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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Man Divorces Wife For Not Preparing Food Fast Enough Wife Refutes Charges
    Emirates 24/7 ^

    A-57-year old Nigerian man divorced his wife on the grounds that she was preparing his food very late at night, Emarat Al Youm reports, quoting news websites.
    The report names the man as Oolovada Adikoaa and he told a court in Lagos that his wife failed to fulfil her marriage duties.
    She did not prepare the food on time, although he warned her many times.
    “There is no reason for pushing me to continue in a relationship with a woman who makes me starve, I can no longer tolerate it," he is quoted as saying.
    The 25-year-old wife refuted the accusations, accusing her husband of wanting to live with another woman.
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    • wa3zrm
      • May 2009
      • 4436

      Virginia Fraternity Suspended Over 'Freshman Daughter Drop-Off' Sign

      A national fraternity has suspended its activities at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia amid uproar over sexually suggestive signs posted as parents dropped off their recent high school graduates.
      A private home across the street from the university's campus hung banners that read "Freshman daughter drop-off," with an arrow pointing to the front door, "Hope your baby girl is ready for a good time ..." and "Go ahead and drop off Mom too."
      Several members of the fraternity Sigma Nu live in the house.
      The banners generated outrage on social media and condemnation from university officials and student leaders.
      In a statement, Sigma Nu's national organization said any fraternity members found responsible will be held accountable.
      Sigma Nu says it condemns what it calls derogatory and demeaning language that was used on the banners.

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      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

        Statistician: Data proves biblical financial collapse - 'In September, we can expect something....

        Get ready – because the best of times are over and the worst of times may have just begun.
        That is the assessment of an Israeli mathematician who has studied the biblical Shemitah cycle as it applies to the financial markets.
        Thomas Pound is an educator and mathematician who applies his statistical wizardry to the markets.
        The Dow fell another 468 points, or 3 percent, Tuesday, providing fresh evidence for investors the sell-off which began in August was no mirage. It is likely to continue in September.
        Only eight more trading days remain until the dreaded Elul 29, which is the final day of the Shemitah year, known as “wipe out day” on the Hebrew calendar.
        Since Elul 29 falls on a Sunday, Sept. 13, when the markets are closed, the rest of this week and the following week could bring the most devastating losses. Another theory is that the period of Sept. 14-28 right after Elul 29 and leading up to a scheduled blood moon (on Sept. 27-28) could be worth watching.
        What do YOU think? Is America’s economy on verge of crash? Sound off in today’s WND poll
        Proof in the numbers
        Several years ago, Pound corresponded with a financial adviser who was using a decennial analysis to determine which years were optimum for investor returns. According to the theory behind decennial analysis, which was first proposed in the book “Irrational Exuberance” by Yale Economics professor Robert Shiller, years ending in the number eight yielded better returns than other years, according to the Israeli publication Breaking Israel News. Years that ending in seven were less lucrative.
        Armed with 144 years of market data going back to 1871, Pound set out to test the validity of this

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        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          Florida gun makers design assault rifle with Bible verse and cross etched on each side...

          A gun manufacturer in Florida has designed an assault rifle featuring Christian symbols - in the hope it will never be used by 'Muslim terrorists'.
          Muslim groups have condemned the divisive gun, which they suggest will be bought by 'Christian terrorists'.

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          • wa3zrm
            • May 2009
            • 4436

            Ted Nugent: If Obama’s a Christian I’m a ‘Gay Vegetarian Pirate’

            With all the controversy stemming from the man who asked Donald Trump about the Muslim problem and President Obama, Ted Nugent decided to make it clear he has doubts about the president’s faith too.
            Nugent sent out a few tweets today railing against the government, Obama, and Planned Parenthood that culminated in him very much doubting that Obama’s a Christian.

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            • wa3zrm
              • May 2009
              • 4436

              Franklin Graham Calls Obama's Guest List for Papal Visit 'Disgraceful'

              President Barack Obama's guest list for Pope Francis' visit next week "should raise a lot of eyebrows" the Rev. Franklin Graham said on Facebook Saturday, calling the resident's plans "disgraceful and obviously inappropriate."
              "Is there no end to the lengths the president will go to in order to push his sinful agenda?" said Graham, who shared a link from The Wall Street Journal about the president's plans.
              "It’s wise of the Vatican to question President Obama’s guest list for the Pope’s visit next week," Graham said. The guests are transgender activists Mateo Williamson and Vivian Taylor, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, Bishop Gene Robinson and Sister Simone Campbell, an activist nun who leads a group criticized by the Vatican for its silence on abortion and euthanasia.

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              • wa3zrm
                • May 2009
                • 4436

                **GRAPHIC** Two Christians, One a priest, beheaded

                This ***Graphic*** video was released to Live Leak . The publication date is Jun 26 2013. There is also another link to this story which you will see but I'm not publishing that as you can find it for yourself. One Christian martyr is named Fr. Francois Murad the is un-named. And the Pope wants to come out here to the USA and talk about climate change? That's pretty sick of him to do that

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                • psychicferret
                  • Jan 2015
                  • 418

                  David Cameron put 'private part' in dead pig's mouth, shock biography claims
                  DAVID Cameron once put a "private part of his anatomy" into a dead pig's mouth during a bizarre initiation ritual, it has been claimed.



                  • wa3zrm
                    • May 2009
                    • 4436

                    Vatican Astronomer: Discoveries on Mars May Reveal God’s Personality

                    NASA scientists have confirmed that liquid water flows, at least during the summer months, on the surface of Mars
                    A Vatican astronomer said the latest discovery of flowing liquid water on the surface of Mars was exciting.
                    “You can see the traces of the rivers changing over the course of a Martian year. So we are not talking about water that was there a long time ago or water that is frozen under the surface, but actual liquid water on the surface,” Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, director of the Vatican Observatory, told Vatican Radio on Tuesday.
                    NASA scientists confirmed on Monday that liquid water flows, at least during the summer months, on the surface of Mars.
                    The latest discovery adds to the debate of whether life ever existed, or could exist, beyond the planet Earth.
                    Brother Consolmagno told Vatican Radio, “We have no idea whether life is so rare that it never occurs anywhere, or so common that it occurs everywhere, and that’s why we have to look at places life could be to see just how rare or how common it actually is.”
                    Brother Consolmagno said discovering if there were or were not life found beyond Earth would reveal something about God’s personality.
                    “If God chose to make a universe where we are the only creatures, that is interesting, that tells us something about God and us,” he said.
                    “If God creates a universe where life is everywhere, that gives us a different picture of God, but either way, we learn more about who the creator is.”

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                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      University of Toronto Dumps Transgender Bathrooms After Peeping Incidents

                      The administration at the University of Toronto was recently enlightened on why two separate washrooms are generally established for men and women sharing co-ed residencies.

                      The University is temporarily changing its policy on gender-neutral bathrooms after two separate incidents of "voyeurism" were reported on campus September 15 and 19. Male students within the University’s Whitney Hall student residence were caught holding their cellphones over female students’ shower stalls and filming them as they showered.

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                      • wa3zrm
                        • May 2009
                        • 4436

                        Violent mob of topless pro-abort feminists assaults praying men, tries to burn Cathedral
                        Lifesite ^ |

                        A horrific and surreal scene unfolded Monday night outside the Cathedral of Mar de Plata in Argentina as hordes of women, many of them masked and half naked, violently assaulted a group of young men who stood outside the Cathedral of Mar de Plata praying and standing watch.

                        Such violence is becoming the norm for the annual March for Women in the Pope's native land of Argentina, although this year's violence seemed to be the most extreme yet, with the women turning their violence against the police, and even attempting to set the Cathedral on fire.

                        The women tore down the outer gate of the cathedral and hurled glass bottles and feces at the young men standing guard. When they attempted to burn down the Cathedral the police began taking measures to disperse the hordes.

                        The local group Argentinos Alerta, which helped to organize the peaceful vigil in anticipation of the attack, issued a statement in which they thanked the police for dispatching forces to the Cathedral. The group noted that it was the first time that the police had made an effort to defend church property.
                        (video at link)
                        While similar protests have occurred recently in conjunction with the Annual March for Women, the level of violence appears to be increasing.

                        "There were very tense moments and when I arrived I witnessed families with young children crying trapped inside the church. It was a terrible thing," stated Marcelo Di Pasqua the local chief of police in an interview with local TV.

                        A similarly disturbing video from the 2013 March for Women shows groups of women spray-painting the crotches and faces of groups of praying men linked arm-in-arm to protect the Cathedral, and using markers to paint their faces with Hitler-like moustaches. They also performed obscene sexual acts in front of them and pushed their breasts onto their faces, all the while shouting “get your rosaries out of our ovaries.”

                        (video at link)
                        Meanwhile, after this year's event, the national press such as Clarin described the event as one of police brutality, highlighting only the fact that the police had to disperse the mob, barely describing the violence of the pro-abortion hordes.

                        In a press release "Catholics for a Free Choice” issued a statement repudiating the police for police brutality against the women.

                        The graphic videos show a completely different story, with the police and prayer warriors under constant assault from the radical feminists.

                        While the police and faithful came out bravely to defend the church form the aggressors, putting their bodies in the way of the hordes, it appears that the local Church hierarchy is not willing to do the same.

                        Father Gabriel Mestre, the Vicar of the Cathedral, stated that "one has to accept the dynamic and the dissent , and in fact in the Church we have to accept it because I think that more than half is in favor of legal abortion, and for that there are proper avenues, within a pluralistic and democratic society to generate policies which each from his ideological frame of reference considers as an appropriate way to progress, just like happened with ‘marriage’ equality or with divorce."
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                        • Polluted
                          • Dec 2014
                          • 120

                          There's that, "spiritual but not religious", enlightened feminist crowd who cares for women and their right to slaughter their own offspring. I wonder how many females were actually inside the Church. I'll restrain from delving further least my vulgarity get me into trouble....but I hope the police went Old Testament on their asses. Why don't these folks just sterilize themselves and be done with it. They obviously can't handle the femininity God has given to them.


                          • wa3zrm
                            • May 2009
                            • 4436

                            ISIS post picture Of Russian tank soldier in Aleppo, with Orthodox cross to fight holy war.
                   ‏@TRACterrorism ^

                            Russia(n) soldier in #Aleppo, with Orthodox cross to fight holy war.

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                            • psychicferret
                              • Jan 2015
                              • 418

                              Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
                              ISIS post picture Of Russian tank soldier in Aleppo, with Orthodox cross to fight holy war.
                     ‏@TRACterrorism ^

                              Russia(n) soldier in #Aleppo, with Orthodox cross to fight holy war.

                              damn bible bashers... isnt it enough to kill and mame with out bringing religion into the mix


                              • wa3zrm
                                • May 2009
                                • 4436

                                Learn to be dead for the day

                                Learn to be dead for the day: Suicidal people are locked into coffins in bizarre 'death experience' schools in South Korea where 40 people kill themselves every day South Korea has the second highest number of suicides in the world as people suffer from stress and depression Up to 40 people kill themselves every day in a 'hyper-competitive' society where pressure to achieve is great In response, bizarre 'death experience' schools have been launched to help depressed people appreciate life Pupils are made to sign their own will and are locked in coffins by the 'angel of death' and have mock funerals They come out 'refreshed' as facing realities of death like saying goodbye to loved ones helps them reflect on life

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