The lack of respect and the decline of today's society. (RANT)

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by precious007
    I was only stressing some of the discipline measures back then not that I agree with most part of it.

    Are you literally suffering from amnesia?

    if in the 70-80-90's in Romania you'd insult a patient

    you'd be in jail

    if you'd make an abortion you'd be in jail

    if you'd insulted a police man you'd be dead

    if you insulted your parents you'd be grounded

    if you want RESPECT you need DISCIPLINE

    and I'm all for the above :-)
    So you are all for it, but don't necessarily agree with it?

    English people for a change, German People, Norwegians and Australian people are respectful. Why?
    Because civilized people are respectfull maybe? Are you under the impression that Americans are inherently not respectfull or something?

    You wouldn't see a patient being treated like a dog in Norway, whereas you see such cases in the USA
    Again, do you assume patients are treated like dogs in American hospitals? Or are you just making up straw men? I and my immediate family work in the health care profession and I would be amazed to see anyone get away with treating patients "like dogs". We have a very high level of care here, just like everywhere else. if anything they are coddled like babies in our hospitals.


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885

      disastrously unmeditated remarks
      give me an example of one unmeditated remark

      then put on airs as if you understand things better than everyone else
      I'm just saying my opinion, whether I understand it better of not, God knows

      not trying to be a smart ass in any ways sorry if I created that impression.

      I might have a very high IQ but not trying to impress anyone.

      if you don't like reading my posts just ignore them, nobody tells you to read my stuff.

      apart from that I have been insulted, I am not insulting anyone here. (that's my number one rule) :-) because I am educated that way


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by precious007
        Yes I agree with this.

        But if you do this, do it alone. Don't do it in front of your kids, wife, family ;-)

        In other words - If you're crazy it doesn't mean someone has to tolerate the mess you're creating.
        On a different note and level - you have just admitted that NOT being respectul and moral is OK, then how the heck would you demand so much respect when you're a reckless, joint smoking creepy ****?. (LMAO)

        Everyone does whatever they please with their life ;-)

        If you want to be stupid and smoke crack, crash your car up then be stupid, but don't expect respect.

        this isn't personal I have noticed a few people jumping on my back on the thread again, I have nothing personal with anyone here on any given note/level/shape/ or form. (an anyone that is intelligent enough, will NOT take it personally - but some people lack intelligence sorry ;-)

        It couldn't be personal because I know no one from here personally, pur your brain to work

        I've said Americans are cuckoos people 10% of the Adult Population is in Jail for instance - that's an alarming percentage that clearly shows a note of ignorance, crime, felony, drug use, alcohol use and so on.
        If I were charged with teaching a class to every American about how to spot ignorance, I would use your post as the example. The level of ignorance demonstrated in your post(s) is beocming alarming, and the whole time you think you are being intelligent.

        10% in jails is because we have a broken prison system where people go to jail over every little thing, namely for small offenses like smoking pot or minor property crime. You are from Romania, right? Do you want to break out the numbers and see if Romania has lots of criminals too (Hint: They do). Prison population is not a good measure of the intelligence of an entire country.

        Face it, what you want is the government to completely control everything you do and enforce every little subjective moral goal at the point of a gun, you don't want people to think fo rthemselves, educate themselves etc. Of all the people in this thread who need some education, I would mark you as being the one who needs it the most. I don't mean to be personal, but your understanding of how things work (namely in America) is similar to what I would expect from a 12 year old lecturing me about global politics.


        • Fazer
          • May 2011
          • 663

          Originally posted by truthwolf1
          Did they not a few years ago change closing times of clubs/pubs that actually led to more people power drinking as the result?
          Yes mate, that’s right. They extended the opening hours in the UK in the hope it would stop the power drinking you’re talking about. Pubs in the UK had opening hours from 11am till 14:00 ish and reopened at around 19:00 till 23:00 (they could apply for an extension until 00:00). The clubs around my way shut at 01:00 and the streets went quiet for the night in my part of the world.

          Then they wanted to relax the laws in the hope we would stop binge drinking and start drinking in a civilised way, like the French. However, the British aren’t the French, we have more of a lager lout mentality in the UK so it had the opposite effect, the power drinking/ binge drinking got worse, because they had longer to drink

          I’d like to see the opening hours go back to the old hours, you can drink almost 24/7 in the UK now, not in my part of the world, but if you’re in a city, you can tip out of a club at 06:00/07:00 and it’s only a couple hours till you can start over.


          • Roo
            • Jun 2008
            • 3446

            Originally posted by precious007
            give me an example of one unmeditated remark

            Originally posted by precious007
            America is a country full of cuckoos believe me

            I have lived in communism, communism meant order, discipline and RESPECT

            people were respectful at that time, same as in England

            You know why german people are as "SHARP" as a knife?

            because their genetics come from people who lived under hittler

            if in the 70-80-90's in Romania you'd insult a patient

            you'd be in jail

            if you'd make an abortion you'd be in jail

            if you'd insulted a police man you'd be dead

            if you insulted your parents you'd be grounded

            if you want RESPECT you need DISCIPLINE

            and I'l all for the above :-)
            Immediately contradicted by the following back-peddling drivel:

            Originally posted by precious007
            I was only stressing some of the discipline measures back then not that I agree with most part of it. (but discipline is what truly brings respect)
            And in addition to that, in complete irony with regard to your main "point" here and "unintelligent" people: discipline is required for fostering respect among the weak and unintelligent. As far as strong, intelligent people are concerned, respect must be EARNED. At least that's the case in my country, where we are all cukoos. You know what that remark about Americans smacks of? DISRESPECT. I've been to a lot of places but you know what? Never been to Romania. Who the **** would I think I was making any statement about Romanians? Oh that's right, I don't do that.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by precious007
              10% imprisoned of adult population that's why I said a nation of cuckoos that are ALL for wreking cars and smoking weed to be legal (as long as you do it in your own garden) come on some common sense, I bet a lot of the people are in their 40's 60's here WTF

              wreking cars, smoking weed and shit is not freedom (people need more education, a lot more, the ghetto that was mentioned earlier is where the car wrecking,drinking,weed and shit happens, these are just tribal behaviors, these are just uneducated people)

              The amount of people in prison is not a good metric by which to judge how "cuckoo" a population is (unless you are some uneducated person on the internet spewing bullshit).

              And how can you claim we are "ALL for wrecking cars and smoking weed" etc? What is this thing with you and wrecking cars? We have 300 million people here, people get into car accidents, do they not have cars in Romania? And people want marijuana legalized because it is already available due ot the drug cartels. by legalizing it, the state could profit and the drug cartels would lose their source of revenue and we could keep more people out of jail. Legalizing it would decrease crime and the prison population significantly.

              Did you graduate high school? Have you ever read a book? Jesus christ Precious...

              The sh|t facts you are spewing on this thread reads like a book of "made up bullsh|t" that was written by either several idiots, or slightly fewer monkeys.


              • charmando
                • Oct 2010
                • 151

                I don't believe in these preemptive laws to stop things that are already illegal. There are already laws in place to deal with people publicly intoxicated or causing mischief. Also regarding some earlier comments, respect shouldn't be automatic. It's something that is earned no matter what your "title" is and what respect you expect from others. If law enforcers or parents are doing a shitty job, being too brutal not showing others the respect they deserve etc.... then they don't deserve any.


                • precious007
                  Banned Users
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 5885

                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  If I were charged with teaching a class to every American about how to spot ignorance, I would use your post as the example. The level of ignorance demonstrated in your post(s) is beocming alarming, and the whole time you think you are being intelligent.

                  10% in jails is because we have a broken prison system where people go to jail over every little thing, namely for small offenses like smoking pot or minor property crime. You are from Romania, right? Do you want to break out the numbers and see if Romania has lots of criminals too (Hint: They do). Prison population is not a good measure of the intelligence of an entire country.

                  Face it, what you want is the government to completely control everything you do and enforce every little subjective moral goal at the point of a gun, you don't want people to think fo rthemselves, educate themselves etc. Of all the people in this thread who need some education, I would mark you as being the one who needs it the most. I don't mean to be personal, but your understanding of how things work (namely in America) is similar to what I would expect from a 12 year old lecturing me about global politics.

                  I don't think I am intelligent. I really AM intelligent on an IQ scale but that's another story.

                  Who said prison population was a good measure of intelligence? Did I? Nope. (the thread was about respect)
                  The highest scored IQ Romanians, once hackers, (IQ 160+), work for Microsoft, CIA and NASA. They're still "hackers" and they still intelligent even if they committed Internet crimes.

                  Face it, what you want is the government to completely control everything you do
                  Are you questioning me, whether I want that or not? Lmao. (you're making wrong connections here sorry) Dude, I was just saying that during the communist party there was more respect in the society, loooooooooooooooooooool, no where near saying I want the government to control everything we do.

                  You see?

                  You don't even understand my point and clearly come up with some very impulsive observations that are false by all means.


                  • resnor
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 619

                    It's funny...people are so ethnocentric everywhere. Europeans think that Americans are fat, lazy, stupid, and now, I guess, disrespectful. Americans think that Europeans are arrogant, condescending, judgemental, and cowardly. I wonder how much of this goes back to the 1700's, when America declared independence from Britain? We have 200+ hears of social conditioning. In reality, Europeans really are no different from Americans, other than some skin tones and vocal accents. There are stupid, fat, lazy, arrogant, condescending, judgmental, disrespectful people all over this planet. Oh, and every society has criminals.


                    • charmando
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 151

                      beat me too it roo.


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        Originally posted by sgreger1
                        And how can you claim we are "ALL for wrecking cars and smoking weed" etc? What is this thing with you and wrecking cars?
                        He beats off to Fast And Furious Parts 1, 2, and 4 through 6. I guess #3 kinda sucked. Anyway, movies is the answer to that question.

                        Originally posted by sgreger1
                        The sh|t facts you are spewing on this thread reads like a book of "made up bullsh|t" that was written by either several idiots, or slightly fewer monkeys.


                        • Fazer
                          • May 2011
                          • 663

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          I would immediately enlist in an army and leave my family to fight any country that did what you are proposing. Literally kill everyone who thinks that is a good idea.

                          You should have an intelligence test before you’re allowed to have children, if you don’t pass the test you’re sterilised, if you do pass the test but you can’t hardly string a sentence together without saying, “know what I mean” or “innit bruv” you’re sterilised. If you have children without taking the test, they’re taken away ... and ... you’re sterilised
                          I see my sarcastic British sense of humor didn't come across too well with that post, oh well, shit happens, but some people aren't fit to have kids...


                          • Thunder_Snus
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1316

                            How bout this. Every male receives a vasectomy when they're born. This process cannot be reversed until someone is 21(just an example age could be whatever). Teenage pregnancies would be eliminated unless caused by 35 year old pedo's. No accidental pregnancies unless there is a large gap between the male and female in age. People would have to decide they want to have children and get that vasectomy reversed. Reverse vasectomy has about a 64% success rate if i remember correctly. Right there HALF of potential pregnancies are eliminated and the population is reduced. No jobs but many people looking? Boom gone.

                            I think the thing with stupid people having children is more educated people take advantage of birth control and plan their families more carefully rather than "shit think im pregnant."

                            It's just a thought, call me stupid or whatever you want I can handle it.


                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              I see my sarcastic British sense of humor didn't come across too well with that post, oh well, shit happens, but some people aren't fit to have kids..
                              Good spotting :-)

                              I would immediately enlist in an army and leave my family to fight any country that did what you are proposing. Literally kill everyone who thinks that is a good idea.
                              ou should have an intelligence test before you’re allowed to have children, if you don’t pass the test you’re sterilised, if you do pass the test but you can’t hardly string a sentence together without saying, “know what I mean” or “innit bruv” you’re sterilised. If you have children without taking the test, they’re taken away ... and ... you’re sterilised


                              Both of these quotesm, clearly show ignorance, immorality, fear and whatever but you name it.

                              Too much negative vibes here.

                              And to top it all I don't see why people are so impulsive to make some false statements and then not even recognize their mistake.

                              I'm out.


                              • resnor
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 619

                                Also, precious, just because you have a high IQ doesn't make you "smart." I've known some really REALLY dumb "smart" people.

                                Oh, and if you have to try to win an argument by claiming to have a high IQ, chances are you already lost. Hint: no one cares how high your IQ is when you're saying the things you're saying.


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