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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    When to Say "Yes" and When to Say "No" to Panhandlers
    Berkeley Daily Planet ^ |

    Panhandling has always been an important part of human existence, ever since people were put in poverty by a society that sometimes lacks mercy. It is not fair or accurate to say that you should never give money to a panhandler. There are people who would perish without the generosity of strangers. We can not presume to know that they created their own problems and should reap the results. There are plenty of people who became poor largely due to circumstances that weren't under their control.
    I have given coins out of my pocket to panhandlers under certain circumstances, and sometimes not, when I felt that it would jeopardize me or someone to do so. I have compiled a guide that works for me concerning when I give a few coins in my pocket or not. Since I rarely carry cash except for these few coins which serve as meter money or candy bar money, I am not in a situation of getting my wallet out.
    To begin with, since I am a smoker I get asked for cigarettes a lot. However, many of those who ask me for one look like they could possibly be underage. In these instances, I always refuse. (I do not have to give a reason.) On the other hand, if someone appears close to my age and also does not appear to be an undercover cop, I will often give someone a smoke when asked. For those who believe that smoking is a horrendous evil, just ignore this part of the manuscript.
    When someone is holding a sign at a freeway off ramp, I drive by without helping that person. I send that person good thoughts. However, I do not want to create a hazardous situation that could cause a car accident. You are not doing anyone a favor when you block traffic to give to a panhandler, especially when this causes a car accident that could entail someone getting injured.
    Is someone appears threatening to me, I do not give help. This is entirely by my perception and does not rely on an attempt at objectivity. If I feel threatened, it is bad for me to help the person who is associated with that feeling, even if it is only in my own mind. I will remain polite to that person and will speak respectfully, but will not give money in return for intimidation. (Of course this idea does not include the IRS.) How do you know if someone is truly threatening you? Often you don't know and must operate by what feels real from your own limited perspective. If someone is exchanging threat for cash, it is not a gift, it is extortion. This is a bully-ism and is a different idea than the threat of a crime being perpetrated, which I cover next.
    If it is late at night, if the situation seems scary, or if you think you could be a victim of robbery or violence, then you must do whatever works in that situation. Usually that entails getting some distance as quickly as possible, and doing so without increasing your vulnerability-which getting out your wallet or getting close to a person would do. I was in front of a Macy's at a mall when three gentlemen who appeared to be sporting a tough guy fashion, (you know, the goatees and scarves over the heads) approached me and one of them said, "Give it up." Rather than standing there waiting for them to get closer, I quickly stood from the bench (where I had been reading) and ran into the Macy's so that anything that would happen would be recorded by their security cameras. The three followed me in but then realized they were among Macy's shoppers, and they proceeded to look like idiots, and then they left.
    A few years ago, I was in front of a McDonald's and had just bought a couple of hamburgers, when a man begged for help and said that he was starving to death and had problems with his blood sugar. I handed my hamburger to that man. He was quite grateful.
    When I am on foot, and in public where everything feels safe, and someone asks for spare change in a respectful way (they do not need to humiliate themselves or beg, they just need to be polite) I will give that person whatever change is in my pocket, which might total less than a dollar, or which could be a couple dollars. If I had more income and if I carried cash more often, I would give more. In addition to the change I am offering, I am giving the message of unconditional love. This does something to better the human condition.
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    • wa3zrm
      • May 2009
      • 4436

      Daily Kos calls for Westboro Baptist Church to protest at Breitbart funeral

      Although the news of Andrew Breitbart’s death is still fairly fresh, the merry band of faceless marauders at the Daily Kos have decided it is time to use his death as an opportunity to make political hay.
      A post dated March 1 by “dragon82a,” titled “Let’s Help Andrew Breitbart go out In Style..Get Westboro Baptist Church to Protest Him” encourages readers to post on the Westboro Baptist Church’s Facebook page calling for the group to protest Andrew Breitbart’s funeral:

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      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

        Chinese woman, 95, comes back to life by climbing out her coffin six days after she 'died'

        A 95-year-old Chinese woman thought to have passed away stunned her neighbours - after waking up six days after she had been placed in a coffin.
        Li Xiufeng was found motionless and not breathing in bed by a neighbour two weeks after tripping and suffering a head injury at her home in Beiliu, Guangxi Province. When the neighbour who found her could not wake the pensioner up, they feared the worst and thought the elderly woman had passed away.
        She was placed in a coffin which was kept in her house unsealed under Chinese tradition for friends and relatives to pay respects.
        But the day before the funeral, neighbours found an empty coffin, and later discovered the 95-year-old, who had since woken up, in her kitchen cooking.
        Neighbour Chen Qingwang, 60, who originally found Mrs Xiufeng, said: 'She didn't get up, so I came up to wake her up.
        'No matter how hard I pushed her and called her name, she had no reactions.
        'I felt something was wrong, so I tried her breath, and she has gone, but her body is still not cold.'
        As Mrs Xiufeng lived alone, Mr Qingwang and his son made preparations for her funeral, and the 'dead' woman was left in her coffin two days after she was discovered. The day before she was due to be permanently laid to rest, however, Mr Qingwang arrived at his neighbour's property and found her 'corpse' had disappeared.
        Mr Qingwang added: 'We were so terrified, and immediately asked the neighbours to come for help.'
        Neighbours searched her property before finding the pensioner in her kitchen cooking.
        She reportedly told villagers: 'I slept for a long time. After waking up, I felt so hungry, and wanted to cook something to eat.

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        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          AP Exclusive: Obama's transgender ex-nanny outcast

          JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Once, long ago, Evie looked after "Barry" Obama, the kid who would grow up to become the world's most powerful man. Now, his transgender former nanny has given up her tight, flowery dresses, her brocade vest and her bras, and is living in fear on Indonesia's streets.
          Evie, who was born a man but believes she is really a woman, has endured a lifetime of taunts and beatings because of her identity. She describes how soldiers once shaved her long, black hair to the scalp and smashed out glowing cigarettes onto her hands and arms.
          The turning point came when she found a transgender friend's bloated body floating in a backed-up sewage canal two decades ago. She grabbed all her girlie clothes in her arms and stuffed them into two big boxes. Half-used lipstick, powder, eye makeup — she gave them all away.

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          • wa3zrm
            • May 2009
            • 4436

            Give it back!

            An Irish burglar has the heart of a saint - and the church wants it back

            LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - Whoever stole the relic had to cut through two bars, pry the cage loose, and stealthily made off with it over the weekend.

            "I am devastated that one of the treasured artifacts of the cathedral is stolen," the Most Rev. Dermot Dunne, the cathedral's dean says. "It has no economic value but it is a priceless treasure that links our present foundation with its founding father."

            The Garda Siochana, Ireland's national police force say that detectives are studying hours of closed-circuit TV footage to try to identify the approximately 40 people who walked out the cathedral's front doors Saturday morning.

            Investigators say the thief may have hidden overnight in the cathedral and fled with the heart when its doors opened Saturday. Worshippers didn't spot that the relic was missing until later that afternoon. No arrests have been made.

            The Cathedral's Director of Operations Nuala Kavanagh said whoever stole it appeared to have no interest in financial gain, since several nearby objects made of gold and other precious materials were not touched.

            "It's completely bizarre," she said. "They didn't touch anything else. They wanted the heart of St. Laurence O'Toole."

            Church services went through as usual on Sunday. Tourists visiting the Viking-era cathedral weren't told of the theft. Many approached the O'Toole chapel and spent much time looking, confusedly, between their guide books and the pried-open box.

            Ireland's churches have suffered a spate of such robberies of irreplaceable - and difficult to sell, religious artifacts.

            Three relics believed to be fragments of the cross used to crucify Jesus were stolen last year from Holy Cross Abbey in County Tipperary. Police have since recovered those relics in January, without arrests.

            In January, a thief stole the ornate container housing the jawbone of St. Brigid in a north side Dublin church. The container was bolted down to the altar. However and had just been cleaned. The jawbone of St. Brigid, one of Ireland's earliest and most venerated saints, wasn't inside.

            O'Toole was Dublin's archbishop from 1162 to 1180 and gained a reputation as a skillful mediator between rival Gaelic and Norman factions then fighting for power in Ireland. He died aged 58 while traveling in Normandy on another peace mission. On his death bed he was said to have declined to make a will, claiming not to have a penny to his name.

            Pope Honorius III canonized O'Toole in 1225 on the weight of many claims of miracles at his original grave site. O'Toole's heart had been the last surviving part of his remains.

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            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by wa3zrm
              Chinese woman, 95, comes back to life by climbing out her coffin six days after she 'died'

              A 95-year-old Chinese woman thought to have passed away stunned her neighbours - after waking up six days after she had been placed in a coffin.
              Li Xiufeng was found motionless and not breathing in bed by a neighbour two weeks after tripping and suffering a head injury at her home in Beiliu, Guangxi Province. When the neighbour who found her could not wake the pensioner up, they feared the worst and thought the elderly woman had passed away.
              She was placed in a coffin which was kept in her house unsealed under Chinese tradition for friends and relatives to pay respects.
              But the day before the funeral, neighbours found an empty coffin, and later discovered the 95-year-old, who had since woken up, in her kitchen cooking.
              Neighbour Chen Qingwang, 60, who originally found Mrs Xiufeng, said: 'She didn't get up, so I came up to wake her up.
              'No matter how hard I pushed her and called her name, she had no reactions.
              'I felt something was wrong, so I tried her breath, and she has gone, but her body is still not cold.'
              As Mrs Xiufeng lived alone, Mr Qingwang and his son made preparations for her funeral, and the 'dead' woman was left in her coffin two days after she was discovered. The day before she was due to be permanently laid to rest, however, Mr Qingwang arrived at his neighbour's property and found her 'corpse' had disappeared.
              Mr Qingwang added: 'We were so terrified, and immediately asked the neighbours to come for help.'
              Neighbours searched her property before finding the pensioner in her kitchen cooking.
              She reportedly told villagers: 'I slept for a long time. After waking up, I felt so hungry, and wanted to cook something to eat.

              (Excerpt) Read more at ...
              What in the literal ****? Where was the coffin, was there enough oxygen? I'd imaging them being pretty hungry lol. Maybe this guy is jesus or something, back from ye old afterlife to make a tuna melt.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Also, i'm just posting this here because I don't know where else to put it. I figured Chad opened a sushi restaurant or something


                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

                  Osama Widows Brawl in Pakistani Prison
         ^ | Thursday, March 15, 2012

                  Two of Osama's widows were involved in a vicious catfight in a Pakistani prison over the youngest wife's suspicion that the eldest had betrayed the slain al-Qaeda leader, a media report said on Thursday.
                  The brawl took place as Khairiah Saber, Osama Bin Laden's eldest wife branded her younger rival Amal Ahmed al-Sadah, a slut, sparking off a vicious catfight in the prison.
                  The brawling pair, kept in custody since the world's most wanted terrorist was killed last May, had to be pulled apart by shocked guards.
                  Guards were under "strict instructions" never to leave oldest wife Khairiah, 61, alone with youngest Amal, 29, in case one of them kills the other, the Sun reported.
                  A commander from Pakistani spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) told the daily how the amazing bust-up was sparked by Amal's suspicions that Khairiah had betrayed five-times married Bin Laden, by leaking his location in Pakistan to US Special Forces.
                  "Amal described Khairiah as 'the real killer of Bin Laden'. Khairiah accused Amal of sticking to Osama like a prostitute who wanted sex 24 hours a day," the ISI commander who helped interrogate the pair said.
                  The two are being held in Pakistan's capital Islamabad, along with a third wife and eight of Bin Laden's 20 kids. Khairiah was said to be jealous his youngest bride got to sleep with him all the time.
                  Amal, who wed al-Qaeda chief Bin Laden at 18, was hurt attempting to shield him from US Navy Seals in Abbottabad, according to the same source.
                  She claimed when Pakistani intelligence grilled her that he knew Khairiah had turned traitor.
                  Amal says in transcripts of interviews leaked yesterday, "Osama loved me the most. We used to talk about romance, other things apart from al-Qaeda things. In the last days, he felt he was being tracked down by the US forces and their allies.
                  He said his death was to be orchestrated by his wife (Khairiah) or family. He was ready to face it."
                  An earlier US media report had cited a retired Pakistani brigadier Shaukat Qadir, who carried out his own investigations, in stating that there was "poisonous mistrust" between Osama's three wives, with one of them being accused of betraying him to US intelligence.
                  Besides the intense jealousies among his wives, Qadir claimed that bin Laden had been sidelined by his outfit. "al-Qaeda decided to retire him in 2003 as he was mentally senile having picked up some degenerative disease from 2001," he had said.
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                  • wa3zrm
                    • May 2009
                    • 4436

                    Florida atheists ‘unbless’ highway with ‘unholy water’
                    FoxNews ^ |
                    LAKELAND, Fla. – A group of atheists in Florida spent part of their weekend washing away a blessing placed upon a local highway by a religious group.

                    Armed with brooms, mops and "unholy water," the atheists gathered Saturday to symbolically clean up holy oil that Polk Under Prayer put down on Highway 98 near the Pasco-Polk county line last year, Bay News 9 reported.

                    "We come in peace," Humanists of Florida director Mark Palmer announced before he and members of other atheist organizations launched their cleanup.

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                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

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                      • wa3zrm
                        • May 2009
                        • 4436

                        Hearse driver dies while taking body to funeral

                        BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) -- Beverly Hills police say a hearse driver who was found dead with a body in the vehicle died while taking the casket to a funeral.
                        Lt. Lincoln Hoshino says authorities were alerted that a body was slumped over in the driver's seat of a hearse parked near the Beverly Hills Hotel at about 3 p.m. Monday.

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                        • wa3zrm
                          • May 2009
                          • 4436

                          Bearded Woman Says Facial Hair Makes Her Feel Sexy

                          Bearded woman says facial hair makes her feel sexy
                          German-born Mariam says she feels more confident now that she's stopped trying to hide her facial hair. After failed electrolysis attempts and years of tweezing, the 49-year-old mom embraced the growing goatee and joined the circus.
                          A German woman who struggled with facial hair for nearly two decades said she finally feels sexy, now that she’s ditched the clippers and let her beard grow.
                          “I feel more confident and I know myself better now than when I was younger,” the 49-year-old mom, identified only as Mariam, told the British talk show, “This Morning.”
                          Mariam explained to hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield she began growing facial hair 28 years ago, after the birth of her son.
                          Extra hormones produced during pregnancy can trigger hair growth.
                          She tried electrolysis three times, but the hair always grew back.
                          After years of using tweezers to disguise the growing goatee, Mariam gave up in August 2008.
                          “It was more curiosity, like what will happen with me if I let it grow,” she said. “Like how it will make me feel.”
                          Now Mariam only trims her beard for maintenance. She’s the “Bearded Lady” in a traveling circus and writes about her experiences on a blog.
                          Despite some nasty comments and criticism — even Mariam’s own mother questioned her decision to keep the beard— she discovered a newfound confidence.
                          After being single for a decade, she’s also looking for love.
                          “I think I’m more ready to have a relationship,” Mariam said.

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                          Scientist Claims to Invent 'Time Machine' To See Into The Future With 98% Accuracy
                          The Mirror (U.K.) ^

                          Scientist claims to invent 'time machine' to see into the future with 98 per cent accuracy
                          • He says his device can detail any individual’s life between five and eight years in advance after taking readings from the user's touch
                          An Iranian scientist claims he has invented a time machine that allows you to predict the future with 98 per cent accuracy.
                          Ali Razeghi says his device can produce a print-out detailing any individual’s life between five and eight years in advance after taking readings from the user's touch.
                          He claims the Iranian government, whose nuclear programme has caused concern around the world, can use his invention to predict military conflicts and forecast the fluctuations in the value of foreign currencies and oil.
                          He says the device is the size of a laptop and uses a complex set of algorithms which took him ten years to develop, but has not revealed any concrete details about his invention.
                          Unlike the time-travelling DeLorean in hit film Back To The Future, Mr Razeghi said his device ‘will not take you into the future, it will bring the future to you.’
                          He said: “My invention easily fits into the size of a personal computer case and can predict details of the next five to eight years of the life of its users.
                          “Naturally a government that can see five years into the future would be able to prepare itself for challenges that might destabilise it.
                          “As such, we expect to market this invention among states as well as individuals once we reach a mass production stage.”
                          Iran has been ridiculed in recent months after attempting to showcase its technological advances only to face accusations they were faked.
                          In February, it proudly unveiled a stealth fighter jet at a ceremony attended by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but experts quickly expressed serious doubts about whether it could even fly.
                          A picture of the domestically produced Qaher-313 apparently soaring over Iranian mountains did little to curb scepticism amid claims the plane never actually left the ground, but was simply doctored using Photoshop.
                          Critics also believe Iran’s claims that it launched a monkey into space could have been faked.
                          Scientists in Tehran hailed the mission to send a simian 75 miles above Earth and back in a Kavoshgar rocket as a success.
                          But question marks were raised after the monkey presented to the nation as the heroic astronaut looked remarkably different than the one which made lift off.
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                          • wa3zrm
                            • May 2009
                            • 4436

                            US Brewer Offers $1 Million Bigfoot Reward (Beer Co. Bounty for Capture/Proof of Live Sasquatch)
                            The Drinks Business ^ |

                            US brewer offers $1m Bigfoot reward
                            US brewer Olympia Beer is offering US $1 million for “the safe return of “Bigfoot”. The year-long contest has started in “an effort to highlight the proud histories of both Bigfoot and Olympia Beer in the [US] Northwest”.
                            The grand prize of $1m, will be paid to any person who finds “irrefutable evidence” of Bigfoot’s existence in compliance with the contest’s official rules.
                            The brewer has joined forces with Bigfoot experts at The Falcon Project for the contest, which promises to be one of the most comprehensive searches for the mysterious beast.
                            Evan and Daren Metropoulos, owners of Pabst Brewing Company and Olympia Beer, said: “We have been operating in the Northwest since 1896, so we know firsthand how important Bigfoot is to the people here.
                            “In addition to our desire to spur scientific discovery in partnership with The Falcon Project, we’re also simply encouraging people to get outside and have some fun.”
                            On its website the brewer emphasises that the contest is focused on the safe capture of Bigfoot, it states: “When we say safe capture that means Bigfoot has to be alive and breathing folks, with no wounds. That’s right you can’t use any act of violence, no guns/knives/boxing gloves/nets/etc, only sugar or sweets to lure him in.”
                            The contest rules state that Bigfoot “refers to a previously undiscovered species of upright, bipedal hominid, native to North America existing contemporaneously with the Contest Period or the twenty-five (25) year period immediately prior to the Contest Period.”
                            In terms of evidence the judging panel said: “Evidence may include, but is not limited to DNA Evidence. DNA Evidence may include hair, blood, tissue or saliva that proves the DNA sequence of the donor shows that said donor resides in the primate evolutionary family tree, among other apes or hominids, but does not have the same genetic markers and DNA sequence as any known species.
                            “Evidence may also include ‘Visual Proof’ of a live physical body. Any photo or video taken with photographic or video equipment is not sufficient to qualify as evidence in and of itself for consideration in the contest, but may be considered as supporting evidence.”
                            The contest is running for one year, finishing at the end of March 2014 and the website states that the $1m reward will be payable at $25,000 per year for 40 years.
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                            • wa3zrm
                              • May 2009
                              • 4436

                              Oregon man in Possession of 13 Million Gallons of Illicit Rainwater Sentenced to Jail

                              OREGON — An Oregon resident with 3 massive man-made ponds on his property is sentenced to 30 days in jail after being found guilty (again) of collecting rainwater without a permit.

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                              • Zimobog
                                • Jan 2013
                                • 585

                                Don't know if I can post here, but I feel I must say to that last post.... WTF.


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