Simon Chapman, the anti-tobacco activist

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  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    Simon Chapman, the anti-tobacco activist

    He derides any idea of plain packaging for alcohol, because it would antagonise people unnecessarily
    WTF, isn't he antagonising tobacco users unneccessarily?!

    taken from:
  • spinyeel
    • Aug 2009
    • 175

    It's Australia's national day tomorrow.
    I feel ashamed to share the same nationality of this cretin.
    He has had his 15 minutes of fame.Now I hope he gets cancer.


    • Fazer
      • May 2011
      • 663

      Originally posted by spinyeel
      He has had his 15 minutes of fame.Now I hope he gets cancer.

      It says plain packs “could turn off the tap for the recruitment of many smokers in this country”. What a load of bloody rubbish!! People have always smoked, and will always smoke! Also, you’ve got to wonder about the tobacco advertising argument. Do you really think it makes one jot of difference, I don’t. When I was a kid, tobacco advertising was all over the place, did I start smoking because of advertising? No, I started smoking because I figured it looked cool, and my friends did it.


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        Plain packaging will not kill tobacco.

        What it will do is make consumers dumber so they will be less able to distinguish between products so while they may smoke less Marlboros they'll be smoking many more cigarettes made by companies with substandard tobaccos and even cancer causing ingredients. It will make the counterfeiters jobs so much easier because the average consumer won't be able to tell the difference.

        It's like the war on drugs, people won't stop using drugs but what they will do is resort to using drugs that were made in someone's basement in unsanitary conditions.


        • Fazer
          • May 2011
          • 663

          Originally posted by justintempler
          Plain packaging will not kill tobacco.

          What it will do is make consumers dumber so they will be less able to distinguish between products so while they may smoke less Marlboros they'll be smoking many more cigarettes made by companies with substandard tobaccos and even cancer causing ingredients. It will make the counterfeiters jobs so much easier because the average consumer won't be able to tell the difference.

          It's like the war on drugs, people won't stop using drugs but what they will do is resort to using drugs that were made in someone's basement in unsanitary conditions.
          + 1

          You hit the nail on the head with the post, bang on target!


          • EricHill78
            • Jun 2010
            • 4253

            If I still smoked I wouldnt care if the packaging was changed if it was the same product. If it really bothered me I would just get a neat antique cigarette holder and transfer them.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              That guy's a dickhead. In more interesting news, eat your fishies. They taste good, and provide needed vitamin D which is in shorter supply in the winter, and England :^D



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