Originally posted by Speedoape
What happened to snuson ??
Ok I done here Good by Snusonians my Mission is Accoplished here , all good brothers and sisters I am at gevorg@gajane.se you always can ask me what ever you want
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABOk I done here Good by Snusonians my Mission is Accoplished here , all good brothers and sisters I am at gevorg@gajane.se you always can ask me what ever you want
Originally posted by bill77.017I don't like the " goodbye Snuson " bit GN. Do you mean goodnight?
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABNo brother I Meant Good By , it not good by for You, Extreme(frosted), Whalen , Pp and many others but I am some times filing that snuson foling in to black hole then few of us comming by make little fiesta then again it fels in to black hole
Originally posted by lxskllrYou shouldn't take things so hard GN. Everything has lulls and surges. Sometimes you hit a groove, and magic gets made, and other times the groove can't be found. It'll come back around, but it can't be forced. Magic is only magic when it happens naturally :^)
....maybe I too much miss Timholian, And other brothers who is not around anylonger
Originally posted by lxskllrYou shouldn't take things so hard GN. Everything has lulls and surges. Sometimes you hit a groove, and magic gets made, and other times the groove can't be found. It'll come back around, but it can't be forced. Magic is only magic when it happens naturally :^)
Times change Gevorg. It's nobody's fault. I know there's people that haven't been around for a while like Tim and others, maybe they'll be back, who knows? But look at all the members here now, new and old. Once we're all here and your with us, it's magicc'mon brother, there's great times ahead.
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABYes you are right but the most magical thing here was What do you have in your mouth , but at snus on is 400 to 500 active users ??? So Me , Walen , Bill, Extreme (frosted ) and Jagmanns and that is all magic but I remember a times when people was talking of deferent snuses, asses, tits, cars , cosmos and so on where is that magic brother?Ofcorse I am not forcing anyone to be active at snuson believe it or not I am not shear holder but Snuson was something special which is ain't now
....maybe I too much miss Timholian, And other brothers who is not around anylonger
As for myself, I've been more technically oriented, spending time talking about software, and troubleshooting problems. I've gotten apathetic regarding politics, especially as it concerns tobacco, and haven't been up for much light talk. This has been my mood lately...
yea some days snuson is kickin other days its not. Has anyone else noticed that Nicodude has been missing for at least 6 months? I tried emailing him directly a few months back to see if hes ok and he hasn't replied. I hope hes well.
people come and people go. Alot of the new snusers come here to learn for a month or so and then go off to their normal stuff.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
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