The lack of respect and the decline of today's society. (RANT)

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by charmando
    I lol'd.


    • EricHill78
      • Jun 2010
      • 4253

      What the hell, I take a break.. Come back to precious being a communist?


      • kevs
        • Mar 2011
        • 875

        Originally posted by precious007

        I'm not debating this

        but you have not lived in communism

        America is a country full of cuckoos believe me

        I have lived in communism, communism meant order, discipline and RESPECT

        people were respectful at that time, same as in England

        You know why german people are as "SHARP" as a knife?

        because their genetics come from people who lived under hittler

        if in the 70-80-90's in Romania you'd insult a patient

        you'd be in jail

        if you'd make an abortion you'd be in jail

        if you'd insulted a police man you'd be dead

        if you insulted your parents you'd be grounded

        if you want RESPECT you need DISCIPLINE

        and I'l all for the above :-)

        and you can only have discipline by punishment, law and bills

        because today your life is just as insecure as it gets, I mean you don't even know how insecure it is until you come over to a serious issue, either with the law, birocracy, health, coruption and so on.

        they tell you that you can secure your life - (by making you SECURING their lifes, paying htorugh the nose to an insurance company), lol, democracy my ass, this is the New World Order people are blind to see it

        I'm not all for communism but still, we had respect back then


        I'm not debating just telling you something that you are not familiar with

        I just have to say a word right now mate.

        That communism you think is so great invaded Estonia for 70 years, deoprted over 30 000 (ofcourse all of their personal belongings including houses, land etc were confiscated) people from Estonia to Siberian work-camps and farms including my great-grandparents. Most of the deported people were women and children, most of them died there. All the active intellectuals who were considered as a "threat to society" went to jail and/or killed. Religion was banned and the churches were turned into military buildings or burned down. There was absolutely nothing to buy at grocery stores, lucky ones were these who had bit of land or cattle, at least they weren't starving, but ofcourse everything was secretly operated, otherwise goverment just took their stuff.
        So please shut the **** up and don't tell me communism is good, reading this shit makes me very angry!!!


        • kozleek
          Banned Users
          • Dec 2011
          • 53

          It seems to me,that precious took the same IQ test,like I did online 10 years ago ,when my English was even worse than now and I did not even understand some of the questions.Yet I still scored 128 points,way above average.But my life results telling me otherwise,I am failing in everything,that I do and I do repeat same mistakes over and over,which is clear sign,that I am not "a mensa material".
          Every ex-communist country has groups of people dreaming about good old days - senile seniors,bitter people who blame society for their own failures , people ,who suffered some head injury and now it looks,there is new trend - people with brain damage after using too much tobacco
          Anyway precious you are giving us Eastern Europeans bad name,so stop bringing up your communistic agenda,nobody cares.
          I think, that instead of posting your moronic bullshit, you start working,you would be millionare by now and you would not have to ask for money,which BTW you sad ,you have in your Belize account if I am not mistaken ??


          • Crow
            • Oct 2010
            • 4312

            Originally posted by YfirBaggari
            Even tho im still very young I do agree on todays youth is way out of line. Personally, even tho im not religious I go by that golden rule from the bible, Something like, You should treat others like you would like to be treated.
            And guys, no one is ever right in an arguement really, that's just how it is, This person has that to say and beleaves he's right, And the other one has the other thing to say and beleaves he's right.
            It's just going to be an endless cycle of argueing for you guys unless you decide to stop and rather discuss then argue, don't get me wrong I'm not trying to personally attack you in anyway but this is all getting rather childish and more of an "I'm more right than you." than an discussion. (what you beleave is right,doesent neceserally sound right to others.)
            And it needs two to tango so pointing fingers on who started this is just not right.
            But really I respect you guys, And I respect that you have beleaves and stand by them no matter what, and please don't take this as an you guys shouldn't discuss what you feel is right.

            And then again this is how i feel about the situation, you guys might agree with me then again you might not. Which i find totally allright. Every one has a right to their opinion aslong as they can accept that not everyone thinks they are right.
            There was an old icelandic saying i was going to try and shove in here, but it sounds rather weird translated to english

            This reply of mine might sound a bit weird but that's just my bad english talking.
            Time to study for some electricity finals, yay.
            Well put, Yfir.

            But, this isn't the first time a thread has struck a chord with precious007, and caused a chain reaction. I have to admit, it's always entertaining to read.

            Perhaps I should be offended that he calls my country "a nation of cuckoos" (amongst other things), but I just laugh and shrug it off. People have their own ways of reacting.

            I agree with your philosophy: treating others the same way you want to be treated.

            P.S. What was the old saying you were thinking of? Also, good luck with your final exam!
            Words of Wisdom

            Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
            Crow: Of course, that's a given.
            Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
            Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
            Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
            Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
            Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
            Frosted: lucky twat
            Frosted: Aussie slags
            Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


            • heders
              • Jan 2011
              • 2227

              Originally posted by precious007
              An IQ test, sgreger is the exact genuine test to determine intelligence. (don't ever tell your kids otherwise)

              And please educate yourself on what intelligence means and make the difference between the two terms: "intelligence" and "education".

              Have you ever asked yourself why IQ tests come with a time limit and why you're given logic puzzles to solve? Don't think so. Well, that test measures the exact speed at which you can attain the information. ............ if you have a better test for intelligence than all of us have (IQ) then please reinvent the wheel ;-)

              Don't deny that entirely.

              Well - smart IS exactly the synonym of intelligent. (and smart does not mean well educated). (I don't care how people use these words in America but they're clearly making a mistake according to the English dictionary.
              There is symbolic, mathematical and logical (in terms of language etc) intelligence, which can be measured somewhat good with an IQ test. The tests doesn't say shit about your true intelligence as it is really a question of interpretation. Anders Breivik, the guy who killed 70 or so children at Utöya and detonated a bomb in Oslo apparently has really high IQ. Does that make him smart?

              Many of the "smartest" people in the world surprisingly scored very low on the IQ chart, but still were considered geniuses.

              And about communism: It's one of the worst things that has brought our world the most suffering through our history. Communism basically means aiming for an utopia, and doing whatever is in the way to get there: including (in, I would say basically all countries who have practiced it) killing citizens, torturing, scaring, depleting them of necessities etc.

              Communism can sure bring order as you say, but it's the wrong order where the population is sheep in fear, working for the sheep master who sit on their lazy fat asses and cash in the big bucks.


              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                • Mar 2011
                • 7035

                Originally posted by precious007
                and what's so shitty about what I've said?


                People like Frosted said he has as his lab researchers, delusional and feeling superior are everywhere, with an air of superiority and shit, that's not me stay cool.

                and don't behave like a 5 year old here changing signatures

                in ain't funny lol =)) it's hilarious

                and top it off sgreger you're the one that is delusional

                Superior evidence in this case Wikipedia and a few English dictionaries. and you continued to argue LMAO

                You clearly did understand my intention on the thread and as a wise person continued to argue with me over something that you know wasn't true. Trying to be a smart guy and explaining what intelligence means, when you clearly didn't know what it was and didn't even know the difference between Intelligence and Smart.

                You clearly knew that the two words were synonyms and continued (or you didn't know), and that IQ IS the test for intelligence (the best we have so far)

                but again continued arguing over it

                from this alone I can only comprehend that you're delusional

                and you know why you're delusional? because of staying too much in front of the computer and not realizing you;re living virtually right nowm,actually taking up a serious fight and being over too serious about it.

                and/or insulting me and taking it all way too serious

                and this all turned into a virtual circus
                Presios not FROSTED but EXTREME


                • Randall
                  • May 2010
                  • 753

                  One thing that stands out in this thread is the insistence that 10% of the US population is in prison, which is the basis for the idea that Americans are "cuckoos". From what I remember and just checked out on Wiki it's less than 1%. Just sayin'.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                    Presios not FROSTED but EXTREME
                    Seems that somebody's observational intelligence wasn't as superior as others.


                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      Just for the record, an IQ test measures an individuals ability to reason... or in more general terms, acts as a measurement of an individual's ability to come up with solutions to complex questions or situations. IQ test questions are based on a number of variables, some of which may or may not reflect socioeconomic factors that can distort test outcomes.

                      By taking college courses in logic and/or psychological test design, anyone can increase their IQ score... or in the case for those with ego issues, become members of MENSA.
                      If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                      • devilock76
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 1737

                        I love how many times precious has responded to me and said how busy he is while I was off line actually being bus and having a good time. It has now shown me what an insecure little child his and by proxy all of Romania is insecure little children and why hey are just insignificant as a whole.



                        • devilock76
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 1737

                          The misusage of obtuse abstruse has carried on long enough to change the dictionary. Just like ain't is in the dictionary now and irregardless is listed as a common misusage. Abstruse means to be intentionally difficult. Obtuse an angle greater than 90 degrees. People heard abstruse, a rare word back then and became obtuse interprettin such an angle as dull so to call the person dull. Language changes over time.



                          • Frankie Reloaded
                            Banned Users
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 541

                            Originally posted by kevinatest
                            That communism you think is so great invaded Estonia ... reading this shit makes me very angry!!!
                            I am pretty sure you two are talking about completely different people. As far as I know, Precious´ Commies (from Romania) never invaded your country. They tried to help Germans conquer Stalingrad, though, and sort of failed


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035

                              Originally posted by Roo
                              Hey Precious I have an idea. You think we are being unfair to you? Why don't you go on a different forum and post the following. See what happens....

                              Then follow that with remarks about your unusually high IQ and general superiority, and be utterly combative and occasionally nonsensical when other people... not us... call you on your bullshit. You keep saying this thread is about Respect. Riddle me this: Do you think you were being respectful by saying, to an open forum of perhaps 80% Americans, that America is full of cuckoos ("believe me")? First of all, "Believe Me"?? Why the **** would we believe you about your sentiments regarding Americans? As I said earlier I have never been to Romania. I don't go about on the internet making insulting statements about Romania, or Romanians. You know why? It is ignorant and disrespectful. That's why. Secondly, ... **** secondly. That's enough to piss off a heap of people. Try it again, get the same result. Knock yourself out, which may not be a bad idea, considering that you are staying up all night to spew nonsense at us. Learn something, fool.
                              Roo i agree 100% with the precios ward , but not about America , but rest is 1000000000 % right


                              • kevs
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 875

                                Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded
                                I am pretty sure you two are talking about completely different people. As far as I know, Precious´ Commies (from Romania) never invaded your country. They tried to help Germans conquer Stalingrad, though, and sort of failed
                                I'm talking about USSR.

                                Communism as an idea might be good but it never happened as it was supposed to be...


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