I definately hit level 4 but never achieved 5. Back in high school you could not get DMT. Even with high doses of shrooms I never hit levels anywhere compared to LSD. They must be talking "Peyote" for level 5. LSD however was the coolest visual experience I have ever had but the dead feeling (no heartbeat) and major rot gut are the reasons I never did it again. That part of the experience was just too much for me.
Level 4
This level is characterized by strong hallucinations, such as objects morphing into other objects. There are many subtypes of these hallucinations: Mandelbrot patterns, spirals, wave interference patterns, and so on. Another characteristic is the destruction or division of the ego. (Things may start talking to you, or you find that you are feeling contradictory things simultaneously.) Some loss of reality is prevalent. Time becomes meaningless. Out-of-body experiences and extra-sensory-perception-type phenomena are common, as is a blending of the senses. Visuals containing imagery from Hindu, Aztec, Mayan, Native American, Indian, and African cultures are also quite common. Can be achieved with high doses of LSD and very high doses of psilocybin.[2][citation needed]
Level 5
Among the classical psychedelics, only the tryptamines such as DMT and extremely high doses of psilocybin can induce level 5 experiences, however some atypical psychedelics like salvinorin A (found in Salvia divinorum) and ketamine (see "K-hole") can also induce level 5 experiences at high doses. Experiences include total loss of visual connection with reality, the sense of not being human or having a body, and the feeling of being in many places at the same time. The loss of reality is so extreme that it becomes ineffable. People have been reported seeing themselves in entirely different settings than their original setting, and many people experience the feeling of being in a simulated reality; often computer simulated. Religious phenomenon is reported at this level; often mentioned is a connection to an "all-knowing presence" or a "universal knowledge", which many equate with extra-terrestrials, artificial intelligence, God, love, or "enlightenment". Users commonly report:
Being clearly thrust into outer-space at extreme speed.
Being thrust into an expansive void-like alternate dimension consisting of bright colorful fast moving kaleidoscopic environments, dynamic pulsating colored beams, as well as complex three dimensional geometric, mathematical, and linguistic patterns made of light.
Continually traveling at great speeds, while watching patterns fly by morph, open, and reveal more complex patterns within.
Encountering different types of living beings and superintelligent body-less entities at the same time as 1, 2, and 3. These reports include contact with free-floating entities made of light resembling giant spheres, humanoids, multiple types of unrecognizable insects, human-sized praying mantises, elves, cephalopods, complex robotic machines, and plants.
Intelligent beings attempting to communicate with users via visual linguistics, mathematics, morphing colored diamonds of different textures (flesh, gold, liquid metal, colored light). People report beings/entities manipulating what they can see and view, propelling them in different directions at disorienting speeds, and forcing them to view both macro and microscopic scale objects. Objects include: planetary systems, galaxies, quasars, natural environments, space habitats, technological utopias, neurons, DNA, mitochondria, trilobites, cephalopods, bryozoa and artificial self-replicating machines.[3]
Most users report similar auditory patterns, of a combined high frequency whine, and a slow deep throbbing tone similar to a heart beat. Most DMT users report feeling psychologically uninhibited, clear headed while experiencing peak effects, and able to maintain the ability to think and reason in the above circumstances.
It's called alcohol dementia, rarely alcohol induces psychosis.
Yet alcohol can induce psychosis. Getting a psychosis by alcohol I'm sure is as common as with LSD, considering how many people who have taken a trip (just think about the 60-70's).
Originally posted by precious007
I'm pretty sure not many take it daily, but the addiction doesn't build up that fast (at least that's what I've read) ..
might be wrong though.
It's impossible to sustain a daily addiction too LSD or psilocybin. Your tolerance builds up very fast, and after maybe 2-3 times daily in a row, it doesn't give any effect.
In case anyone didn't know this, it's actually legal to buy the spores for magic mushrooms in the U.S. in all but about three or four states. There are sites you can buy the growing kits from and do it yourself. Of course, that part is not legal, actually growing and using the schrooms, but who's going to know? Barring the possibility you haven't given the police some other reason to raid your house.
Yah, and I hear they grow great in your closet in a small plastic food bin about 6 inches deep and require no light. That's just what I heard though...
I'm pretty sure not many take it daily, but the addiction doesn't build up that fast (at least that's what I've read) ..
might be wrong though.
LSD, Psylocibin Mushrooms, DMT, Salvia etc have 0 addiction potential. Even psychological addiction is extremely rare and usually indicative of other underlying issue with the person. You're right though that it can cause drug induced psychosis.
If you took LSD every day than by the 6th or so day you would be practically immune to it, you would have to take exponentially more and more hits each time to achieve the same effect. Lab tests on animals have shows them to develope extreme immunity to it's effects after only 2 o 3 days.
LSD, Psylocibin Mushrooms, DMT, Salvia etc have 0 addiction potential. Even psychological addiction is extremely rare and usually indicative of other underlying issue with the person. You're right though that it can cause drug induced psychosis.
If you took LSD every day than by the 6th or so day you would be practically immune to it, you would have to take exponentially more and more hits each time to achieve the same effect. Lab tests on animals have shows them to develope extreme immunity to it's effects after only 2 o 3 days.
that sounds great
though I've been reading stories about LSD and the leader of Pink Floyd using it daily along with cannabis
you might have a point, though..... this guy went psychotic since his 20's
I'm not much myself into drugs and I wouldn't try LSD more than once... but I've heard that if you have anxiety it's not a good experience.... with LSD...
though I've been reading stories about LSD and the leader of Pink Floyd using it daily along with cannabis
you might have a point, though..... this guy went psychotic since his 20's
I'm not much myself into drugs and I wouldn't try LSD more than once... but I've heard that if you have anxiety it's not a good experience.... with LSD...
I love charlie though it's kinda' expensive lewl
Yah he was definately in the 1%. I imagine he wasn't getting much out of it if he really did do it daily (he may just be exagurating a little bit). The effects would be minimal and to sustain anything for a year he would have been taking MASSIVE amounts of it by the end. Not impossible I guess but ****ing crazy either way.
People with anxiety should in general refrain from all drugs (except alcohol imo). I have anxiety and halcuino's are great and all but I can't handle them anymore. When i was younger and had no anxiety it wasn't a problem but nowadays I got too much shit on my mind and i'd freak out. Even smoking herb makes me anxious as hell so I can't do that anymore either. Beermakes me feel great though, it gets that gabba flowing just like a xanax so I mainly stick with drinking a few beers here or there since it's the only thing that doesn't make me anxious.
Truthwolf, if you havn't read the book I highly, HIGHLY recmmend it. There is another one from the author that is famous for writing about the Auaska plant (I have to look in my bookmarks to find it), where he talks a lot about the machine elves too lol.
But really, go on any DMT forum, you will see that most people seem to encounter them during their trips. If you can't afford to buy DMT:The Spirit Molecule, than I will download and send you the audiobook so you can listen in your car or at work, it's worth it man. He looks at it pretty objectively and doesn't make any crazy conclusions, but the stories of his test subjects are pretty damn awesome. Makes you rethink the alien abduction thing too since what they see is so eerily similar to what alleged abductees describe. There is likely something going on in the pineal glan that causes these DMT trips to occur naturally. Your body has DMT in it, as do most plants etc, but the pineal gland secretes the right amount fo seratonin to counteract it. Sometimes the balance goes wrong and you end up having a spontaneous DMT trip, usually during near eath experiences like drowning or when under extreme stress etc.
DMT:The Spirit Molecule. Just did a quick scan and it looks really interesting. Thanks, I will definately check it out.
My first deep thoughts are if there is talk about a massive release of DMT at birth and death.. that very well could explain a transition into the next world. Your consciousness/inner energy/soul or whatever you want to call it will only get to the next place with that final massive release of DMT. It would be so overwhelming that you would never be able to go back to the old dimension/vibration but be born into the new.
I am going to stick to this vibration of a reality and ride it out. If I enter that world in the final moments then at least I have had the heads up! on what to expect.
I am going to stick to this vibration of a reality and ride it out. If I enter that world in the final moments then at least I have had the heads up! on what to expect.
There's a doc? I'll have to check that out. The book was great but never seen the doc.
If you're really interested in DMT, check out the movie called Enter the Void. The way it's filmed and everything is really interesting, it's about a drug dealer who get's shot by police in Japan and the movie takes you on a trip of what he experiences after death. Pretty interesting way to look at it, although it's probably not anything like what happens. It also has a short scene where he tries DMT and it's pretty cool, but not as eventful as I heard it is from a couple friends who have tried it - they described it as life changing.
Edit: I should add that the movie is REALLY long, and there are a lot of unnecessary scenes. You should be able to find a torrent for it pretty easily, here's a 720p version: http://www.demonoid.me/files/download/2483574/21029332 - watching it in HD is a good idea if you can, it's beautifully filmed.
Psilocybin, which is found in magic mushrooms, was administered to depression patients in a pill Credit: TELEGRAPH
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