Story of my deth:)

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  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Originally posted by bill77.017
    Do you mean most haunted GN? Yeah that was a complete joke wasn't it? Totally made up lol.
    No Hunting on Discovery American Produktion, not the one they shooting on camera spirits


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by whalen
      Tell that very thing to your doctor- but try to use vegetables and exercise instead of pills - I use only minimum meds, I think aspirin is critical, since I do believe that inflammation is the key.

      Quit Smoking
      go to the gym and do cardio
      Eat more Fiber, fruit and vegetables
      Reduce most sugar
      Take a baby aspirin
      No freakin Pizza and donuts
      Drink a beer everyday

      Most important - Know your Blood pressure and Cholesterol - If it's off, do what ever it takes to get it right again.

      For me, no smokes, no Donuts, Less bacon, no oily cheese.

      The funny thing is that I have only had to change about 5% of my diet. I went through cardio rehab and I just gave in and do whatever they told me to do.
      I eat fresh vegetables and salad, only Healthy cereal everyday, keep meat portions small and trim it. I use only Almond milk. Whole grains and hummus. I eat almonds every day and exercise everyday. I am about to eat my lunch, fresh baked whole wheat bread and goat cheese.
      I'm still on blood pressure pills, but since I started biking 16 miles at a time every few days I have my BP down without need for the meds. I am going to ask to be taken off of them.

      I guess the problem as always is food. I just love delicious food, namely things with cheese and butter etc. I frankly can't see me giving it up. I need to lose weight though, and I need to eat more vegetables. I started gardening this year in hopes that I would be more inclined to eat the vegetables if I grew them myself. I just harvested my first cucumbers and the tomatoes are coming in a couple of weeks. Gonna hopefully be eating a lot more veggies in the future. I try to drink soy milk or rice milk or sometimes almond milk, but I mainly only drink water. I already eat no sugar but my blood sugar is a little high from all the carbs. I don't eat sweets, don't drink anything but water etc, but I guess the carbs are what does it for me. I only drink on Friday and Saturday, and I only have two beers. I was really hoping that stopping my daily drinking would affect my weight, but sadly it has not. Even cutting my beers down from like 4 a night to only 4 per weekend hasn't had any effect.

      I just need to exercise more and eat more vegetables, maybe then i'll feel better and lose some weight. I don't have time for the gym (or the desire), but I know I should probably do that too. Thanks for the advice Whalen.


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        I used to stay at the house of a friend of the family. It was a half way house between my own and a weekend club I used to go to. We had a huge row one day and I never went back. The man was in his 60s and heavily disfigured from an accident.

        One night I had a very vivid dream about him not long after this. He appeared as a younger version of himself, dressed in his best suit with all his disfigurement gone. I felt extraordinarily at ease.
        In the dream we were on a bus travelling into Belfast. We were talking about nothing in particular and then he told me he was dead. He told me he had to get off the bus and I had to continue my journey.

        The next day my grandfather rang to tell me he died of a heart attack.


        • bill77.017
          • Jul 2010
          • 2279

          Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
          No Hunting on Discovery American Produktion, not the one they shooting on camera spirits
          Sorry GN. Never saw it.


          • bill77.017
            • Jul 2010
            • 2279

            Originally posted by Extreme
            I used to stay at the house of a friend of the family. It was a half way house between my own and a weekend club I used to go to. We had a huge row one day and I never went back. The man was in his 60s and heavily disfigured from an accident.

            One night I had a very vivid dream about him not long after this. He appeared as a younger version of himself, dressed in his best suit with all his disfigurement gone. I felt extraordinarily at ease.
            In the dream we were on a bus travelling into Belfast. We were talking about nothing in particular and then he told me he was dead. He told me he had to get off the bus and I had to continue my journey.

            The next day my grandfather rang to tell me he died of a heart attack.
            That's a cool story. Thanks for sharing. Did it freak you out at the time?


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by heders
              I have the same fear, more present sometimes and none others. The most important thing I think is to avoid stress which is done by living in the now moment, and recognizing it as the true reality and the only thing there really is. Judging from your spiritual writings, it sounds like you're familiar with the concept though. Also, by living fully in the moment, as your true self, the ego starts to die, which relieves a lot of stress and negativity from the body. Being happy and present makes the immune system stronger and, proven scientifically; reduces diseases and illnesses dramatically. Exercising regularly, quitting smoking and eating good food (lots of vegetables and fruit) is also really good. Worrying about things like that is really not worth it, because the worrying itself is the problem. All we can do is living in the best way possible, and life will take care of us.

              I follow the theory that if you allow life to flow, and be as it is (not as in doing nothing, but taking the actions needed and doing what is necessary without getting caught in the story of it) - you will be healthy. i.e: if you trust life - life trusts you.

              Yah I do my best to live in the moment, realizing that all things are transient in nature and that all we truly have is the current moment (very Buddhist, eh?), but my anxiety really makes it difficult. I don't know why I have such anxiety as I don't have anything to be anxious about, but I constantly think I am having a heart attack or a stroke, and it just builds up this fear of dying from one of those two things. I don't know why i'm afraid of those things, i'm 26 and otherwise healthy, heart is healthy etc. I guess I just need to relax more.

              Another thing i've had lately is that I don't experience happiness, or much emotion at all for that matter. This kind of bothers me. Like there was a time in my life where if the wife ordered a pizza and I had some beer, and a new video game just came out or something, I would be excited and happy. I no longer have these feelings of excitement or happiness really. I mean i'm not depressed about anything, I just don't feel happy or excited by anything, even things that used to excite me in the past. It's like I have no emotions lately and I just don't know why. It has been a slow process over thee years. I can watch someone get shot right in front of me and not really care either way, I can watch someone OD and not care either way, I can watch an emotional movie but not really get into it or care about the characters etc, I just odn't have emotion anymore and it's really starting to worry me. I don't know what I need to do to get back on track.


              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                Originally posted by bill77.017
                That's a cool story. Thanks for sharing. Did it freak you out at the time?
                Yeah it did. But in a good way.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by Extreme
                  I used to stay at the house of a friend of the family. It was a half way house between my own and a weekend club I used to go to. We had a huge row one day and I never went back. The man was in his 60s and heavily disfigured from an accident.

                  One night I had a very vivid dream about him not long after this. He appeared as a younger version of himself, dressed in his best suit with all his disfigurement gone. I felt extraordinarily at ease.
                  In the dream we were on a bus travelling into Belfast. We were talking about nothing in particular and then he told me he was dead. He told me he had to get off the bus and I had to continue my journey.

                  The next day my grandfather rang to tell me he died of a heart attack.
                  Yah i've had dreams just like that too. I've even seent he future in one of my dreams and knew it was going to happen, tried to avoid it, but it happened anyways. Glitch in the matrix I guess. Time is an interesting thing, we should be able to remember the future just like we can remember the past, but we don't for whatever reason. Maybe every once in a while a little bit of the future slips into your timeline while dreaming or something. I don't know how to explain it, but i've experienced it personally and therefore it is real to me. Not sure how it happens.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    No Sgreger. It was him.


                    • whalen
                      • May 2009
                      • 6593

                      Originally posted by sgreger1
                      I'm still on blood pressure pills, but since I started biking 16 miles at a time every few days I have my BP down without need for the meds. I am going to ask to be taken off of them.

                      I guess the problem as always is food. I just love delicious food, namely things with cheese and butter etc. I frankly can't see me giving it up. I need to lose weight though, and I need to eat more vegetables. I started gardening this year in hopes that I would be more inclined to eat the vegetables if I grew them myself. I just harvested my first cucumbers and the tomatoes are coming in a couple of weeks. Gonna hopefully be eating a lot more veggies in the future. I try to drink soy milk or rice milk or sometimes almond milk, but I mainly only drink water. I already eat no sugar but my blood sugar is a little high from all the carbs. I don't eat sweets, don't drink anything but water etc, but I guess the carbs are what does it for me. I only drink on Friday and Saturday, and I only have two beers. I was really hoping that stopping my daily drinking would affect my weight, but sadly it has not. Even cutting my beers down from like 4 a night to only 4 per weekend hasn't had any effect.

                      I just need to exercise more and eat more vegetables, maybe then i'll feel better and lose some weight. I don't have time for the gym (or the desire), but I know I should probably do that too. Thanks for the advice Whalen.
                      I miss a lot of good things I loved to eat also. Just go bust a move and walk around the block, start small, it all helps. You don't have to be a saint, just try to do yourself a favor now and then. Alcohol in moderation is good for you, My doctor told me I had to drink more often. My alky buddies about shit themselves when they heard that one, but they overdo the quota. I smoked for 43 years, that messed me up bad! I normally just drink on Fridays. Oh, guess what day it is today! I get my hamburger fix today too! See, it is a bitch to get this messed up!
                      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        There have been lots of other things but that's enough.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                          Ofcorse I am not talking about Walen but Sgreger ... He just needs to take everything from life till he is young , f** fight , lough, scream, jump, shortly enjoy his age
                          It's funny because that was always my outlook on life. That we are here for, if nothing else, to enjoy ourselves and experience the wide range of emotions and experiences that life has to offer. Love, hate, laugh, cry, pleasure, pain, I wanted to experience it all. I think I just lived like that for too many years and burned myself out. I wanted to experience the good, and the bad, and got a healthy dose of both. But now that I am settled down with wife and kids I guess something has changed in me (probably for the best, I was ****ing crazy as a youth). I guess I just feel like I have already tried everything, and am looking for my next adventure, the next thing to experience. Maybe death is it, maybe there is something that comes first, who knows.


                          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 7035

                            Originally posted by sgreger1
                            It's funny because that was always my outlook on life. That we are here for, if nothing else, to enjoy ourselves and experience the wide range of emotions and experiences that life has to offer. Love, hate, laugh, cry, pleasure, pain, I wanted to experience it all. I think I just lived like that for too many years and burned myself out. I wanted to experience the good, and the bad, and got a healthy dose of both. But now that I am settled down with wife and kids I guess something has changed in me (probably for the best, I was ****ing crazy as a youth). I guess I just feel like I have already tried everything, and am looking for my next adventure, the next thing to experience. Maybe death is it, maybe there is something that comes first, who knows.
                            No deth coming last , live life do not think about deth your children needs you , make lots of baby's and when you will be old inuf then you can thing about deth but it will be in your case after 60 years


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by Extreme
                              No Sgreger. It was him.
                              Spooky action at a distance, quantum entanglement, maybe there is some mechanism whereby we are more connected than we think and someone like him would be able to communicate with you. It's too early in science to know for sure yet, but we are learning that all the rules we used to go by, as far as assuming the world is a solid, consistent place, are slowly being rethought as we look into the quantum world which underlies it all. And what lays beneath the quantum world, is there something which governs that? Or is there an absolute foundation upon which everything is based? I think that in the future scientists will look at our narrow view of the universe and it's happenings in a very different light, just like how we look at science from 500 years ago or before. It made sense at the time that the world was flat, know what I mean? But then one day someone figures out some game changing shit, like we aren't the center of the universe, that there may be others out there just like us, that we are all just a bunch of giant spheres rotating around spheres. Who knows what the next big discovery may be. Ghosts may be real, I never really looked to much into it. If ghosts are real, than there is an afterlife, but if they spend their time haunting the living, than what sort of eternal prison is this supposed afterlife?


                              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 7035

                                Originally posted by Extreme
                                I used to stay at the house of a friend of the family. It was a half way house between my own and a weekend club I used to go to. We had a huge row one day and I never went back. The man was in his 60s and heavily disfigured from an accident.

                                One night I had a very vivid dream about him not long after this. He appeared as a younger version of himself, dressed in his best suit with all his disfigurement gone. I felt extraordinarily at ease.
                                In the dream we were on a bus travelling into Belfast. We were talking about nothing in particular and then he told me he was dead. He told me he had to get off the bus and I had to continue my journey.

                                The next day my grandfather rang to tell me he died of a heart attack.
                                Yes brother that is the thing if there is nothing after life who the hell puting those videos in to our dreams, is so that coincident absolutely not , then how world works, how could you cone that , me you and others understand no way that you could know that , then who is the movie director of our lives ? God ? In case of cucruch as well or with bugs other story ,


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