and the EU gets worse...
Maybe it would be good if the UK did leave the EU. At least we would be out of all the nonsense that it prevails. I couldn't see Cameron ever agreeing to what's being plotted.
It says in the link that "the move will give further momentum to the Daily Express’s hugely popular crusade for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU"
Hugely Popular ? That's a joke right ?
How many people vote for Nigel Farrage ? Hardly Any ... People still go on putting an X in the box for labour, conservative, or the liberal democrats. The other side of the bloody political coin is flip-flopped in and out of power every few years, while people continue to bloody moan and groan that nothing ever changes ... The sooner we get out of the EU the better ffs. We are living under a dictatorship dressed up as democracy, and what will the stupid British people do about it ? YES, you guessed it, they will put an X in the box for labour, conservative, or the liberal democrats ... unreal!!
Now, I’m not saying Nigel Farrage is the best person for the job (i do like the bloke), we could do with more like him, if you look at how he's come along over the last few years we could be showing a new trend in politics, and some people do want real change, but only some. I’m just not sure the EU issue has reached the heights of "Hugely Popular" as the headline suggests. And, If the UK government did want to accept the proposal, the issue would have to go to a referendum under the new laws for our sovereignty brought in by this government. Talking of this government ... That w*nk*r Cameron is too young and inexperienced and so is that P*i*k Milliband.
What a pathetic country England has become, we've been on the road to disaster for years and people don't seem to care. Look at the EU laws which over-rules our own judiciary, AND we have no control over our own borders OR immigration policy, they tell us to throw open our borders to even more EU scum, all they do is suck the life out of our benefits system and/or NHS services, and commit crime, and just look at how much violent crime we have from imports now. Don't get me started on that prick abu hamza and how the EU has protected him, who gives a F*^k if he's tortured, I don’t, F~~K OFF hamza and the rest of the scum, you're not wanted.
I bet most of the proposals that come from our governments really come from Brussels, like the one to monitor our emails, phone calls and internet usage ... Hmmm I wonder if that was London or Brussels. If the EU gets their way, the UK will be reduce to the dustbin of the EU, and a bankrupt one. Loads of companies that had been built up over the years have been sold off and are owned by overseas investment companies, or just moved overseas. Look at the unemployment, how much money is that costing us? That would be half as much if we didn’t have uncontrolled immigration in UK, well done EU, bloody good job!! Have a cookie from the cookie jar!
I have heard Nigel Farrage talk a few times and he is awesome. He is like the Ron Paul of the UK. He's a great speaker and can really go on a good rant.
I don't know much about UK politics, but I imagine it's as bad if nto worse than US politics, everyone keeps voting for the same shill parties even though few people actually agree with what they do once elected. Then y'all have that whole EU thing where unelected people get to make decisions. Not sure who's bright idea that was...
Originally posted by Frankie ReloadedI liked the old (Czecho-)Slovakia in the 80s under the Commies, when life was so much better... Or was it just me being younger?
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