Originally posted by thegameisover2k2
2) Homosexuality is as common in many animals as it is in humans, it is a programmed genetic trait. There isn't actually anything unnatural about it, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
3) I enjoy ****ing my wife in the ass when she lets me, you should try it.
4) marriage is between two (or more) consenting adults. This means only consenting adults can be married. You still can not marry a lamb or a child or a fleshlight, as those are not consenting adults who could legally be party to such a contract. So the slippery slope argument does not work here.
To deny homosexuals equal rights is to defy the constitution, and more generally is a violation of the inherent rights of free men everywhere.
I stand for liberty an justice for all, not a chosen few. And I don't want Christians running our government and setting policy based on fairy tales any more than I want Muslims running our country via sharia law (based off a slightly different fairy tale).