Daddy, Can I Please Have a 20 Ounce Coke?

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  • SnusoMatic
    • Jun 2009
    • 507

    Daddy, Can I Please Have a 20 Ounce Coke?

    In case you've not heard about this yet here is the story

    "On Wednesday, Bloomberg proposed amending the city's health code to ban the sale of soft drinks in cups larger than 16 ounces, a size equal to what McDonald's calls small. The chain's medium is 21 ounces, and its large is 32 ounces. Its kids' size is 12 ounces."

    The last time government started raising tobacco taxes and laws we knew it would not end with tobacco. We knew soda pop was next. I almost looked forward to it. Because I am a coke zero fan, a sugar law won't affect me. Except of course by helping to eat away what's left of my autonomy.

    We in the USA now live in a country where we will need approval to get a large coke.

    Don't bother trying to tell me stuff like this is for my own good either.

    When I grew up the pledge of allegiance was drilled into my head.

    The "republic" and "with liberty and justice for all" ring in my head when I hear someone say "We have to do something, sugar makes kids obese". Know what? Fat kids have nothing to do with telling me what size coke I can drink.

    When I was a kid it was my dads job to keep me from getting fat (we used to call it that).

    The last time I asked someone else if I could have a big coke it was my daddy. We were not allowed to have cokes except on certain occasions. In the south we had "Double Cola" which is a knock-off coke. A "King Size" bottle of coke had 10 ounces. A Double Cola had 16 whole glorious ounces and cost the same as a coke.

    Until I was about 12 years old I never had more than a few sips of soda pop a month. I can clearly remember my Daddy stopping at a store and him saying I could have a coke. I said, daddy can I have a Double Cola? He said, boy (He thought that was my name) you don't need a coke that big.

    Looks like my life has come full cycle. Except now, I can have 16 ounces without even having to ask.
  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    It's new York, the first place to ban Trans Fat. As a Californian, I am proud to say that we are only the second craziest state in the union. BTW, in the coming months, San Jose will be charging $00.25 per plastic bag at the grocery store. We're having a race to see who can go full retard first.

    Edit: On a side note, who drinks 20 Oz of coke? I mean I know lots who do but they are fat as shit. I don't approve of the government forcing it on you, but if you are drinking a big gulp of soda every day you are doing it wrong.

    In the south we had "Double Cola" which is a knock-off coke. A "King Size" bottle of coke had 10 ounces. A Double Cola had 16 whole glorious ounces and cost the same as a coke.
    In the west, we call that RC Cola Budget sodas FTW.


    • Skell18
      • May 2012
      • 7067

      Originally posted by sgreger1
      It's new York, the first place to ban Trans Fat. As a Californian, I am proud to say that we are only the second craziest state in the union. BTW, in the coming months, San Jose will be charging $00.25 per plastic bag at the grocery store. We're having a race to see who can go full retard first.

      Edit: On a side note, who drinks 20 Oz of coke? I mean I know lots who do but they are fat as shit. I don't approve of the government forcing it on you, but if you are drinking a big gulp of soda every day you are doing it wrong.

      In the west, we call that RC Cola Budget sodas FTW.
      Here in Wales (Part of the UK) we have to pay 5p for a bag everywhere, any bag no matter whether paper of plastic. McD's banned supersize drinks so the largest you can get is a 500ml (i think been a long time since i went into one) and that sacross theboard, very rare you can buy a drink larger than 500ml except 2 ltr bottles of coke in supermarkets etc. In England plastic bags are still free, as I work in England I stock up on them and people always think I am mad for collecting plastic bags, but its becasue I am not paying 5p everytime I got to the shops!

      Our budget fizzy drinks are highly impecunious and can strip paint off cars so best avoided, even if they cost 29p for 500ml!! hahaha


      • Isostran
        New Member
        • Jun 2012
        • 6

        Originally posted by sgreger1
        It's new York, the first place to ban Trans Fat. As a Californian, I am proud to say that we are only the second craziest state in the union. BTW, in the coming months, San Jose will be charging $00.25 per plastic bag at the grocery store. We're having a race to see who can go full retard first.

        Edit: On a side note, who drinks 20 Oz of coke? I mean I know lots who do but they are fat as shit. I don't approve of the government forcing it on you, but if you are drinking a big gulp of soda every day you are doing it wrong.

        In the west, we call that RC Cola Budget sodas FTW.
        I think some people are going full retard at full throttle. I can name a few vices that could be taxed with little outcry from the citizen base but soda pop? Are they Nuckin Futts? United States of United Kingdom and Canada with a side of Mexican fries?


        • devilock76
          • Aug 2010
          • 1737

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          It's new York, the first place to ban Trans Fat. As a Californian, I am proud to say that we are only the second craziest state in the union. BTW, in the coming months, San Jose will be charging $00.25 per plastic bag at the grocery store. We're having a race to see who can go full retard first.

          Edit: On a side note, who drinks 20 Oz of coke? I mean I know lots who do but they are fat as shit. I don't approve of the government forcing it on you, but if you are drinking a big gulp of soda every day you are doing it wrong.

          In the west, we call that RC Cola Budget sodas FTW.
          Correction we are talking NYC which is not representative for the whole state of NY.

          You know the real silliness of it all. If someone wants more soda at a fast food establishment, they can buy two of them. Or just keep getting free refills. In the latter case this legislation does nothing but waste time. In the former all it does is create more paper waste...



          • desirexe
            • Feb 2008
            • 1170

            Is soda really the problem though? Is that why people are so fat? I seemed to think it was more from the shakes, fries & bigmacs. This is all just beyond stupid. Bloomberg should be so embarrassed.


            • devilock76
              • Aug 2010
              • 1737

              Originally posted by desirexe
              Is soda really the problem though? Is that why people are so fat? I seemed to think it was more from the shakes, fries & bigmacs. This is all just beyond stupid. Bloomberg should be so embarrassed.
              It depends where you stand on things like the lipid hypothesis.



              • Darwin
                • Mar 2010
                • 1372

                Nanny Bloomberg is unembarrassable.


                • Thunder_Snus
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1316

                  PEOPLE are responsible for being fat not drinks or mcdonalds or anything else. Its not uncommon for me to drink 2 one litre bottles of Dr. Pepper a day. I'm not fat, but if i started getting fat that would be the first thing to go. Parents and individuals themselves are going to have to start taking accountability for their obesity instead of blaming it on something. I can buy 40 cartons of cigarettes a day but i dont, those people dont HAVE to get the large drinks and they dont have to eat mcdonalds.


                  • YfirBaggari
                    • Jan 2012
                    • 103

                    Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
                    PEOPLE are responsible for being fat not drinks or mcdonalds or anything else. Its not uncommon for me to drink 2 one litre bottles of Dr. Pepper a day. I'm not fat, but if i started getting fat that would be the first thing to go. Parents and individuals themselves are going to have to start taking accountability for their obesity instead of blaming it on something. I can buy 40 cartons of cigarettes a day but i dont, those people dont HAVE to get the large drinks and they dont have to eat mcdonalds.


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      This is just more of the same from the ultra liberal politician that's running NYC...King Bloomberg. The problem for me is, where does it end? Will he start telling people that they cannot eat Starburst or some other candy due it's sugar content? I'm a father of 5 healthy children, none of them are FAT and none of them have rotten teeth, yet they all have an occasional soda or candy treat. It's my decision whether or not they have them because they are MY children to teach how to eat properly and enjoy the things of this life in moderation. Lord Bloomberg is a moron as are all the liberal politicians that feel like they can control me and the way I raise my children!


                      • chainsnuser
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 1388

                        Originally posted by rickcharles606
                        The problem for me is, where does it end?
                        It has already gone too far. They regulate the maximum size of a Coke??? And probably send police officers to check MC Donald's restaurants for lawbreakers??? After one year they order scientists to investigate the outcome of the regulation and pay statisticans to shape the data till a success can be pronounced: "People have become more obese on the whole, but thanks to our regulation obesity has gone down 0,1% for people who reside within 1 mile from a Mc Donald's restaurant".

                        And all this nonsense is financed with our tax money!

                        Just think about it for a moment.



                        • resnor
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 619

                          20oz of Coke is nothing, really. I drink more than that daily, but am not fat. I'm 6'2", and weigh 175lbs. Calories in less than calories out, and you're fine. A 20oz Coke has 240 calories. The biggest problem in America is the sedentary lifestyle that our children learn, and continue into adulthood. Of course you're gonna be fat when your not active, but instead are sitting inside playing video games and watching tv from a young age.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by resnor
                            20oz of Coke is nothing, really. I drink more than that daily, but am not fat. I'm 6'2", and weigh 175lbs. Calories in less than calories out, and you're fine. A 20oz Coke has 240 calories. The biggest problem in America is the sedentary lifestyle that our children learn, and continue into adulthood. Of course you're gonna be fat when your not active, but instead are sitting inside playing video games and watching tv from a young age.
                            Yah, if you exercise a few times a week, you can frankly drink all the ****ing coke you want. No idea why the government feels the need to intervene here. More "saving us from ourselves" mentality that is at the rotten core of this political system that is all about showing images of itself kissing babies, but who really spend their days in smoke filled rooms deciding how to **** us next.

                            Edit: I'd also like to mention that I know two people who died of a stroke, and both of them were heavy coke drinkers, and the doctors believe it was directly tied to their excessive coke consumption. We had been waiting for it for years, that shit'll strip the paint off a wall and the rust off a penny, it's probably not good to drink 2 liters at a time or anything lol. Think about beer, would it be smart to drink 2 liters of heffeweizen twice a day? Probably not.. (arguably, it's still better than coke).


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