Story of my deth:)

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  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Originally posted by whalen
    I am Gn. But it has more to do with a miserable commute, low pay, and the fact that my boss is a asshole! All these things are hard on my heart GN, making the life after death issue more pressing than I want to deal with.
    Hahaha you great person hahaha


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
      Do you belive that doktors say that that expearence has with brain to do that does not have Oxigen?
      I have read that GN. And being without oxygen has been a particular problem for me from time to time, that is what a heart attack is all about. So maybe that is it. Although the singularity was a very intense and pleasant experience. I do know that we will all get to figure it out for ourselves soon enough Padre. So for the sake of time, get some Vanilla, some coffee, some 8mg snus tobak, and ...................................... you know the rest. PP is not looking so fresh lately!
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • bill77.017
        • Jul 2010
        • 2279

        Originally posted by whalen
        No, there is no end. Just transformation to another state of pure energy.
        That peaceful energy, that oneness................and energy, the fact you didn't Want to separate from the light, to me, makes me believe that we do go on after death. Can you tell us more about it Whalen?


        • bill77.017
          • Jul 2010
          • 2279

          I read a great quote one time and it has always stuck with me. " Death is not the opposite of life, death is the opposite of birth, life is eternal" - Eckhart Tolle.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by whalen
            I had several heart attacks in several hours, went to the hospital, had open heart surgury, a quintuple bypass. But in the ICU I had my white light moment, just a pure energy state in which nothing was separate, just a singularity of peaceful energy, a oneness. I was brought back from that wonderful place by a annoying sound. I did not want to acknowledge it, lest I separate from the light. The noise was from my monitor, I had aspirated in my breathing tube and had stopped breathing and my heart had stopped. In one of the most selfish moments of my life I wanted the light. Then with a rush, I left the light, became a separate entity again, I opened my eyes and the doctor was working on me, they removed the tube, gave me a jump start, and I took a huge breath of air.

            It was beautiful while it lasted. But I did not feel it was anywhere in particular, just a pure state of balanced energy. A pure singularity.
            This is a common feeling. Another one people who redline for a while get is just nothingness, pure nothingness that is so black and full of nothing (like as if all existence had stopped) that it was almost peacefull. Didn't know you had several heart attacks man that' pretty heavy, glad you recovered.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by bill77.017
              That peaceful energy, that oneness................and energy, the fact you didn't Want to separate from the light, to me, makes me believe that we do go on after death. Can you tell us more about it Whalen?
              Most people report it slowly fading to black, to nothingness. Very pleasant and calm, very quiet, but nothingness. The vast majority of near death experiences (where someone is clinically dead for a period of time) point to there being nothing afterwards, it all just fades to black.


              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                There are also a heck of a lot of accounts identical to Whalens experience. They can't be knocked - there's definately truth in them. Scientists have tried to explain that it's simply the brain shutting down - having read their argument I find that their argument isn't convincing to me. I've had too many experiences or heard of too many things that suggest otherwise which simply cannot be coincidental.

                Thanks for sharing what is obviously a very personal experience Whalen.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by Extreme
                  There are also a heck of a lot of accounts identical to Whalens experience. They can't be knocked - there's definately truth in them. Scientists have tried to explain that it's simply the brain shutting down - having read their argument I find that their argument isn't convincing to me. I've had too many experiences or heard of too many things that suggest otherwise which simply cannot be coincidental.

                  Thanks for sharing what is obviously a very personal experience Whalen.
                  I agree Whalen, thank you. But I personally am really interested in this phenomena and have read a ridiculous number of case studies on it, and I am telling you that the vast majority of people, like over 90%, report it as fading to a black calmness. As though you are a computer shutting down and are finally relieved from the burden. There is little (read as: no) evidence that there is anything beyond, though we would all like that to be the case. Even Whalen said he didn't feel there was anything beyond.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    It's impossible for us with a 3 dimensional brain and a strong sense of self to describe the spiritual state but I think Whalen described it very well.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by Extreme
                      It's impossible for us with a 3 dimensional brain and a strong sense of self to describe the spiritual state but I think Whalen described it very well.
                      There is just so much research on this subject and it clearly points to a fading to black scenario when you die. Often times it is very peaceful, and most people describe it like Whalen where it is so peaceful and calm that they almost want to stay there. But there is literally no evidence that we go anywhere when we die, or that we cross over or anything like that. There is no soul, the body (and the processes in your brain who make up who "you" are") simply turn off upon death as far as we know.


                      • bill77.017
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 2279

                        Originally posted by sgreger1
                        Most people report it slowly fading to black, to nothingness. Very pleasant and calm, very quiet, but nothingness. The vast majority of near death experiences (where someone is clinically dead for a period of time) point to there being nothing afterwards, it all just fades to black.
                        Yes, but that nothingness that emptiness, when there is no mind or ego, is our true nature, we are pure consciousness i believe. We just return to that blissful state when our physical body ends. What Whalen experienced, the singularity, pure energy and bliss, he was aware of it, he experienced it. What i mean is he was actually conscious enough to experience these feelings even though his heart had stopped. How is this possible? It's possible i believe because our consciousness continues even after physical death.


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          Sgreger is arguing scientifically which is correct - I'm a stickler for it but I don't believe that this is a subject that can be argued. Science knows what happens up to a point i.e. the death of the body but nobody can argue either way and know that they're right. What is a fact though is that despite Sgregers argument that most people experience nothing - even though if they experience blackness they must have consciousness to experience it - is that a lot of experiences are identical to Whalens.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by Extreme
                            Sgreger is arguing scientifically which is correct - I'm a stickler for it but I don't believe that this is a subject that can be argued. Science knows what happens up to a point i.e. the death of the body but nobody can argue either way and know that they're right. What is a fact though is that despite Sgregers argument that most people experience nothing - even though if they experience blackness they must have consciousness to experience it - is that a lot of experiences are identical to Whalens.
                            I agree with both of you. I think the light and stuff is just a cascade failure, where the body is dumping everything it's got to try starting the system again. That said, nobody knows what happens afterward. There's only one way to find out, and you won't be telling anyone else. I think it'll be interesting. I expect nothing after death, but I'm willing to be surprised. I like surprises :^D


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035

                              My wife's father has expiaranced heart stop for 4 minets during operation , and he told my following : I saw my body from up above I was like in the corner of roof and I have seen what they wos doing with me the doktor said heart stop we loosing him , he made 2 injections of I do not remember what and started to scream on nurses and the other stuff, sadanly somthing was pulling him with indescribable force thru dark and inplesent tunell, and in the end of that tunell he sees light finally he thrown away out to thet light he can not describe how nice and butyfull is there.... And he sees two buskets, one is black.. In which are black papers with black letters , other one white with white letters, and white papers , when I asked him could you read ? He answered yes , but I could not understand what was written and Georg .... Belive me every body will have Jagment day ... He was atheist today each day he goes to church ... With him have talked the doktor who was amaised how in details he described everything what was happening there while his heart was stopped , and then my wife's father told me that sadanly he sow a display, and someone or somthing was behind him.. That was guiding him thru the life he lived .... And I sow tears in my wife fathers eyes ... And I ask him Mr. Leon why you have tears he told me all bed I have done in my life I was seeing on that display .... Never hurm Georg anyone in your life .... I do not afraid of dying Gevorg, and during that conversation my sisters 20 years old son also with us and he asked what heppened then ... And he told us he can not tell us . We did not asked him more ....


                              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 7035

                                Well I understand that this story is difficult to belive but ... He never belived in god , he was Hurd liner , materialistic, person , and lie is somthing I can not even thing he would lie . So I belive in as well there is another reason for that but , I do not know...


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