Make sure and Catch some Sweet Jumps
Anyone into road bikes? Any recommendations?
So far i've been loving it, i'm never driving my car again unless I have to! I was out on Saturday so I only got a little bit of time to ride on Sunday, but I got in 18 miles and rode to work today. Commuting by bike is so much better, I get to work and am awake and in a great mood. I am so excited to finally start doing some sort of exercise again, I have been letting myself go for too long.
Now the next step is to try and eat healthier. I am honestly considering a vegetarian diet, I just don't know what to cook. I can't give up butter/cheese though, that's just not going to happen, but I think giving up meat (especially red) as much as possible will probably help me, as I hear red meat increases blood pressure which is something I have an issue with.
Does anyone know any websites that have vegan recipes with some damn pictures on them? I am going to look into it, and while I probably won't be able to give up meat completely, if I can at least get my weekday meals to be meat free than hopefully I can gain back some of my energy that i've seem to have lost over the years. I've been feeling so sluggish and tired all day lately.
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