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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by thegameisover2k2
    its not normal for a dick to go into a butthole. Its not natural...there is nothing right about it. But helfl...why not let them marry...but you cant stop there...if marriage isnt between a man and woman anymore...just about who or what you have sex with...people should be able to marry pets...fleshlights...whatever...give me a break.
    1) You are falling for what is referred to as the naturalistic fallacy, wherein we assume that since something is natural it must be good, or that because something is unnatural it must be bad. It is not so black and white.

    2) Homosexuality is as common in many animals as it is in humans, it is a programmed genetic trait. There isn't actually anything unnatural about it, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

    3) I enjoy ****ing my wife in the ass when she lets me, you should try it.

    4) marriage is between two (or more) consenting adults. This means only consenting adults can be married. You still can not marry a lamb or a child or a fleshlight, as those are not consenting adults who could legally be party to such a contract. So the slippery slope argument does not work here.

    To deny homosexuals equal rights is to defy the constitution, and more generally is a violation of the inherent rights of free men everywhere.

    I stand for liberty an justice for all, not a chosen few. And I don't want Christians running our government and setting policy based on fairy tales any more than I want Muslims running our country via sharia law (based off a slightly different fairy tale).


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      Originally posted by sgreger1
      1) You are falling for what is referred to as the naturalistic fallacy, wherein we assume that since something is natural it must be good, or that because something is unnatural it must be bad. It is not so black and white.

      2) Homosexuality is as common in many animals as it is in humans, it is a programmed genetic trait. There isn't actually anything unnatural about it, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

      3) I enjoy ****ing my wife in the ass when she lets me, you should try it.

      4) marriage is between two (or more) consenting adults. This means only consenting adults can be married. You still can not marry a lamb or a child or a fleshlight, as those are not consenting adults who could legally be party to such a contract. So the slippery slope argument does not work here.

      To deny homosexuals equal rights is to defy the constitution, and more generally is a violation of the inherent rights of free men everywhere.

      I stand for liberty an justice for all, not a chosen few. And I don't want Christians running our government and setting policy based on fairy tales any more than I want Muslims running our country via sharia law (based off a slightly different fairy tale).
      Wow dude.... Well said. Amen to all that (except the assplay bit for me personally, just not my bag, but loved your #3 anyway).


      • BadAxe
        • Jan 2010
        • 631

        Originally posted by thegameisover2k2
        its not normal for a dick to go into a butthole. Its not natural...there is nothing right about it. But helfl...why not let them marry...but you cant stop there...if marriage isnt between a man and woman anymore...just about who or what you have sex with...people should be able to marry pets...fleshlights...whatever...give me a break.
        normal as defined by what? Society? Again, thats man created. Because it goes against what we are used to being normal? Why would anyone care about 2 people that love each other being committed to each other, no matter what the sex? I don't understand those that need to have their opinion, and then push that to some law that applies to all. Why can't people live as they wish? And why does 2 people of the same sex loving each other, mean that interspecies sex comes into play? I really don't get anything you are saying here. Who made marriage only between a man and a woman? And don't give me god or the bible, because that is just man, making up the rules. People are entitled to their opinions, just as people are free to live and live as they wish. Why do you have to judge them because they are different than you. What harm comes from 2 same sex people getting married? Or is it just that it offends you, so it should not exist.

        There really is no saving humanity is there? Human Beings will never live without judging, and therefore being violent to one another. I used to believe if we could get rid of religion and gov't (no easy task I know) that could really be a major step. Now I just don't know. When I read opinions like the one above, and hear the ignornace and the hatred of anything different, of anything other than what society has taught one, I really don't think this species will ever evolve.


        • thegameisover2k2
          • Jan 2011
          • 92

          you have to draw the line somewhere....its not about hate...its about the line. If its ok for a man to marry a man or woman to marry a woman...then why not allow you to marry an animal. hey...if it doesnt pull away it must enjoy it so that makes it ok right? Or why not brothers and sisters? They love each other so why not let them marry....or first cousins....or what if i want to marry my hand. Its all about how much of society you want to end up on the jerry springer show. There are lines in the sand drawn and when its crossed its kind of hypocritical to say it should be stopped for one small group of people who are not "normal"


          • Thunder_Snus
            • Oct 2011
            • 1316

            Hate to break it to a lot of people to point to the bible as what is a sin and isnt. The United States was not found on any religious beliefs. There are also a lot of things that were taken out of the bible as time went on and the higher ups saw fit. The book of eve which talked about sex for pleasure and coitus interuptus (pulling out) was taken out as well as other things. The reason i reject religion is it gives people this false sense of entitlement that they are right because a book says so. I'm a ****ing wizard because a book called Harry Potter told me so. If we combined all of those Harry potter books into one buried it and it was discovered 2k years later would people accept it as a collection of past events and stories?

            People use the bible to shield themselves against a thing called logic. People grew to learn as a civilation. The earth was not flat it was round, knats didnt come from meat they were attracted to it. We learned these things yet still hold this belief that theres a bearded man in the sky that grants wishes.

            As for gays. I will be the first to say I do not understand how as a man you can find another man attractive. I'm a straight man I just can't look at another dude and be like "yeah i'd have sex with that" but I accept gays. People claim they don't accept gays because they dont understand it. I don't understand fire, or gravity, or quantum physics but i sure as hell will accept it. One thing that pisses me off more than anything is peoples ignorance and constant reference to a fictional book as to why something should or shouldnt be considered immoral


            • devilock76
              • Aug 2010
              • 1737

              In NC you can marry your first cousin. Well that is unless they are gay...



              • Thunder_Snus
                • Oct 2011
                • 1316

                And something left out in the original post is the dark ages. Do you know how far we would have advanced as a civilation without that or witch burnings or any other things. Thats roughly 500 years of technological advances being held down. You think your cell phone and computer are cool? Hell that shit would be ancient comapred to what we could have.


                • thegameisover2k2
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 92

                  its not about any book...its about common sense. I dont have anything against civil unions for them...but marriage should be kept as a vehicle for a man and woman who want to raise a family together. and yes...i know...gays do raise families. But those kids get punished in school by their peers....it is not accepted in our culture and will never be its a shame that kids have to suffer being picked on because of their" parents" lifestyles".


                  • Thunder_Snus
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1316

                    Originally posted by thegameisover2k2
                    its not about any book...its about common sense. I dont have anything against civil unions for them...but marriage should be kept as a vehicle for a man and woman who want to raise a family together. and yes...i know...gays do raise families. But those kids get punished in school by their peers....it is not accepted in our culture and will never be its a shame that kids have to suffer being picked on because of their" parents" lifestyles".
                    You have got to be the biggest asshole. Marriage is a thing created by man, and saying its a vehicle to raise a family together HA most people arent even married when they have children. Find the percentage of people attracted to the same sex....find the percentage of people attracted to animals. I think gays will highly outnumber animal ****ers. Common sense? being gay isnt a lifestyle. I can't just decide to be gay. I love titties and female asses i can't just start liking dong. Being gay isnt just saying yep im gonna start sucking tallywackers its something you just are. And for your comment on being punished by their peers...in my experience the only people that made fun of the kids with same sex parents were the ones with parents who shoved the bible down everyones throat and told them it was wrong and immoral and that being gay is something that doesnt exist while they also told them that a bearded man grants wishes and created the universe.


                    • Thunder_Snus
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 1316

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	religion.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	50.5 KB
ID:	596317
                      i believe this might sum it up


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by thegameisover2k2
                        you have to draw the line somewhere....its not about hate...its about the line. If its ok for a man to marry a man or woman to marry a woman...then why not allow you to marry an animal. hey...if it doesnt pull away it must enjoy it so that makes it ok right? Or why not brothers and sisters? They love each other so why not let them marry....or first cousins....or what if i want to marry my hand. Its all about how much of society you want to end up on the jerry springer show. There are lines in the sand drawn and when its crossed its kind of hypocritical to say it should be stopped for one small group of people who are not "normal"

                        Again, for those who do not understand what marriage is: It is a legal contract.

                        Therefore, in order for anyone to be a party to this contract, they must be consenting adults. Notice how there is no way for a llama to sign a contract for example, so no one will every marry a llama.

                        As far as multiple wives, brothers and cousins getting married etc, I say they should be free to do so. On what basis should the government have the power to stop them from saying they love each other? They certainly won't stop them from doing whatever they do, so why randomly exempt them from legal contracts or basic rights?? In any of those scenarios you listed, how does it negatively effect you in any way? The only one that is arguable is the one about a man marrying an animal, because some would say the animal can not consent and so you are abusing the animal. But in all the other cases, who the **** case if hillbillies mary cousins or mormons have 10 wives? It happens today already and it doesn't affect me in the slightest.

                        I do reserve my 1st ammendment right however to say they are all weird as ****, but just like I have my rights, they have theirs too.


                        • Thunder_Snus
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 1316

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          Again, for those who do not understand what marriage is: It is a legal contract.

                          Therefore, in order for anyone to be a party to this contract, they must be consenting adults. Notice how there is no way for a llama to sign a contract for example, so no one will every marry a llama.

                          As far as multiple wives, brothers and cousins getting married etc, I say they should be free to do so. On what basis should the government have the power to stop them from saying they love each other? They certainly won't stop them from doing whatever they do, so why randomly exempt them from legal contracts or basic rights?? In any of those scenarios you listed, how does it negatively effect you in any way? The only one that is arguable is the one about a man marrying an animal, because some would say the animal can not consent and so you are abusing the animal. But in all the other cases, who the **** case if hillbillies mary cousins or mormons have 10 wives? It happens today already and it doesn't affect me in the slightest.

                          I do reserve my 1st ammendment right however to say they are all weird as ****, but just like I have my rights, they have theirs too.
                          Because some people arent gay and want to stick it to gays they will pull anything out of their ass to justify what they say. Gays could just as easily say why should you be allowed to marry someone of a different sex.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by thegameisover2k2
                            its not about any book...its about common sense. I dont have anything against civil unions for them...but marriage should be kept as a vehicle for a man and woman who want to raise a family together. and yes...i know...gays do raise families. But those kids get punished in school by their peers....it is not accepted in our culture and will never be its a shame that kids have to suffer being picked on because of their" parents" lifestyles".

                            There was a time where kids would make fun of and punish black kids too, but society changes. As it becomes more understood and accepted, there will be less cultural issue with it. Even as it stands right now, most americans don't have a problem with gay marriage.

                            And it's not about common sense, it's about the rights of free men and women. It's not fair to say gays have to use different water fountains or go to segregated schools, and it's not right to say that they can't enjoy the legal benefits of being married if they are in a union together. We can't just pick and choose who to give rights to, we have to give them to everyone, as is custom in a free society (which is something we are trying to build, not something we have yet).

                            My main issue with gay marriage is that I want government OUT of the marriage process, I don't want them making any decisions about what I can or can't do. They shouldn't be able to say gays can't be married, and they shouldn't be able to say women can't have an abortion. They need to maintain a standing army to provide for defence, keep the roads paved, etc etc, but than is about it. They have a limited job to perform and the republicans (and dems) keep wanting to grow government and give them more power so that they can regulate and decide every little minutia of our lives and what we can or can't do. I say **** em.


                            • devilock76
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 1737




                              • thegameisover2k2
                                • Jan 2011
                                • 92

                                you all convinced me. the rules that have been set since civilization began are bullshit. now give me my ice fleshlight!


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