I’m so glad I grew up in the 70s and 80s, it’s a shame my kids will never see the place I called home. The lack of respect in today's society is unreal, when i was a kid people would say said excuse me or sorry if you bumped into them, but today they give you a dirty look when you bump into them, or they bump into you!! I hope all they drop dead
Teenagers are out of control, we have so many laws to "protect the children" (*vomit*) they're above the law, the way they talk to the police when they're in the wrong is disgraceful. Don't get me started on how they are at school and the respect they have for the teacher, or lack of it. Just chuck them out of school, if they want to jeopardize their future, fine. Let them figure it out as they get older, just let the kids that want to learn do it without the disruptive influence in the class, just like it was when I was a kid. If the poorly educated parent comes to the school and starts getting aggressive, chuck them in jail, and when they come out they get no benefits, homeless, why should I give a shit. They and their second generation benefit culture scum can die on the streets.
The scrounging and benefit culture in Britain is out of control, like the teenage girls getting pregnant for benefits, I hear them talking about it around town, it's disgraceful ... No more state handouts = no more teenage mums ... Families or the girls pick up the bills NOT the tax payer ... If your family or you don't have the money ...Put the kid in care or you’re both HOMELESS ... Simple ... job done!
I see being bloody FAT is “illness” for which you can claim lucrative disability handouts in the UK. Laura Ripley, 28, sparked fury by claiming she could not afford to eat healthy food on £600 per month benefits, this one is so good you can read more here
A family out of work on benefits shouldn’t be paid more than the average family in work ... Simple Math ...
Everyone is too engrossed in themselves and their MP3 players or mobile phones to give a shit about the world around them. Is there such a thing as a private conversation anymore? People seem to have no problem talking loudly about details of their sex life to their friend on the phone for the whole world to hear. I hope you all die of sexually transmitted diseases
Young people are just rude to elderly people these days, how many times have you seen some young twat that doesn't stand when an OAP needs to sit down, it's just lazy, selfish and rude. i hope they die young as they don't have any respect for older people, and they don't deserve to get old.
Care worker who are cruel to elderly people in homes. Unacceptable standards of care including nurses ignoring patients’ calls for assistance, it’s become standard in some care homes, it makes me sick. They get on TV saying we need “training in empathy” in how to sympathise with people, in how to behave. F*^K OFF. Care homes shouldn’t be about profit and they need to stop paying minimum wage to bloody EU imports, and poorly educated people shouldn’t be aloud within a mile of a care home. If you’re cruel to elderly people … death by lethal injection
What about people who don't hold the door for the person behind them, just let it slam in their face, I hope they get knocked over by a truck
When I was young I was told to go single file on the pavement when people wanted to pass, people don’t move these days. Three people walking, taking the width of the pavement with a person walking the other way, they just hold their ground and expect the other person to step out in the road, even if a car is coming. I hope they burn to death in a house fire, no need for it
Antisocial behaviour is a big problem in some local councils, and housing association accommodation, the parents of the antisocial teenagers are the same people that were antisocial teenagers when they were young, we’re on the second generation now, this second generation will go on to have kids that grow intro kids that will be antisocial. They’re part of the scrounging and benefit culture. I’d stop the benefits, kick them out on the streets in the middle of winter so they freeze to death over night.
Alcohol and violence. We need a ban on the consumption of alcohol in public on a year round basis. We live in a pub culture these days and it needs to stop NOW. We have way too much alcohol violence on the streets these days, small corner shops selling alcohol needs to be reduced or stopped. Supermarkets should be banned from selling cheap alcohol. Pubs should go back to old school opening hours like it was in the 80s. Yes I know you’ll always have alcohol violence, but it can be reduced, and it should be reduced. People who are always up in front of the judge for alcohol violence need harsh punishment. First offence 3 years, second 5 years, third 10 years, forth, mandatory death penalty
Drink driving should have a punishment of 1 year for the first offence, 3 years for a second offence, 5 years for the third, and subsequent offences 10 years. If you kill somebody while drunk, life or the death penalty, take you pick
Class A Drug Violence. Long jail sentences and heavy fines should be mandatory for suspects that are violent and caught with controlled substances, and the death penalty should be prescribed for Class A drug traffickers
That's my rant over
Teenagers are out of control, we have so many laws to "protect the children" (*vomit*) they're above the law, the way they talk to the police when they're in the wrong is disgraceful. Don't get me started on how they are at school and the respect they have for the teacher, or lack of it. Just chuck them out of school, if they want to jeopardize their future, fine. Let them figure it out as they get older, just let the kids that want to learn do it without the disruptive influence in the class, just like it was when I was a kid. If the poorly educated parent comes to the school and starts getting aggressive, chuck them in jail, and when they come out they get no benefits, homeless, why should I give a shit. They and their second generation benefit culture scum can die on the streets.
The scrounging and benefit culture in Britain is out of control, like the teenage girls getting pregnant for benefits, I hear them talking about it around town, it's disgraceful ... No more state handouts = no more teenage mums ... Families or the girls pick up the bills NOT the tax payer ... If your family or you don't have the money ...Put the kid in care or you’re both HOMELESS ... Simple ... job done!
I see being bloody FAT is “illness” for which you can claim lucrative disability handouts in the UK. Laura Ripley, 28, sparked fury by claiming she could not afford to eat healthy food on £600 per month benefits, this one is so good you can read more here
A family out of work on benefits shouldn’t be paid more than the average family in work ... Simple Math ...
Everyone is too engrossed in themselves and their MP3 players or mobile phones to give a shit about the world around them. Is there such a thing as a private conversation anymore? People seem to have no problem talking loudly about details of their sex life to their friend on the phone for the whole world to hear. I hope you all die of sexually transmitted diseases
Young people are just rude to elderly people these days, how many times have you seen some young twat that doesn't stand when an OAP needs to sit down, it's just lazy, selfish and rude. i hope they die young as they don't have any respect for older people, and they don't deserve to get old.
Care worker who are cruel to elderly people in homes. Unacceptable standards of care including nurses ignoring patients’ calls for assistance, it’s become standard in some care homes, it makes me sick. They get on TV saying we need “training in empathy” in how to sympathise with people, in how to behave. F*^K OFF. Care homes shouldn’t be about profit and they need to stop paying minimum wage to bloody EU imports, and poorly educated people shouldn’t be aloud within a mile of a care home. If you’re cruel to elderly people … death by lethal injection
What about people who don't hold the door for the person behind them, just let it slam in their face, I hope they get knocked over by a truck
When I was young I was told to go single file on the pavement when people wanted to pass, people don’t move these days. Three people walking, taking the width of the pavement with a person walking the other way, they just hold their ground and expect the other person to step out in the road, even if a car is coming. I hope they burn to death in a house fire, no need for it
Antisocial behaviour is a big problem in some local councils, and housing association accommodation, the parents of the antisocial teenagers are the same people that were antisocial teenagers when they were young, we’re on the second generation now, this second generation will go on to have kids that grow intro kids that will be antisocial. They’re part of the scrounging and benefit culture. I’d stop the benefits, kick them out on the streets in the middle of winter so they freeze to death over night.
Alcohol and violence. We need a ban on the consumption of alcohol in public on a year round basis. We live in a pub culture these days and it needs to stop NOW. We have way too much alcohol violence on the streets these days, small corner shops selling alcohol needs to be reduced or stopped. Supermarkets should be banned from selling cheap alcohol. Pubs should go back to old school opening hours like it was in the 80s. Yes I know you’ll always have alcohol violence, but it can be reduced, and it should be reduced. People who are always up in front of the judge for alcohol violence need harsh punishment. First offence 3 years, second 5 years, third 10 years, forth, mandatory death penalty
Drink driving should have a punishment of 1 year for the first offence, 3 years for a second offence, 5 years for the third, and subsequent offences 10 years. If you kill somebody while drunk, life or the death penalty, take you pick
Class A Drug Violence. Long jail sentences and heavy fines should be mandatory for suspects that are violent and caught with controlled substances, and the death penalty should be prescribed for Class A drug traffickers
That's my rant over