The lack of respect and the decline of today's society. (RANT)

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  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    Originally posted by Ephemeris
    We, as Americans, are all familiar with the tenants of Communism that you've just listed. Which is precisely why our "cuckoo" country rejects each and every one of them.
    Bravo. Precious the amount of shit you are filled with grows with each and every post.


    • devilock76
      • Aug 2010
      • 1737

      Originally posted by precious007
      Don't get me wrong not all Americans are cuckoos, there are good people in the U.S as are everywhere. But on a large scale they're cuckoos, everyone has cuckoos but America has been a free contry for a long time, felony was everywhere etc... compared to other countries.
      you reject who? The Germans?

      Most of Americas "felons" are related to the ridiculous war on drugs that makes the simple possession of a substance a felony. We are not talking about violent offenders here for the most part.



      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        To further elaborate:

        You know why german people are as "SHARP" as a knife?

        because their genetics come from people who lived under hittler
        That was only two or so generations ago, I doubt Hitler's short run had any effect on anyones genetics. Their culture may have been effected though, which is why they are how they are.

        if in the 70-80-90's in Romania you'd insult a patient

        you'd be in jail
        That's horrible, why would you want the governmenty intervening and putting people in jail for that? What's worse is that jails are expensive and don't really fix peoples problems.

        if you'd make an abortion you'd be in jail
        From a woman's rights perspective, this is attrocious. Why should the government decide whether a woman carries a child to term or not?

        if you'd insulted a police man you'd be dead
        So brutal police states are a good thing? Who will police the police? Who watches the watchers? Why give that much power to any one group of enforcers?

        if you insulted your parents you'd be grounded
        It's still that way here in America.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by Ephemeris
          We, as Americans, are all familiar with the tenants of Communism that you've just listed. Which is precisely why our "cuckoo" country rejects each and every one of them.

          @Fazer, I pretty much agree with everything you wrote. I however feel that people should be free to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home. You want to get drunk and wreck your car? It should be legal as long as you do it in your yard. You want to smoke crack and be useless? Fine again, just don't rely on my tax dollars to fund your hobby. Also, giving the government the right to kill its citizenry is a scary thought, which is why I disapprove of the death penalty.

          Bingo. Could not have said it better myself.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by precious007
            Don't get me wrong not all Americans are cuckoos, there are good people in the U.S as are everywhere. But on a large scale they're cuckoos, everyone has cuckoos but America has been a free contry for a long time, felony was everywhere etc... compared to other countries.
            you reject who? The Germans?

            We don't have any more cooko's than any other region encompasing 350 million people. Our felony rate isn't any higher here than it is anywhere else. In fact our firearms laws have reduced felonies relative to places like the UK. We are a very diverse group of people from all over the world, spread out into 50 different terretories under one union. It is impossible to make blanket statements about Americans because there are just too many people. CA is like a different country relative to Alabama for example.


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              Actually Hitler was pretty highly involved in a eugenics plan and the party forced abortions and sterilizations on people deemed to have "genetic flaws", anything the party deemed undesirable. I bet you can guess what was "desirable". But that is far removed from the point. It was indeed an absurd statement for myriad reasons.


              • Thunder_Snus
                • Oct 2011
                • 1316

                I blame reality T.V. shows. I hear people talk more about what happened on jersey shore (trash american tv show featuring idiots) than their own lives.
                I'm 20 but I'd like to say I am one of the few who does not act the way you describe. My parents raised me well. The only mistake I made was starting to use tobacco.


                • Fazer
                  • May 2011
                  • 663

                  Originally posted by Bigblue1
                  Props fazer for owning up to it. I was fairly certain you were going to blame it on "using a mobile device" or the ever popular "it was the auto correct". Good job mate.....
                  Spelling isn't my strong point! I put my hands up if i F**K up mate, sometimes the auto correct changes what i type to an american spelling, but i do try and spot it, like sterilised and sterilized in the next one

                  Another one I just thought about is ...

                  You should have an intelligence test before you’re allowed to have children, if you don’t pass the test you’re sterilised, if you do pass the test but you can’t hardly string a sentence together without saying, “know what I mean” or “innit bruv” you’re sterilised. If you have children without taking the test, they’re taken away ... and ... you’re sterilised

                  @ Ephemeris
                  I don’t really approve of the death penalty, I was having a rant. But I wish some people would die because they’re a waste of space


                  • truthwolf1
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 2696

                    Alcohol and violence. We need a ban on the consumption of alcohol in public on a year round basis. We live in a pub culture these days and it needs to stop NOW. We have way too much alcohol violence on the streets these days, small corner shops selling alcohol needs to be reduced or stopped. Supermarkets should be banned from selling cheap alcohol. Pubs should go back to old school opening hours like it was in the 80s. Yes I know you’ll always have alcohol violence, but it can be reduced, and it should be reduced. People who are always up in front of the judge for alcohol violence need harsh punishment. First offence 3 years, second 5 years, third 10 years, forth, mandatory death penalty...............

                    I agree with much of your post about youth's/people's lack of respect but I am entirely a lifetime tired of people always wanting to ban things...

                    A piece of crap is still a piece of crap even without being marinated in light beer or meth flavoring.


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Originally posted by sgreger1
                      To further elaborate:

                      That was only two or so generations ago, I doubt Hitler's short run had any effect on anyones genetics. Their culture may have been effected though, which is why they are how they are.

                      That's horrible, why would you want the governmenty intervening and putting people in jail for that? What's worse is that jails are expensive and don't really fix peoples problems.

                      From a woman's rights perspective, this is attrocious. Why should the government decide whether a woman carries a child to term or not?

                      So brutal police states are a good thing? Who will police the police? Who watches the watchers? Why give that much power to any one group of enforcers?

                      It's still that way here in America.
                      I was only stressing some of the discipline measures back then not that I agree with most part of it. (but discipline is what truly brings respect)

                      I though the thread was about respect, and I'm pointing out some of the reasons there is NO respect (because there is no discipline).

                      an example = ok you go drink in front of your kids, smoke, and talk dirty and they'll do the same - you get my point. (back in the communism time you would see that happen - do you see the connection I'm making? No that I am for communism as you've said, I am not the person that stands for communism, but communism had definitely good parts to it.
                      that's what happens in today's world. Parent's don't make the time for discipline for their kids (on a large scale)
                      The gov doesn't care about educating people as much and so on.

                      English people for a change, German People, Norwegians and Australian people are respectful. Why?

                      You wouldn't see a patient being treated like a dog in Norway, whereas you see such cases in the USA

                      anyways I don't know why I am bothering with this

                      P.S. respect comes with respect as well. (you can't demand respect when you're not respected)

                      if you insult someone - you would be surely insulted back
                      if you insult me for example - I just ignore you
                      uneducated people don't know what respect is that's the end of the moral story :^)


                      • Fazer
                        • May 2011
                        • 663

                        Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
                        I blame reality T.V. shows. I hear people talk more about what happened on jersey shore (trash american tv show featuring idiots) than their own lives.
                        I'm 20 but I'd like to say I am one of the few who does not act the way you describe. My parents raised me well. The only mistake I made was starting to use tobacco.
                        We have the Jeremy Kyle show in the UK ... It has the kinda idiots that you have on Jersey Shore show, everything that is wrong with the UK is on that show, i wish they'd all die, including Jeremy Kyle, he's a w**ker


                        • devilock76
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 1737

                          Originally posted by Fazer
                          Spelling isn't my strong point! I put my hands up if i F**K up mate, sometimes the auto correct changes what i type to an american spelling, but i do try and spot it, like sterilised and sterilized in the next one

                          Another one I just thought about is ...

                          You should have an intelligence test before you’re allowed to have children, if you don’t pass the test you’re sterilised, if you do pass the test but you can’t hardly string a sentence together without saying, “know what I mean” or “innit bruv” you’re sterilised. If you have children without taking the test, they’re taken away ... and ... you’re sterilised

                          @ Ephemeris
                          I don’t really approve of the death penalty, I was having a rant. But I wish some people would die because they’re a waste of space
                          That is pretty much the definition of Eugenics and not something I can get behind. Besides the IQ of the parents does not completely determine the IQ or IQ potential of the child. On top of that IQ is actually a pretty lousy mark to use even if that was a good idea.



                          • Fazer
                            • May 2011
                            • 663

                            Originally posted by truthwolf1
                            Alcohol and violence. We need a ban on the consumption of alcohol in public on a year round basis. We live in a pub culture these days and it needs to stop NOW. We have way too much alcohol violence on the streets these days, small corner shops selling alcohol needs to be reduced or stopped. Supermarkets should be banned from selling cheap alcohol. Pubs should go back to old school opening hours like it was in the 80s. Yes I know you’ll always have alcohol violence, but it can be reduced, and it should be reduced. People who are always up in front of the judge for alcohol violence need harsh punishment. First offence 3 years, second 5 years, third 10 years, forth, mandatory death penalty...............

                            I agree with much of your post about youth's/people's lack of respect but I am entirely a lifetime tired of people always wanting to ban things...

                            A piece of crap is still a piece of crap even without being marinated in light beer or meth flavoring.
                            I didn't say ban alcohol mate, i said "ban on the consumption of alcohol in public" i.e walking around around the mall pissed with a can of beer being abusive to people, the place for alcohol is in the bar ...


                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              Originally posted by Ephemeris
                              We, as Americans, are all familiar with the tenants of Communism that you've just listed. Which is precisely why our "cuckoo" country rejects each and every one of them.

                              @Fazer, I pretty much agree with everything you wrote. I however feel that people should be free to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home. You want to get drunk and wreck your car? It should be legal as long as you do it in your yard. You want to smoke crack and be useless? Fine again, just don't rely on my tax dollars to fund your hobby. Also, giving the government the right to kill its citizenry is a scary thought, which is why I disapprove of the death penalty.
                              Yes I agree with this.

                              But if you do this, do it alone. Don't do it in front of your kids, wife, family ;-)

                              In other words - If you're crazy it doesn't mean someone has to tolerate the mess you're creating.
                              On a different note and level - you have just admitted that NOT being respectul and moral is OK, then how the heck would you demand so much respect when you're a reckless, joint smoking creepy ****?. (LMAO)

                              Everyone does whatever they please with their life ;-)

                              If you want to be stupid and smoke crack, crash your car up then be stupid, but don't expect respect.

                              this isn't personal I have noticed a few people jumping on my back on the thread again, I have nothing personal with anyone here on any given note/level/shape/ or form. (an anyone that is intelligent enough, will NOT take it personally - but some people lack intelligence sorry ;-)

                              It couldn't be personal because I know no one from here personally, pur your brain to work

                              I've said Americans are cuckoos people 10% of the Adult Population is in Jail for instance - that's an alarming percentage that clearly shows a note of ignorance, crime, felony, drug use, alcohol use and so on.


                              • truthwolf1
                                • Oct 2008
                                • 2696

                                Originally posted by precious007
                                lmao, Fazer

                                this is an endemic

                                you see why communism is better?

                                people understand democracy the wrong way.

                                now you wanted democracy, you have democracy.

                                if I start on this subject I need another Forum started

                                Snuson wouldn't have enough storage space to let my words out

                                I see my girlfriend's KID demanding his poor unemeployed mom to buy all the crap in the world

                                Even shouting at her, demanding to buy a specific kind of bike and tenis raquet when he doesn't even deserve them?

                                Lmao if my dad was alive he would have would have been petrified of this attitude of children today

                                If I behaved like this with my dad, I sure would have slept on the kitchen sofa daily lmao

                                We send boxes of material crap towards your end of the world all the time. My wife's sister wears more expensive clothes then my wife and also has gone through 3 iphones on a $500 dollar a month salary. I have not cracked the whip yet because it does not come from my salary but that argument is long overdue. To be honest many families are getting tired of EE relatives always asking for SH%T!!! Eastern European material attitude is similar in many way's to our inner city ghetto's. Clothes-cars-bling! but not a pot to piss in.


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