The Story of Civilization
In the beginning humans were just another animal. They were no different than any other beast of the forest. They had no deep thoughts, they had no higher skills than a wolf or an otter. They hunted for food, sometimes hunting each other, killing another of their own kind didn't mean anything. They ate whatever was at hand, they killed for food and grouped together and killed for security like wolves, they mated with whatever they could catch.
Somewhere along the line humans developed the ability to understand the idea of cause and effect, and from there they learned to predict. If they did this, then that would occur. Just a very basic version of it at first. If we did not kill or eat the baby it would grow up to be another hunter or another child bearer, this was useful knowledge.
They were able to predict that certain animals would have their own young at certain times of the year, that herds of animals migrated on certain routes and in certain seasons. The seasons themselves were predictable. They soon shared this information with future generations by painting them on the walls of caves.
Someday one or more of these primitive humans noticed that certain activities impacted the human condition in negative ways. They decided to pressure others not to do these 'bad' things. They realized that some behaviors were more productive than others and they began to pressure others to do these 'good' things.
They soon realized that human nature was still animalistic, the default setting was not good but bad, and all of their efforts to improve the human condition would have to come in opposition to this basic human nature. Today the religious might call this the “sin nature”. This sin nature inside all of us might be what we call the devil, or Satan.
If humans had never tried to fight this nature of the beast they would never have become civilized. We look back from today and we say that this dictator or that warlord was uncivilized, but go back farther and all humans were much less civilized. We see the Holocaust or the Killings Fields as uncivilized by our modern standards because of how far we have come in fighting our basic human nature.
Every step on the ladder of civilization has raised our expectations of the future. Might we someday truly conquer crime and poverty? Shouldn't we continue to try? Those are civilized thoughts, we want to make the human condition better than it is. Some of us.
Today, though, the forces of regression have become quite strong. They chisel at the very foundations of civilization, they tie dynamite around the planks that keep it above water. Certainly many of them are not intentionally trying to bring down civilization itself, they just want to give away to their own lusts or ideas and then they want it normalized for everyone. The result is the same thing, a return to primitive barbarism or even to animalism.
If one percent of the population is homosexual, that would not impact humankind to a great degree but when governments and powerful forces encourage it, normalize it and praise it, then it becomes a force against civilization. It is the same with child sex, crimes, idleness (welfare). When a tiny portion of humans are doing it, there is no real problem. When culture or government encourage these things they come to do a great deal of harm to civilization.
In the beginning humans were just another animal. They were no different than any other beast of the forest. They had no deep thoughts, they had no higher skills than a wolf or an otter. They hunted for food, sometimes hunting each other, killing another of their own kind didn't mean anything. They ate whatever was at hand, they killed for food and grouped together and killed for security like wolves, they mated with whatever they could catch.
Somewhere along the line humans developed the ability to understand the idea of cause and effect, and from there they learned to predict. If they did this, then that would occur. Just a very basic version of it at first. If we did not kill or eat the baby it would grow up to be another hunter or another child bearer, this was useful knowledge.
They were able to predict that certain animals would have their own young at certain times of the year, that herds of animals migrated on certain routes and in certain seasons. The seasons themselves were predictable. They soon shared this information with future generations by painting them on the walls of caves.
Someday one or more of these primitive humans noticed that certain activities impacted the human condition in negative ways. They decided to pressure others not to do these 'bad' things. They realized that some behaviors were more productive than others and they began to pressure others to do these 'good' things.
They soon realized that human nature was still animalistic, the default setting was not good but bad, and all of their efforts to improve the human condition would have to come in opposition to this basic human nature. Today the religious might call this the “sin nature”. This sin nature inside all of us might be what we call the devil, or Satan.
If humans had never tried to fight this nature of the beast they would never have become civilized. We look back from today and we say that this dictator or that warlord was uncivilized, but go back farther and all humans were much less civilized. We see the Holocaust or the Killings Fields as uncivilized by our modern standards because of how far we have come in fighting our basic human nature.
Every step on the ladder of civilization has raised our expectations of the future. Might we someday truly conquer crime and poverty? Shouldn't we continue to try? Those are civilized thoughts, we want to make the human condition better than it is. Some of us.
Today, though, the forces of regression have become quite strong. They chisel at the very foundations of civilization, they tie dynamite around the planks that keep it above water. Certainly many of them are not intentionally trying to bring down civilization itself, they just want to give away to their own lusts or ideas and then they want it normalized for everyone. The result is the same thing, a return to primitive barbarism or even to animalism.
If one percent of the population is homosexual, that would not impact humankind to a great degree but when governments and powerful forces encourage it, normalize it and praise it, then it becomes a force against civilization. It is the same with child sex, crimes, idleness (welfare). When a tiny portion of humans are doing it, there is no real problem. When culture or government encourage these things they come to do a great deal of harm to civilization.