Van Jones: Koch Bros To Blame For Trayvon Shooting

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Van Jones: Koch Bros To Blame For Trayvon Shooting

    "...listen, you've got the perfect storm building. You've got all the passion around Trayvon, and what a horrible injustice that was. And it turns out you can draw a direct line back to the Koch Bros, you can draw a direct line back to to mainstream corporations..."
    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Oh STFU Jones, this has nothing to do with them, it had to do with a boy and a man who had an altercation and one got shot. The grand jury will decide who was in the wrong. I love how it's some black kid who gets shot and everyone in the nation is wearing hoodies in solidarity nd it's on the news 24/7 but mexican gang members just murdered an innocent white civilian in the next city over from where I live and it's not even on the news. They pick and choose to cover whatever the flavor of the month is. One day it's "oh my god the tragedy, a rich white girl was shot", then it's "white cop kills black child, racist police must be stopped!" then it's some rehash of the two. Let's face it, there are evil people and in a country of 300 million people there are likely a lot of them in every size shape and color. Let's focus on the melting economy and the government's blatant attempts to take away freedom and civil liberties.


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