Story of my deth:)

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    GN, interesting thread, lol

    Well in my case, I was close to death first day of my life. I was born at almost 7 months (had 890 grams in total) and every said we wouldn't live. I have a twin brother he was (860 grams in weight) at that time under the communist regimen they had to write in our birth certificate that we were born dead (my mom told me this recently) just in case we would not survive, so then it would have been my mom's fault not the doctor's ... anyways glad I am still alive and going to be 28 soon :-)

    There were a few other close moments but not really sure how close is close ;-)

    Was stuck in - 38 degrees C in the Norwegian Mountains (brenabu region) in the snow. The snow was basically up to my neck and I couldn't get out thanks got someone from our team has passed by and pulled me out. I was only 12 or 13 at that time. The problem was that I was frozen and there were like 16 km to the cabin, but I was ok once I started skiing, warmed up.

    Another time a car hit me with 50 km/h and threw me off my bike, I went 4 metres intro the air and flipped once, landed on the car, broke the front window and then throw right on my ass in front of the car that has managed to put a break. (nothing happened to me that time except some bruise on my back and some pain in my lower back)

    Gn, I have had similar experience as your wife's dad, but in my case it was sleep paralysis ... I could see everything from above, from certain angles and the experience was pretty similar to what you've described.


    • Frosted
      • Mar 2010
      • 5798

      Back on topic - the closest I've come to real death was in Bosnia. I was standing outside the Sarajevo football stadium when a sniper took a pot shot at me. I knew it was me he was aiming for because I heard and felt the whirr of the round whizz past my ear and the thump in the ground just behind me. Remember feeling very relaxed about it all strangely.


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        Originally posted by Roo
        I got hit by a Jeep 6 weeks ago and my motorcycle helmet saved my life. I was on a 50cc scooter though, if Blue was here he would have surely called me out on that.
        You never said anything. Glad your ok.


        • bill77.017
          • Jul 2010
          • 2279

          Originally posted by Roo
          I got hit by a Jeep 6 weeks ago and my motorcycle helmet saved my life. I was on a 50cc scooter though, if Blue was here he would have surely called me out on that. I miss that guy and would love to see him invited back. Different thread though..
          Wow Roo, that was a close call. Hope your doing ok brother?


          • bill77.017
            • Jul 2010
            • 2279

            Originally posted by Extreme
            Back on topic - the closest I've come to real death was in Bosnia. I was standing outside the Sarajevo football stadium when a sniper took a pot shot at me. I knew it was me he was aiming for because I heard and felt the whirr of the round whizz past my ear and the thump in the ground just behind me. Remember feeling very relaxed about it all strangely.
            If that was me, the first thing I'd have done is change my jocks lol. Great story brother.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              I've had a few semi close calls. I'll list the ones I can remember...

              In my early teens I was crossing a multi lane road, and had my head up my ass or something. I thought the road was clear, and ran right into the side of a car. A fraction of a second sooner, I would have been in front of it.

              At work I slipped off a concrete form, and caught myself on the ground with a piece of rebar about 2cm below my neck which would have gone through it had my wrists failed or something.

              At work I had a tractor trailer lock up it's brakes and slide past me in a cloud of smoke about a metre away.

              At work a runaway truck on a steep grade rolled by me at ~60mph, and went in the river.

              At work I was laying out piles in a footer about 12' in the ground, and a crane boomed up, and dragged a loose cable with it, and dropped it on my head. I got a helicopter ride to shock trauma from that, but I was ok.

              Numerous times at work I was in a dangerous situations that required the general public to act with competence, and you know how that could potentially end up. I've done a lot of unprotected work next to highways.

              All told, I've done a pretty good job of making it through life unharmed. I've never even broken a bone, but there were numerous times I should have. It might have been my high milk consumption as a kid :^D


              • gax1985
                • Feb 2011
                • 124

                In other times , I was close to death too. I might have been almost shot to death by an iraqi soldier at a checkpoint , but I cant remember. They told me that I was screaming at my father the question : "is this soldier good or evil?"

                The other time was in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. We took a cab to get to the holy place, and a taxi driver hit my front seat door in a 90 degree angle. I was happy the car was old school , because the frame was tough as hell.

                Love this thread!


                • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 7035

                  What about this one ???


                  • Duff338
                    • Sep 2011
                    • 423


                    What an amazing thread!!!

                    I can't believe I never saw this one! Thanks to all who have shared.

                    When I was 14 I was skateboarding on the side walk in Woodstock, NY and ollied off the curb to the street, a car side swiped me and knocked me over...second earlier and they would have ran me over.

                    When I was 21 I was riding my bike across the Williamsburg Bridge, Brooklyn NY. I was in the bike lane headed towards the Lower East Side. I had just moved from Brooklyn to the LES and my gym was a short train or bike ride away. I was going home. Almost across the bridge I had a feeling that someone was right behind me or like something was off. Next thing I knew I woke up in the back of an ambulance pulling cords out of my mouth. I still don't know what happened to this day. I was told I was found in the bike lane a bloody mess convulsing. The doctor said I was lucky I did not break my neck or die from the fall. My face was severely swollen and disfigured after the accident. In the end I only have a few scars. No broken bones, just a few stitches. It took awhile to heal, but It could have been much worse.


                    • OregonNative
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 647

                      Some stuff I don't really care to share, but I'll share one of my stories. I may add more later.

                      When I was 15 or so, I was at a party with my friend. We were both trashed drunk but had enough sense to call my friends older brother for a ride. We got into the car and found out that my friends brother was about as drunk as we were (after we were already speeding along the highway at 3 am). The night ended up with him crashing his car directly into a concrete traffic median at 110 mph (177 kph) and the median came back into the car (it had broken through the engine block). Some how we all survived with nothing but minor injuries.


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159

                        A couple weeks ago I had a severe panic attack come from nowhere, my heart rate got so high that my muscles tensed and I was unable to move, my lungs collapsed and heart stopped for close to a minute.


                        • CoderGuy
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2679

                          Originally posted by texasmade
                          A couple weeks ago I had a severe panic attack come from nowhere, my heart rate got so high that my muscles tensed and I was unable to move, my lungs collapsed and heart stopped for close to a minute.
                          Wow, so glad you are OK and here to celebrate Christmas with us!


                          • SnusoMatic
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 507

                            not as dramatic as some of the other stories..... When I was in my twenties I drank quite a bit and other stuff. I had a job that I had to go back to about midnight for about a hour or so most nights. So every night I would be out doing my thing and have to stop at midnight and "go to work". One night I had drank a quart of whiskey, did some coke and smoked some pot and had to go to work haha. I put it off as long as I could and at the last minute jumped in my car and took off. I had a camaro z28 and pretty much thought I was hot stuff. I was driving about 80 mph in city. A curve came up that I had made a million times but this time I lost it. I ran off the road into a patch of trees about the size of half a city block. I remember a lot of bumping and jumping and things slapping the side of the car. Then it came to a halt and I was shook up. Knowing I needed to get out of there before some cops saw me, I left quick.

                            The next day I went back to were I ran off the road and my tracks were still in the dirt. I could see where I had left the road and drove in the dirt for a while. Right before my tracks would have went into the "woods" my tracks disappeared. I stood where my tracks should have been before going into the trees. Looking to the direction my car ended up. The trees were too close together for any car to go through without hitting many. Now before you think maybe I did not go through the trees, I started on one side of the trees but drove OUT the other side when I left. I past those trees a million times because they were right before my job. So it's not like I got mixed up about what side I was on.

                            For my car to actually go through those trees several trees would have had to been knocked down. If I would have hit those trees at the speed I was going i would have been killed. This was before we used seat belts and I imagine I would have been slung out. The smallest tree was about as around as a soda can but most were larger. Where my car went through I would have had to go through several trees at least 6-8 inches around.

                            Am I saying I went through trees without knocking them down? All I can say is what I said above.... I went in one side of the group of trees, heard slapping and jumped around and then drove out the other side without a scratch on my car.

                            Don't worry if you think I am lying. I have told a few people about that and I don't think anyone believes me yet. I was messed up (drunk, etc) but I went to work right after that and did paperwork ok. No way I imagined it.


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