Wisconsin Loud Booms

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    Wisconsin Loud Booms

    Clintonville, Wis. mysterious loud booms caused by fracking?

    By Elizabeth Flock

    Many residents of Clintonville, Wis. are at their wits end after four days of unexplained loud booms, some in the middle of the night. The booms sound like thunder, fireworks or a door slam, but can’t be attributed to any of these, the Associated Press reports. So what’s causing it?

    Speculations by experts and Clintonville residents are all over the map. A short laundry list of guesses includes nearby military exercises; earthquake fault lines; problems in the water, sewer or gas lines; mining explosives; a coming sinkhole; the spontaneous explosion of gas at a landfill; or water seeping out of granite below the ground. So far, those conjectures haven’t turned up anything.
    But the most recurring guess from readers isn’t on that list.
    “FRACKING?” a commenter wrote earlier this morning. “Funny that it's happened since fracking started,” wrote another later on. Dozens of readers on other sites wrote that they, too, thought fracking could be to blame.
    Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a means of natural gas extraction employed in deep natural gas well drilling. And yes, sometimes it causes loud noises. But the idea that fracking is causing the booms is unlikely, if not impossible.
    Here’s why: Fracking is a process that gets energy from shale, a fine-grained sedimentary rock. Wisconsin is one of the few states in the U.S. that doesn’t have a shale basin. An Energy Information Administration map of shale gas basins in North America clearly shows this. Neighboring Illinois and Iowa have a shale basin, but Clintonville is located in central Wisconsin, nowhere near fracking sites in bordering states.

  • voodooman
    • Mar 2011
    • 255

    i live nearby, and was curious so i looked into it a bit. seems it was a small earthquake. you can argue over the cause. likely an abnormally low water table. the granite bedrock of this area can fracture and settle causing vibrations and low audible "booms" or "rumbling". things are compounded by the fact that people are starting to sleep with open windows due to the early warm weather.

    nothing to see here...

    ...move along now.


      • May 2010
      • 139

      I think it has to do with the Dolce incident from 1980 in Dulce New Mexico. Look up D.U.M.B.s***
      We may have some extra terrestrial beings living with the Earth for centuries if not melenia, that our being disturbed.
      That Is My Theory. COASTTOCOASTAM ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • truthwolf1
        • Oct 2008
        • 2696

        Underground military drilling crossed my mind as also a Aurora type plane flying over.

        This is a future map predicted by Cayce and other psychics of what America will look like after a devastating event. The great lakes would pretty much be pushing right up against Wisconsin. ????MAYBE IT HAS BEGUN???



        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by truthwolf1
          Underground military drilling crossed my mind as also a Aurora type plane flying over.

          This is a future map predicted by Cayce and other psychics of what America will look like after a devastating event. The great lakes would pretty much be pushing right up against Wisconsin. ????MAYBE IT HAS BEGUN???


          As a CA resident I don't think the future looks too promising

          Honest though while I don't believe in psychics, CA has a nice big volcano near yellowstone that could go off some time in the next 100 years and I am not sure how much 9if any) warning we would get. Could you imagine what would happen if California dissapeared? The economy would be absolutely wrecked, our economy as a state is larger than most countries entire GDP, and our population is also higher than many countries. It would be real sucky.


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            When Cali goes into to ocean or New York is hit by a tsunami it will take a very long time to recover. Probably back to living like it was before electricity for possibly years.

            I am leaning towards the thought that we have been and will continue to live in a world now with intense and sporatic weather patterns. This is the first time in my life that in Minnesota we basically had no winter. What is the outcome of that? on crops, soil etc..
            Very strange. Another is that Venus is quite visible in the sky.. oddities everywhere. When you start to see animals freaking out then you will know something very big is around the corner.

            Almost every day, several times a day, for more than forty years, Cayce would induce himself into an altered out-of-body state of consciousness and reveal profound information on various subjects such as health, dreams, meditation, religions, and reincarnation, to name a few. But it was the information that Cayce revealed about the future which he is probably most known for. He provided information about the history of humanity from the very beginning to a time in the future when humans will evolve into beings with supernatural powers. He described a new era of enlightenment and peace when divinity within humans would be manifested on the Earth. But before this "kingdom of God" would rule the world, Cayce foresaw world events that can only be described as apocalyptic, a period of purification involving natural disasters that will dramatically alter the surface of the Earth, wars, economic collapse, and socio-political unrest. These visions of the future agree with what is known about prophecies from NDEs.



            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by truthwolf1
              When Cali goes into to ocean or New York is hit by a tsunami it will take a very long time to recover. Probably back to living like it was before electricity for possibly years.

              I am leaning towards the thought that we have been and will continue to live in a world now with intense and sporatic weather patterns. This is the first time in my life that in Minnesota we basically had no winter. What is the outcome of that? on crops, soil etc..
              Very strange. Another is that Venus is quite visible in the sky.. oddities everywhere. When you start to see animals freaking out then you will know something very big is around the corner.

              Almost every day, several times a day, for more than forty years, Cayce would induce himself into an altered out-of-body state of consciousness and reveal profound information on various subjects such as health, dreams, meditation, religions, and reincarnation, to name a few. But it was the information that Cayce revealed about the future which he is probably most known for. He provided information about the history of humanity from the very beginning to a time in the future when humans will evolve into beings with supernatural powers. He described a new era of enlightenment and peace when divinity within humans would be manifested on the Earth. But before this "kingdom of God" would rule the world, Cayce foresaw world events that can only be described as apocalyptic, a period of purification involving natural disasters that will dramatically alter the surface of the Earth, wars, economic collapse, and socio-political unrest. These visions of the future agree with what is known about prophecies from NDEs.


              I still don't believe in these prophecies, but there is definately some science that says yellowstone may blow in the next 100 years or so, which isn't that far away. With medical advances I may live to see it. They are still unsure of when or if it will happen, could be longer.

              I am leaning towards the thought that we have been and will continue to live in a world now with intense and sporatic weather patterns. This is the first time in my life that in Minnesota we basically had no winter. What is the outcome of that? on crops, soil etc..
              Global warming my friend. I am still not convinced that we can have much of an impact on stopping the warming trend, but there is definately a trend of "thigns are changing". Oceans are acidifying, weather patterns are changing, and we keep having record breaking high temps across the globe (which leads to record breaking low temps in some areas). I just don't think that there is much we can do to stop it a this point, nor do I believe in the doomsday scenario I hear so often that in 30 years the whole world will be destroyed. I think the best route forward in either case is to do our best to find sustainable energy solutions and quit polluting, but I honestly don't see that happening too soon.


              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696

                Originally posted by sgreger1

                Global warming my friend. I am still not convinced that we can have much of an impact on stopping the warming trend, but there is definately a trend of "thigns are changing". Oceans are acidifying, weather patterns are changing, and we keep having record breaking high temps across the globe (which leads to record breaking low temps in some areas). I just don't think that there is much we can do to stop it a this point, nor do I believe in the doomsday scenario I hear so often that in 30 years the whole world will be destroyed. I think the best route forward in either case is to do our best to find sustainable energy solutions and quit polluting, but I honestly don't see that happening too soon.

                Just speaking for my State we did have a slight warming trend for a decage right around the "GORE video" and then it was back to normal for quite a few years. This last one however is really blowing the minds of many meteorologists.

                If other planets are heating up also then I think we are in for quite a uphill battle.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by truthwolf1
                  Just speaking for my State we did have a slight warming trend for a decage right around the "GORE video" and then it was back to normal for quite a few years. This last one however is really blowing the minds of many meteorologists.

                  If other planets are heating up also then I think we are in for quite a uphill battle.

                  is heating up at a quick pace relative to the rest of history. I am still of the mind that nature will find balance like it always has, but it will not protect humans in the process. We have to kind of figure that out ourselves. The reali

                  The reality is that no countries are going to actually do anything meaningfull about it until bad shit begins happening that affects them, then they will suddenly work really hard to figure out out. We went from the wright brothers to walking a man on the moon in 66 years, we can accomplish pretty much anything we need to when we have our minds set on something.


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Originally posted by truthwolf1
                    Underground military drilling crossed my mind as also a Aurora type plane flying over.

                    This is a future map predicted by Cayce and other psychics of what America will look like after a devastating event. The great lakes would pretty much be pushing right up against Wisconsin. ????MAYBE IT HAS BEGUN???

                    This might not be such a bad deal especially if I wind up with oceanfront property!


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Mysterious booms in Midwest town solved?

                      Hint: Eartquake


                      • truthwolf1
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 2696

                        Looks like more booms return



                        • UsualSnuspects
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 278

                          When the USGS says "It's probably just..." is when you know the fracking lobby has purchased the USGS.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by UsualSnuspects
                            When the USGS says "It's probably just..." is when you know the fracking lobby has purchased the USGS.
                            I am appalled that they are trying to frame fracking as somehow not damaging to the environment or something. I mean Jesus Christ, some people have flammable well water not because of fracking...


                            • truthwolf1
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 2696

                              Mystery boom finally heard. That is not no earthquake or aircraft



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