More Social Justice for Trayvon

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    More Social Justice for Trayvon ^

    At least when people are attacked by black mobs for being white it will be reported by the local media — provided the victims work for a newspaper. From Norfolk, Virginia:
    "Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.
    The victim’s friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location.
    Church and Brambleton. Church and Brambleton. Church and Brambleton.
    It happened four blocks from where they work, here at The Virginian-Pilot.
    Two weeks have passed since reporters Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami – friends to me and many others at the newspaper – were attacked on a Saturday night as they drove home from a show at the Attucks Theatre. They had stopped at a red light, in a crowd of at least 100 young people walking on the sidewalk. Rostami locked her car door. Someone threw a rock at her window. Forster got out to confront the rock-thrower, and that’s when the beating began."
    The media isn’t alone in its resolve to ignore the ongoing epidemic of black on white violence that liberal policies and rhetoric have inspired. When Rostami tried to tell the police what had happened,
    "...she says the officer told her to shut up and get in the car. Both said the officer did not record any names of witnesses who stopped to help. Rostami said the officer told them the attackers were “probably juveniles anyway. What are we going to do? Find their parents and tell them?”
    The officer pointed to public housing in the area and said large groups of teenagers look for trouble on the weekends. “It’s what they do,” he told Forster."
    Getting zero help from the authorities, Forster investigated the crime himself by searching Twitter:
    “I feel for the white man who got beat up at the light,” wrote one person.
    “I don’t,” wrote another, indicating laughter. “(do it for trayvon martin)”
    Happy with your handiwork, liberal media?
    Try to imagine a mob of whites beating an innocent black couple. Every lib journalist in the country would die of sheer ecstasy.
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  • BardicDruid
    • Aug 2009
    • 72

    We can all thank George HW Bush for introducing Political Correctness and the New World Order.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by BardicDruid
      We can all thank George HW Bush for introducing Political Correctness and the New World Order.
      With all due respect, do you truly believe H.W. Bush invented political correctness? Or that the NWO, were it to exist, literally just started with Bush? I wouldn't give him that much credit if I were you...


      • Thunder_Snus
        • Oct 2011
        • 1316

        Back in middle school we used to have to play basketball against schools from in or around chicago and we would get hit hard by those kids who happened to be black. One time A teammate retaliated and people wanted to call the police and report a hate crime.

        That's how the U.S. is now and it seems to be getting worse. A minority can do whatever they want to me but if I do anything to anyone I better be damn sure they are white. I'm currently in a class where my teacher is very "anti-whitey" even though she is white. It's supposed to be a class about African history but its basically a blame whitey everytime a minority does something wrong class.

        Sorry for the rant I've just been dealing with a lot of the "o this person did something wrong, it must be a white persons fault" for this past semester.


        • thegameisover2k2
          • Jan 2011
          • 92

          the thing i dont understand is that all signs point to self defense. What about the blacks getting shot unarmed in like....detroit....or blacks. There is no public outrage. Zimmerman wasnt even white...he was mexican. It looks like the media wants racial crime.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by thegameisover2k2
            the thing i dont understand is that all signs point to self defense. What about the blacks getting shot unarmed in like....detroit....or blacks. There is no public outrage. Zimmerman wasnt even white...he was mexican. It looks like the media wants racial crime.

            Of course they do, that's why media outlets were editing the 9-11 calls to make it appear as though Zimmerman thought he was suspicious for being "black". They literally edit material to fit the narrative instead of just reporting on the facts.

            Personally, I think Zimmerman committed a crime and will most likely be sentenced due to it. He didn't kill him because he was black, he killed him because he was a hyper-vigilant cop wannabe who walked himself into trouble. Not murder, but taking the life of a minor is usually a no-no unless you have serious reason to do so, which I do not believe he had.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
              Back in middle school we used to have to play basketball against schools from in or around chicago and we would get hit hard by those kids who happened to be black. One time A teammate retaliated and people wanted to call the police and report a hate crime.

              That's how the U.S. is now and it seems to be getting worse. A minority can do whatever they want to me but if I do anything to anyone I better be damn sure they are white. I'm currently in a class where my teacher is very "anti-whitey" even though she is white. It's supposed to be a class about African history but its basically a blame whitey everytime a minority does something wrong class.

              Sorry for the rant I've just been dealing with a lot of the "o this person did something wrong, it must be a white persons fault" for this past semester.
              I live near SF. If you get into a drunk bar-fight with someone it's no big deal and you may not even get arrested. If that person happens to be gay, it's a felony hate crime and your life is ruined.


              • Thunder_Snus
                • Oct 2011
                • 1316

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                Of course they do, that's why media outlets were editing the 9-11 calls to make it appear as though Zimmerman thought he was suspicious for being "black". They literally edit material to fit the narrative instead of just reporting on the facts.

                Personally, I think Zimmerman committed a crime and will most likely be sentenced due to it. He didn't kill him because he was black, he killed him because he was a hyper-vigilant cop wannabe who walked himself into trouble. Not murder, but taking the life of a minor is usually a no-no unless you have serious reason to do so, which I do not believe he had.
                I havent looked too deep into this whole martin case but the thing about it makes it seem like im basically being told...if you're going to hurt/kill someone you better make dam sure they are the same color as you.


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