10 states are running out of smart people based on job and education statistics.

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                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9759

                              Originally posted by wa3zrm
                              Til death do us part: Marriage to dead girlfriend draws mixed reaction

                              Hopeless romantic or macabre publicity hound?
                              A Thai television director’s decision to marry his dead girlfriend and post photos and video of the event to Facebook and YouTube is drawing mixed reaction from the public.
                              Chadil Deffy, also known as Deff Yingyuen, married his girlfriend of 10 years, Sarinya “Anne” Kamsook, early this month as she lay in a coffin in a wedding-cum-funeral at a temple in Surin Province, the Pattaya Daily News reported.
                              During the ceremony, the 28-year-old groom, wearing a black tuxedo, placed a ring on the finger of his late girlfriend, whose body was lying on a raised platform, dressed in a white bridal dress.
                              He put photos of himself and his dead bride on his personal Facebook page under an album titled "Corpse Bride." He also uploaded a video to YouTube.

                              (Excerpt) Read more at ...

                              Next he will complain that during sex she just lays there!
                              For the last 10 years she said she wouldn't but I guess she would marry him over her dead body. I wonder where the honeymoon was......and how it went.
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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