Native Swedish snuser vs SnusOn member

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  • Reynard
    • Feb 2009
    • 804

    Native Swedish snuser vs SnusOn member

    Hi guys,

    I'm just wondering, how does the average established SnusOn member's knowledge of snus and all things related compare with the average snuser in Sweden? I guess - as Lx alluded to a few years back in a thread - we are connoisseurs, whereas the average Swede (and I can personally vouch for this) would probably be confused by Snuson. ("What do you all talk about?").

    I suppose because we are an online entity and in Sweden newbie snusers are exposed to friends and other peers and can share tips and tricks in person, the average Swedish snuser's forte in this hypothetical competition would be the hands on aspect, whereas I guess one of us is bound to know more about stuff that requires research. Well, I guess you folks in the US have more exposure to snus than the UK, here no one has heard of it at all, which is depressing, but I digress.

    So basically the idea of the thread is to compare the types of knowledge and savvy that would differ between these two groups (of cool people ). I'm aware that there are members that straddle both categories.
  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    hey bro

    Do you mean if the average SnusOn member has more knowledge than an aveage Swedish snuser based in Sweden? I guess so, many people here have seen everything that's related to snus, hell, I've tried/tested/used over 50 brands maybe more........... whereas Swedish people stick to one brand, whereas guys here from all over the world mainly U.S use as much as 10 brands in one day. (at least that's what I've heard about Swedish Snus users)



    • Reynard
      • Feb 2009
      • 804

      Originally posted by precious007
      hey bro

      Do you mean if the average SnusOn member has more knowledge than an aveage Swedish snuser based in Sweden?
      Hi mate, yeah I did mean that, but there are many types of knowledge. For example, the worlds leading expert on the properties of the colour blue may be blind. S/he may be an expert, but could never KNOW what it's like to see a sapphire. A snuser in Sweden may not know the names of 50 snuses, but they do know 50 nifty tricks with a snus can that were picked up in person.

      If snus were introduced for sale in the EU, I wonder if the appeal of being a snus connoisseur would be lost, and we'd just buy it over the counter. Maybe in a country like the US where you can buy it but it's still fairly novel would provide the answer.

      Apologies if I'm rambling


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        Everybody here thinks snus is nothing more than overpriced dip. Sad but true.


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          i hope you don't underestimate dip vegan :^)


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            Originally posted by precious007
            i hope you don't underestimate dip vegan :^)
            I wont touch the stuff! The Internet is filled with pictures of people who have half a face because of dip.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              vegan, there is no 100% safe tobacco use.

              I've been reading a recent study that says Nicorette gum and patch comes with a low risk of cancer but still contains TSNAs.

              ~ Whilst there is a lower risk of getting cancer from oral tobacco use than with smoking (snus having a lower risk than american dip), the chances of getting pancreatic cancer almost doubles or triples. The chances of getting pancreatic cancer is higher with snus than with dip.

              ~ on average american moist snuff products have a triple amount of TSNA levels compared to swedish snus.

              E-cigarettes contains the lowest levels of TSNA's among all nicotine/tobacco products on the market. Still there is a low risk of getting cancer from e-cigarettes as well.

              Snuff for example has the highesst TSNAs levels. Snuff in fact comes with the highest TSNA levels even though the majority of people might think of it as being less harmful than cigarette smoking.

              Here's a comprehensive chart on TSNA levels among different oral tobacco products -

              I just wanted to list some facts about each oral nicotine/tobacco products to make a comparison, however there is a TSNA level even in Nicorette Gum.

              So basically, IMO, there is a varied degree of getting cancer from any form of tobacco use. (theoretically even from nicorette gum, even though the chances are highly reduced, it is still possible, especially with long term use)

              Swedish population has the largest number of Snus users and the lowest rate of cancers. (that also doesn't mean there is not a small percentage of people getting cancer from snus use, smaller but still there.

              Skoal Wintergreen has approximately the same TSNA content as Ettan Loose (basically I wouldn't see why you'd be afraid to use Skoal Dip and aren't afraid to use Ettan which has an almost similar TSNA content.

              I guess the only way to reduce the risk completely is to quit all forms of tobacco/nicotine use and become vegan :^)


              • sharesnusinfo!
                • May 2008
                • 477

                Tru the most swedes stick to one or two brands, but it is slowly starting to get better for us "The small" manufacturers since they start to realize that it is alot of different brand of high quality snus out there.. In Norway they are more like you in America and love to try different brands.. as long as it is X-STRONG!

                The main thing i would say about Snuff and Swedish snus is about everything! the whole proces of making snuff vs. Swedish snus is different. and the ingredients is very different, also the tobaccos and how it is grinded and so on... All tho american snuff is slowley decresing in TSNA i would say that the whole product it self is a very different product to Swedish snus!


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