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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Satanic group says Oklahoma must give the devil his due

    Oklahoma officials have no intention of allowing this statue of Satan to be placed on the Statehouse lawn the Satanic Temple

    The Prince of Darkness won't see the light of day in Oklahoma, if lawmakers have their way.
    A satanic group commissioned a statue of the devil, raising money to pay a sculptor who it won't identify, as a way of protesting the Sooner State's placement of a Ten Commandments monument on the Statehouse lawn in Oklahoma City. The statue, being sculpted in a New York studio, is nearly complete, according to Lucien Greaves, spokesman for the Satanic Temple.
    “We’re really coming along fast,” said Greaves, whose group claims to have raised more than $20,000 for the project through an online crowd-funding site.
    "There will never be a satanic monument on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol and the suggestion that there might be is absurd."- Alex Weintz, spokesman for Gov. Mary Fallin
    The statue of the Baphomet, or Sabbatic Goat, a figure that has been used to represent Satan for centuries, is to be made of bronze, poured over a clay mold. Images provided to show the hideous figure on a throne, with smiling children at each knee. Greaves' organization seeks to force Oklahoma to allow placement of their statue or demonstrate what it considers an unconstitutional double standard.
    Oklahoma officials say there is no way in hell that a statue of Satan will ever assume a position at the Capitol.
    "There will never be a satanic monument on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol and the suggestion that there might be is absurd," Alex Weintz, spokesman for Gov. Mary Fallin, said in a statement to
    Pictures of the partially-completed monument were first posted on Vice.
    The Satanic Temple hatched the plan last December after the Ten Commandments monument, presented as a gift from state Rep. Mike Ritze, was placed on the lawn. Because it was a donation, state officials declared that it was permissible to place it on state property. But that prompted Greaves and the Satanic Temple to say they could do the same with a monument of their own.
    “When we reach out to them and told them of our intentions, the response we got was asking for the design sketches but we never heard back from them," Greaves said. "As soon as we are ready, we will reach back out to them.”
    The Oklahoma chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union sued Oklahoma over the Ten Commandments monument, and the state has placed a moratorium on issuing permits for any other monuments.
    “We don’t think the state should place religious artifacts on state property unless the people of the entire state agree with its message,” Brady Henderson, legal director of the Oklahoma ACLU, told “One of the concerns is that even if you allow all faiths to place something in a public area, it quickly becomes a farce.”
    Henderson cited an incident at the Florida State House, in which the local government decided to allow all faiths to place holiday decorations in the Statehouse rotunda next to a manger scene.
    “What happened is that you had someone placing a festivus pole made out of beer cans and one group placing a pile of spaghetti on top of a chair,” he said. “So these types of things do nothing to uplift people’s faiths and beliefs. There’s nothing served by belittling them.”
    Last edited by wa3zrm; 03-05-14, 01:48 AM.
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    • wa3zrm
      • May 2009
      • 4436

      Woman sues Milwaukee police, alleges body cavity search in public

      A Milwaukee woman filed a federal civil rights lawsuit Friday, contending that Milwaukee police officers illegally subjected her to a public vaginal and rectal search.
      Verleshia Ellis, 31, joins about three dozen other plaintiffs who say officers were acting according to an unwritten policy of the department in conducting illegal body cavity searches. Some officers have been convicted of crimes and fired.
      The latest lawsuit also contends that the practice deliberately targeted minorities for the illegal searches, and "has never been applied, upon information and belief, to any white female resident of the City of Milwaukee with respect to any asserted vehicle parking violation."
      Milwaukee police Lt. Mark Stanmeyer said the department never comments on pending litigation.
      According to the suit, filed in U.S. District Court:
      Ellis was in a car parked in the 3100 block of N. 11th St. on Sept. 21, 2011, when several officers converged and ordered her out of the car because it was parked more than 12 inches from the curb. She was patted down, and then detained while a warrant check was run. No contraband or warrants were found.
      She was then handcuffed and made to sit on the curb while officers questioned her about drugs. She denied having any. Sgt. Michael Karwoski then radioed for a "female search."
      Ellis sat for more than an hour before a female officer arrived to conduct a strip-search.
      "No warrant was ever requested by any defendant and no legal basis existed for plaintiff's continued detention and de facto arrest in handcuffs on a public curb," the complaint states.

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      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

        1st openly gay Episcopal bishop to divorce husband

        The first openly gay Episcopal bishop, who became a symbol for gay rights far beyond the church while deeply dividing the world's Anglicans, plans to divorce his husband.
        Bishop Gene Robinson announced the end of his marriage to Mark Andrew in an email sent to the Diocese of New Hampshire, where he served for nine years before retiring in 2012.
        Robinson would not disclose details about the end of their 25-year relationship but wrote Sunday in The Daily Beast he owed a debt to Andrew "for standing by me through the challenges of the last decade."

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        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          Hawaii law lets police have sex with prostitutes

          Honolulu police officers have urged lawmakers to keep an exemption in state law that allows undercover officers to have sex with prostitutes during investigations, touching off a heated debate.
          Authorities say they need the legal protection to catch lawbreakers in the act. Critics, including human trafficking experts and other police, say it’s unnecessary and could further victimize sex workers, many of whom have been forced into the trade. …

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          • wa3zrm
            • May 2009
            • 4436

            Mom Jailed for Breastfeeding While Drinking, Waitress Fired Over It

            A mother, who was thrown in jail and charged with endangering the welfare of a child after breastfeeding her baby while drinking, said she didn’t know she was possibly breaking the law.
            “I did drink. I did breastfeed,” Tasha Adams told ABC News’ “20/20” in her first on-camera interview. “I didn’t know it was illegal. If I knew it was illegal, I wouldn’t have done it.”
            Last week, Chuck Clawson, the deputy city attorney for Conway, Ark., dropped Adams’ child endangerment charge because there wasn’t enough evidence to prove she had one too many drinks to care for her child.
            Tune in for the full story on ABC News' "20/20" on Friday, March 28 at 10 p.m. ET
            The 28-year-old is a stay-at-home mother to her three children: 6-year-old Cal, 2-year-old Hyd, and 8-month-old Ana. Adams and her family live in Toad Suck, Ark., a small town where alcohol is banned. But unlike Toad Suck, Conway, Ark., is not a dry town.
            After the funeral of a family friend, Adams and her parents stopped for dinner at Gusano’s Restaurant in Conway. Adams also brought her baby, Ana, because the 6-month-old was still nursing at the time.
            “We had a pizza, and then we had a big old thing of spinach dip,” Adams said. “Then, I had a beer with that, and then I had another one later on after.”

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            • wa3zrm
              • May 2009
              • 4436

              'I Wanted to Show It Wasn't Scary':Outrage as US Woman Posts Video of Her Abortion on YouTube

              There is a video but don't feel there's any need for anyone to watch it.
              Original title:'I Wanted to Show It Wasn't Scary':Outrage as US woman Posts Video of Her Abortion as it happened on YouTube
              Because she was only in the first trimester of pregnancy, Miss Letts says that she could have swallowed an abortion pill instead of going in for surgery.
              However, she 'wanted to do the one that women were most afraid of.'
              'I wanted to show it wasn’t scary - and that there is such a thing as a appositive abortion story. It’s my story,' she continues.

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              • wa3zrm
                • May 2009
                • 4436

                Why I Filmed My Abortion [abortion counselor has unprotected sex, then films her own abortion]

                When Emily Letts got pregnant, she knew she would get an abortion. Then she decided to film it. Letts, 25, is an abortion counselor at Cherry Hill Women’s Center in New Jersey, which is where she had her abortion. The non-graphic video focuses on her face...
                ... the idea of helping women through an abortion and supporting them and reassuring them that they are still wonderful and beautiful resonated deeply with me.
                I found out I was pregnant in November. I had been working at the clinic for about a year. It was my first pregnancy, and, full disclosure, I hadn't been using any kind of birth control, which is crazy, I know. I’m a sex educator, and I love talking about birth control.
                ...I didn’t have any long-term partners.

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                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

                  Iowa Distillery Raises Pigs to Taste Like Whiskey
                  WQAD ^ |

                  We use alcohol in meat marinades all the time, but what if your food already had the taste without the wait?
                  The founders of Templeton Rye Distillery in Templeton, Iowa are trying to do just that by creating pork that tastes like their famous whiskey. “We have a little motto here. My dad always told me, ‘Nothing good happens after 12 p.m.’ So, it seems like that’s when this idea was probably thought of – after we had a few drinks,” laughs the distillery’s co-founder, Keith Kerkhoff.
                  He hopes the Templeton Rye Pork Project will be the exception to his dad’s motto.
                  They’re raising 25 pigs, born in early January 2014, on a farm in Woodward, Iowa, about an hour east of Templeton. Nick Berry, who has a Ph.D. in Animal Science focused on meat and eating quality, looks after the pigs. Berry works in the commercial pig industry for an animal health company, and he’s a friend of the Templeton team.
                  The pigs are purebred Duroc, which Berry says are known for their meat quality and are a natural fit for the project.
                  Despite what you may think, the pigs are not drinking any whiskey. Instead, they’re eating a distinct diet that incorporates the dry distillery grain, from the whiskey-making process, into the feed.
                  Kerkhoff says they’re already getting a variety of inquiries about the pigs, from backyard pit masters to famous restaurant owners like Chicago’s Stephanie Izard, winner of ‘Top Chef.’
                  “I don’t think we’re going to have any problem getting rid of the 25 pigs,” he says. They’ll decide in June where the pigs will go.
                  Kerkhoff says their pork experiment has never been done before, and that’s exactly why they’re doing it.
                  “This is something somebody is going to do, and we want to be at the cutting edge of it, and I think we are,” Kerkhoff said.
                  Berry says the project is a natural combination for Templeton Rye and their home-state’s animal agriculture industry.
                  “I think it really falls in line with what their roots surround — whiskey making and rural Iowa and the Midwest,” adds Berry. “This project really fits right in line with a lot of their history and heritage.”
                  The project also sends a message that’s important to Templeton.
                  “The whole aspect of giving back to your community, giving back to your state and producing something that creates jobs,” said Kerkhoff. “It’s all about economic development.”
                  “I would say my grandfather was probably outside the law a little bit,” says Kerkhoff. “My grandfather was one of what we call the ‘entrepreneurs’ during Prohibition, that made Templeton Rye,” Kerkhoff said.
                  “It got into the coffers of Al Calpone and that’s where it got the name ‘The Good Stuff,’” he said.
                  The 2014 team has a rebellious spirit to take some risks with their spirits, like the pork project.
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                  • wa3zrm
                    • May 2009
                    • 4436

                    A Modern Pope Gets Old School On The Devil

                    A Modern Pope Gets Old School On The Devil
                    A renewed interest in exorcism: Nearly 200 delegates — most of them priests and nuns — from more than two dozen countries attend a Vatican-sponsored exorcism conference in Rome. Although it is difficult to measure, Vatican officials talk about a resurgence of mystical rites in the Catholic church, including exorcisms.
                    By Anthony Faiola
                    VATICAN CITY — A darling of liberal Catholics and an advocate of inclusion and forgiveness, Pope Francis is hardly known for fire and brimstone.
                    Yet, in his words and deeds, the new pope is locked in an epic battle with the oldest enemy of God and creation:
                    The Devil.
                    After his little more than a year atop the Throne of St. Peter, Francis’s teachings on Satan are already regarded as the most old school of any pope since at least Paul VI, whose papacy in the 1960s and 1970s fully embraced the notion of hellish forces plotting to deliver mankind unto damnation.
                    Largely under the radar, theologians and Vatican insiders say, Francis has not only dwelled far more on Satan in sermons and speeches than his recent predecessors have, but also sought to rekindle the Devil’s image as a supernatural entity with the forces* of evil at his beck and call.
                    Last year, for instance, Francis laid hands on a man in a wheelchair who claimed to be possessed by demons, in what many saw as an impromptu act of cleansing. A few months later, he praised a group long viewed by some as the crazy uncles of the Roman Catholic Church — the International Association of Exorcists — for “helping people who suffer and are in need of liberation.”

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                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      Crocodiles can climb trees, study finds

                      Despite the fact they lack the physical adaptations of a climber, crocodiles can climb trees and do it regularly, a new study in Herpetology Notes finds.
                      After studying five crocodilian species on Africa, Australia and North America, the team found that the reptiles can climb as high as six feet off the ground. Juveniles have been spotted as high as 30 feet. Combined with anecdotal evidence in these areas, the researchers found that the smaller crocodiles were able to vertically scale trees, while their larger counterparts relied on angled branches.

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                      • wa3zrm
                        • May 2009
                        • 4436

                        China considers building a rail link to America: 8,000-mile journey would take less than 2 days

                        China is considering building an 8,000-mile high-speed rail link to America that would take less than two days to travel.
                        Travelling at around 217mph, the train would leave the north east of the country, run through Siberia and enter a 125-mile tunnel under the Bering Strait, the shortest crossing between Russia and Alaska.
                        It would then resurface and head south through Canada, before reaching its destination in the US.
                        It is unclear whether the American, Canadian or Russian governments have agreed to the proposals.
                        But engineers claim it would provide a viable alternative to air travel, according to China Daily.
                        If completed, it would be 2,300 miles longer than the Trans-Siberian Railway, making it the longest train route in the world.
                        The underwater passage would also be four times the length of the Channel Tunnel, which connects France and the United Kingdom.
                        Even though the plans haven not been finalised, it is believed the project would be developed and financed by the Chinese, who have become global leaders in high-speed rail travel.

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                        • wa3zrm
                          • May 2009
                          • 4436

                          26 women in affairs with priests plead to Pope Francis to end Catholic Church's celibacy vow
                          NY Daily News ^

                          A group of 26 Italian women - all claiming to be in affairs with priests - have written to Pope Francis pleading with him to end the Catholic Church's celibacy vow.
                          The women said that there were many more like them who were "living in silence."
                          "We love these men, they love us, and in most cases, despite all efforts to renounce it, one cannot manage to give up such a solid and beautiful bond," they wrote in a joint letter.
                          They added that "very little is known about the devastating suffering of a woman who is deeply in love with a priest".
                          The women met through Facebook, reports the Telegraph.
                          Some 6,000 former priests in Italy have left the church so they can marry.
                          Pope Francis, who had a girlfriend as a young man in Argentina, has previously said he favored maintaining celibacy, but claimed it was more church tradition than dogma.
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                          • wa3zrm
                            • May 2009
                            • 4436

                            The House Paint That Can Prevent Diseases

                            Chemist Pilar Mateo has come up with a paint that slowly releases insecticides, making homes inhospitable to parasite-spreading bugs.
                            Across Latin American, large beetles known as vinchucas spread Chagas disease. The disease can lie dormant for years, but when it emerges, it can damage the digestive system and heart, sometimes fatally.
                            The vinchucas, technically Triatoma infestans, are also known as kissing bugs, because of their tendency to bite on the face. They inhabit the crevices of mud or adobe houses, coming out at night. Latin America is the epicenter of this beetle’s territory, with about 7 to 8 million people are infected with Chagas disease. Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas, the disease’s namesake, identified its source in 1909.
                            A local hospital facing a cockroach infestation inspired Mateo to come up with an idea for infusing paint with insecticide. It would be slow-releasing; toxic to the insects, but not to humans.
                            It worked. She describes the process as vaccinating the house rather than its inhabitants. Deploying Inesfly, as the paint is known, reduced infestation rates from as high as 90 percent to nearly zero.

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                            • wa3zrm
                              • May 2009
                              • 4436

                              How I Predict Divorce Based on the Wedding Cake

                              As a pastor who regularly performs weddings, I can tell that some couples are more likely to divorce than others. It’s not most evident in pre-marital counseling or private comments made before the service. I can’t see it as the vows are said or rings exchanged. It’s not even in the kiss. As a pastor, I can predict the likelihood of divorce based on how the wedding cake is exchanged. I’ve been performing wedding ceremonies since I was 18. One of the first ceremonies I performed was pretty routine. Everything went without a hitch until it came time for the cake exchange. What began as a playful moment turned ugly. He pushed it into her face; she pushed it harder into his; and he forced her to the ground. The crowd laughed; I was shocked; and a few weeks later they were divorced. So began my interest in watching how the traditional exchange of wedding cake is played out. (See: The Number One Cause of Divorce) The wedding cake moment gives a glimpse into the relationship in a way that few other events can. The couple is nervous because of the occasion and crowd—nerves often exploit the worst of us. The cake comes at the end of a long experience so any pretending which has been taking place is less likely to occur as time goes on. The moment requires the couple to do something which is not a normal activity. All of these circumstances create a unique moment to answer one question: which is more important, the relationship or one spouse’s reputation? While most cake exchanges are cute, playful, gentle, and respectful, some of them get ugly. Here are the signs of a marriage in trouble based on the cake exchange:
                              Force. Gentleness is a trait of a healthy marriage. Specifically, men need to be gentle with their wives. Our strength is to be used for the wellbeing of our spouses, not to their determinate. When someone uses an extreme amount of force when they are happy and in public, it makes me wonder what they are willing to do when they are angry and in private.
                              Revenge. The cake exchange is supposed to have a bit of “gotcha” in it. You get me; I get you. However, some individuals ratchet up the revenge. They don’t just get even, they make sure their “get back” is better. This might be meaningless with cake, but it is fatal in fights. This trait will cause every disagreement to turn into a nightmare of a battle. A spouse who does this can never have a small fight. Every word spoken to them will be returned with a harsher word. Every assumed slight will lead to a greater slight directed back toward the spouse.
                              Pride. If you can’t lose, you might as well not get married. Every married person is going to have to lose on occasion. Sometimes you will lose because you are wrong and sometimes you will lose because you care more about the relationship than the argument. Some people can’t lose—even when it comes to the cake exchange. If they have to be the victor at the expense of their spouse, they might win the cake but they will lose the marriage. If a person isn’t humble enough to have a little cake on their nose in a happy moment, they will never have the humility to submit to their spouse during a tough time. (See: Pride–The Only Enemy of Marriage)
                              Contempt. It is shocking to me how often an apparent disdain for a spouse is revealed moments after committing their lives solely to one another. It is one thing to get a playful laugh, but it is something far different to completely disrespect your spouse’s personhood in order to look victorious at feeding each other cake.
                              These are the negative aspects of cake exchanges gone bad. Here is what a cake exchange should reveal:
                              Playfulness. If a couple can’t have fun WITH each other (not at the expense of each other) what’s the point of getting married. Feeding each other cake is an odd tradition, but one that should be defined by lighthearted fun. (See: One Sign of a Healthy Marriage)
                              Respect. Healthy marriages are built on mutual respect. No matter the setting or circumstance, spouses should always respect the dignity and well-being of their spouse. Even if an action will get a good laugh, a wise person will never exploit their spouse in order to get the laugh. (See: Respect–A Necessary Ingredient For a Successful Marriage)
                              Love. It seems obvious, but the next time you attend a wedding and watch the cake exchange, ask a simple question: “was that done in a loving way?” You will be shocked at how often it is not loving. If the cake exchange isn’t executed with love, the couple will have little chance of navigating the difficult issues of marriage with love.
                              It’s a funny habit—to watch newlyweds exchange cake wondering what I can decipher about their relationship—but one that has been sadly accurate over the years. Next time you are at a wedding watch and see. Of course if the bride hits the floor as the groom laughs, take back your wedding gift, because the couple will likely be divorced within the year. What other common situations reveal the true character of a relationship? For more, see: The Warning Sign of a Bad Marriage You Might Miss
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                              • Burnsey
                                • Jan 2013
                                • 2572

                                "If a couple can’t have fun WITH each other (not at the expense of each other) what’s the point of getting married."

                                I often ask myself this very question.......


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