Hi guys,
I'm just wondering, how does the average established SnusOn member's knowledge of snus and all things related compare with the average snuser in Sweden? I guess - as Lx alluded to a few years back in a thread - we are connoisseurs, whereas the average Swede (and I can personally vouch for this) would probably be confused by Snuson. ("What do you all talk about?").
I suppose because we are an online entity and in Sweden newbie snusers are exposed to friends and other peers and can share tips and tricks in person, the average Swedish snuser's forte in this hypothetical competition would be the hands on aspect, whereas I guess one of us is bound to know more about stuff that requires research. Well, I guess you folks in the US have more exposure to snus than the UK, here no one has heard of it at all, which is depressing, but I digress.
So basically the idea of the thread is to compare the types of knowledge and savvy that would differ between these two groups (of cool people
). I'm aware that there are members that straddle both categories.
I'm just wondering, how does the average established SnusOn member's knowledge of snus and all things related compare with the average snuser in Sweden? I guess - as Lx alluded to a few years back in a thread - we are connoisseurs, whereas the average Swede (and I can personally vouch for this) would probably be confused by Snuson. ("What do you all talk about?").
I suppose because we are an online entity and in Sweden newbie snusers are exposed to friends and other peers and can share tips and tricks in person, the average Swedish snuser's forte in this hypothetical competition would be the hands on aspect, whereas I guess one of us is bound to know more about stuff that requires research. Well, I guess you folks in the US have more exposure to snus than the UK, here no one has heard of it at all, which is depressing, but I digress.
So basically the idea of the thread is to compare the types of knowledge and savvy that would differ between these two groups (of cool people
