Anyone into road bikes? Any recommendations?

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  • devilock76
    • Aug 2010
    • 1737

    Originally posted by truthwolf1
    I just could not spend more then $350 for a bike... and the main reason is because I would probably be parking it everywhere from the mall to the local bar.
    My first bike was stolen when I was 4 year's old. It was a red, white and blue banana seat bike. First memory of anger!!!

    That Fuji would be living inside the house if it was mine.
    Same here, but more because I am a cheap skate, plus there are plenty of good used bikes of all levels on CL.



    • devilock76
      • Aug 2010
      • 1737

      Originally posted by Bigblue1
      I don't think the baggies will be an issue if you have good undies on. I ride mine with cargos and good undies and never have a prob. I do 25 mile rides regularly like that, I too hate bike shorts, accentuates my junk too much and next thing you know I'm rolling around with a fatty....
      You could just wear the bike shorts UNDER more normal street shorts. Defeats the aerodynamic purpose of it but not the protective. If your only grip with them is a matter of fashion/modesty then that seems like a reasonable solution.



      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by devilock76
        Same here, but more because I am a cheap skate, plus there are plenty of good used bikes of all levels on CL.


        I wish I could find a used bike on CL. I have been looking but none of them are the right size for me. All the 56's are either super old or in some other way broken and they are still charging $350 for them.


        • devilock76
          • Aug 2010
          • 1737

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          I wish I could find a used bike on CL. I have been looking but none of them are the right size for me. All the 56's are either super old or in some other way broken and they are still charging $350 for them.
          I have the issue of needing a taller bike. Thankfully I seem to be able to find them in the area. Seems we have a couple of people in the area who do a lot of bike resto work on older ones and resell them. Yeah the newer materials are great but bike technology has not changed that much in the past 20 years, at least not enough to benefit the average casual rider not trying to impress people. Hell I ride a 16 year old Harley, I can deal with an older bicycle.



          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            I ended up buying it, and man am I happy. My wife went with a Scattante one that is really sweet too. I am so amped to exercise for once in my life. This weekend we are going to go hit up some of the local bike trails, gonna be a blast. Thanks for all your help guys, as always everyone was very knowledgeable and gave me good advice. I wish I could have found a used one, but I must admit that there's nothing like the feeling of breaking in a brand new bike. Happy riding everyone.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              Originally posted by stubby2
              Where is this land of Oz you speak of.

              had the same question.

              When I was living in Norway I noticed the same thing - everyone was leaving their bikes unlocked even in the center of Oslo and no one took them (well I took them for a ride sometimes, that's a different story, lmao

              when the pakistani and indians populated Oslo, the norwegians started to lock their bikes.

              ......... freedom comes with education

              so sgreger possibly lives in a neighbourhood with very educated people.


              • GODOFSNUS
                • May 2010
                • 139

                I bought a gorgeous bike shipped for $440
                LOVE IT!!!!!!



                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by precious007

                  had the same question.

                  When I was living in Norway I noticed the same thing - everyone was leaving their bikes unlocked even in the center of Oslo and no one took them (well I took them for a ride sometimes, that's a different story, lmao

                  when the pakistani and indians populated Oslo, the norwegians started to lock their bikes.

                  ......... freedom comes with education

                  so sgreger possibly lives in a neighbourhood with very educated people.

                  For what it's worth, my city is like 50% indian and 50% white. All the big database companies like Oracle, PsyTech etc have their corporate offices down here so it draws a huge Indian population. In my neighborhood in particular it is about 80% indians. Personally I like Indian people, their children are generally well behaved (there are no indian thugs, no graffiti etc), they have a good sense of family, and when they invite you over they always offer really good food . Of all the races I have lived with, I personally like living with Indian people so far (even more than white people), they are polite and don't cause any problems.


                  • stubby2
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 436

                    Ohhhhh...... shiny new toy


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by stubby2
                      Ohhhhh...... shiny new toy
                      It's so sick dude, I have never been this amped about a bike before. This is my first road bike, and I rode it a bunch today. I can't believe I have been missing out on the world of biking this whole time. When I was younger I was REALLY into BMX biking, jumps, dirtbikes etc, but I feel like this has something even more special about it. It'll be nice to have a reason to go outdoors again lol, I can be kind of a hermit sometimes, even at 26. This weekend the wife and I are going to head up to Napa which is about 1.5 hours from us and go ride and take some pics and eat at the little wine places there. It feels liberating to finally be excited about exercise again, it's been almost 3 years since I did heavy exercise (not that biking is heavy or anything), but I have been so sedentary since I got out of the army and had low Vitamin D levels and everything. I think I can finally break the cycle since I found something that is interesting and involves getting outside and moving around. Hopefully I can lose some damn weight too in the process.


                      • stubby2
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 436

                        I understand that. I used to do a lot of recreational biking in my younger days. About the same age as you are now. I did some centuries with the local biking club and was out nearly every weekend from March through November. I did kind of burn out on it for a long time. Then I got into biking for function instead of recreation. Now I bike everywhere in the city instead of driving. I'm an old fart and it keeps me in reasonable shape. I bike to work, to the grocery store, to the community garden plot me and the little women have. Any errands within a reasonable distance I automatically think of the bike. I seldom drive in town unless I have to hall some big stuff.

                        It's amazing how addicted most of us are to motor vehicles. Most folks I know can't function without a car.

                        It helps that I live in a city that is considered one of the more bike friendly places in the country. There are bike paths and lanes just about everywhere. In the Isthmus area where I live In Madison it's easier and often faster to bike then drive. I'm an unintended greeny.

                        Have fun and don't get any saddle soars.


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          For what it's worth, my city is like 50% indian and 50% white. All the big database companies like Oracle, PsyTech etc have their corporate offices down here so it draws a huge Indian population. In my neighborhood in particular it is about 80% indians. Personally I like Indian people, their children are generally well behaved (there are no indian thugs, no graffiti etc), they have a good sense of family, and when they invite you over they always offer really good food . Of all the races I have lived with, I personally like living with Indian people so far (even more than white people), they are polite and don't cause any problems.

                          education doesn't have a color

                          When I mentioned Indians from Norway I was certainly referring to the low class Indians without education that were the single ones responsible for all the stealing/damaging/****ing around in Oslo well yeah then come the Yugoslavian, Bulgarians, Romanians and so on that are quite a few that aren't even legally there. If you remember the story with the Norwegian Bomber Guy that was said to be mentally ill, well his not he's just against the HUGE immigration to Norway of low-life people that they just don't need....... I'm not a racist, don't get me wrong... but no one would want such people in their country, would you?

                          you life is in danger basically because you're accepting low-life immigrants by the thousands -

                          the same problem in Romania with the gypsies that are quite a majority not a minority as they "CLAIM" .... they're about 30% of the population which is HUGE. Gypsies in Romania don't work, don't like the society, are against the law, steal, traffic, kill and so on .... there's something to do about it. Romanian General Army Antonescu wanted to kill all the gypsies in 1916 (but he failed), would have been better.

                          again I'm not racist, I'm just against the low-life people that are like ants everywhere

                          on the good side, haha, one thing I love about Indian Culture - "THE FOOD" :^) and they have amazing fellow programmers

                          just saying


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by stubby2
                            I understand that. I used to do a lot of recreational biking in my younger days. About the same age as you are now. I did some centuries with the local biking club and was out nearly every weekend from March through November. I did kind of burn out on it for a long time. Then I got into biking for function instead of recreation. Now I bike everywhere in the city instead of driving. I'm an old fart and it keeps me in reasonable shape. I bike to work, to the grocery store, to the community garden plot me and the little women have. Any errands within a reasonable distance I automatically think of the bike. I seldom drive in town unless I have to hall some big stuff.

                            It's amazing how addicted most of us are to motor vehicles. Most folks I know can't function without a car.

                            It helps that I live in a city that is considered one of the more bike friendly places in the country. There are bike paths and lanes just about everywhere. In the Isthmus area where I live In Madison it's easier and often faster to bike then drive. I'm an unintended greeny.

                            Have fun and don't get any saddle soars.
                            Yah I am biking to work now instead of driving, and also biking when I need to go to the grocery store for food. Most of the places I need to go are within a 5 miles radius so I am lucky enough to be able to bike to things if I need to.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by precious007
                              education doesn't have a color

                              When I mentioned Indians from Norway I was certainly referring to the low class Indians without education that were the single ones responsible for all the stealing/damaging/****ing around in Oslo well yeah then come the Yugoslavian, Bulgarians, Romanians and so on that are quite a few that aren't even legally there. If you remember the story with the Norwegian Bomber Guy that was said to be mentally ill, well his not he's just against the HUGE immigration to Norway of low-life people that they just don't need....... I'm not a racist, don't get me wrong... but no one would want such people in their country, would you?

                              you life is in danger basically because you're accepting low-life immigrants by the thousands -

                              the same problem in Romania with the gypsies that are quite a majority not a minority as they "CLAIM" .... they're about 30% of the population which is HUGE. Gypsies in Romania don't work, don't like the society, are against the law, steal, traffic, kill and so on .... there's something to do about it. Romanian General Army Antonescu wanted to kill all the gypsies in 1916 (but he failed), would have been better.

                              again I'm not racist, I'm just against the low-life people that are like ants everywhere

                              on the good side, haha, one thing I love about Indian Culture - "THE FOOD" :^) and they have amazing fellow programmers

                              just saying

                              Oh yah I know what you mean, i didn't mean to imply you were racist or anything, I completely agree. It's also funny that your country has a "gypsie" problem lol, you probably wouldn't get it, but from an American view that is kind of a funny concept.

                              The Indians here are all educated, they are only allowed to come here if they already have a job set up and they are all programmers and shit. It's all these big database companies here that bring them over, so yah I wouldn't expect any trouble because they re selecting for the educated working ones. Like any race, it's usually the uneducated, unemployed youth that cause problems, rarely will you find anyone of any race causing problems if they are educated and working etc.


                              • Bigblue1
                                Banned Users
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 3923



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