In case you've not heard about this yet here is the story
"On Wednesday, Bloomberg proposed amending the city's health code to ban the sale of soft drinks in cups larger than 16 ounces, a size equal to what McDonald's calls small. The chain's medium is 21 ounces, and its large is 32 ounces. Its kids' size is 12 ounces."
The last time government started raising tobacco taxes and laws we knew it would not end with tobacco. We knew soda pop was next. I almost looked forward to it. Because I am a coke zero fan, a sugar law won't affect me. Except of course by helping to eat away what's left of my autonomy.
We in the USA now live in a country where we will need approval to get a large coke.
Don't bother trying to tell me stuff like this is for my own good either.
When I grew up the pledge of allegiance was drilled into my head.
The "republic" and "with liberty and justice for all" ring in my head when I hear someone say "We have to do something, sugar makes kids obese". Know what? Fat kids have nothing to do with telling me what size coke I can drink.
When I was a kid it was my dads job to keep me from getting fat (we used to call it that).
The last time I asked someone else if I could have a big coke it was my daddy. We were not allowed to have cokes except on certain occasions. In the south we had "Double Cola" which is a knock-off coke. A "King Size" bottle of coke had 10 ounces. A Double Cola had 16 whole glorious ounces and cost the same as a coke.
Until I was about 12 years old I never had more than a few sips of soda pop a month. I can clearly remember my Daddy stopping at a store and him saying I could have a coke. I said, daddy can I have a Double Cola? He said, boy (He thought that was my name) you don't need a coke that big.
Looks like my life has come full cycle. Except now, I can have 16 ounces without even having to ask.
"On Wednesday, Bloomberg proposed amending the city's health code to ban the sale of soft drinks in cups larger than 16 ounces, a size equal to what McDonald's calls small. The chain's medium is 21 ounces, and its large is 32 ounces. Its kids' size is 12 ounces."
The last time government started raising tobacco taxes and laws we knew it would not end with tobacco. We knew soda pop was next. I almost looked forward to it. Because I am a coke zero fan, a sugar law won't affect me. Except of course by helping to eat away what's left of my autonomy.
We in the USA now live in a country where we will need approval to get a large coke.
Don't bother trying to tell me stuff like this is for my own good either.
When I grew up the pledge of allegiance was drilled into my head.
The "republic" and "with liberty and justice for all" ring in my head when I hear someone say "We have to do something, sugar makes kids obese". Know what? Fat kids have nothing to do with telling me what size coke I can drink.
When I was a kid it was my dads job to keep me from getting fat (we used to call it that).
The last time I asked someone else if I could have a big coke it was my daddy. We were not allowed to have cokes except on certain occasions. In the south we had "Double Cola" which is a knock-off coke. A "King Size" bottle of coke had 10 ounces. A Double Cola had 16 whole glorious ounces and cost the same as a coke.
Until I was about 12 years old I never had more than a few sips of soda pop a month. I can clearly remember my Daddy stopping at a store and him saying I could have a coke. I said, daddy can I have a Double Cola? He said, boy (He thought that was my name) you don't need a coke that big.
Looks like my life has come full cycle. Except now, I can have 16 ounces without even having to ask.