As an answer to Thred Name , no one created human race it created by him self thru bilding matirial from space, some partiacals foll down to earth and in likuide and soo on,
Did aliens or God create the human race?
Originally posted by tom502I believe there is an earlier ancient account of a flood, I think in Sumarian(Gilgimesh). I also saw on TV I think, that the great flood story is in many religions, though it is said it did not cover the entire planet.
So when they say the earth was flooded, the really ment that the places where people lived were flooded. In that context, I think we can understand where most of these stories come from, and that like most bible stories it is probably that grain of truth amidst the various tall tales.
This is a book that clearly explains the Alien influence on Earth/Humans. (it's in Romanian but can be translated)
I've only read half of it so far, but I still tend to deny the existence of aliens "SOMEHOW"
They say that there's codified scripts in the bible that clearly explain a future alien invasion and a ship approaching earth that is almost half the size of earth (it explains at the end of the Bible) not sure how much of it is true...tho.
I saw "Prometheus" yesterday. It wasn't as good as I hoped, but I should have expected such. All these modern films are 20% story and 80% computer effects. It was OK. I miss the old days before computer effects. Everything just looks the same.
But it's the prequel to ALIEN(1979). It's nowhere as good as Alien. It takes place in the future, and these archaeologists are finding ancient depictions of a star system, so some big company gets a ship and crew to visit this planet, as these beings are said to be our "creators". The archaeologists want to learn of man's genesis, but there is another agenda going on with the trip's financiers. It was OK, but would have been better I think if it was made in '83.
Ancient Egyptian society was perfectly capable of building the pyramids and many other massive monuments. And aligning pyramids in a north-south direction was easy since they were aware of the star Polaris which at the time was almost perfectly true north and did not move in the night sky thus having special astrological significance. What would have been really amazing is if they had aligned pyramids with magnetic north. The only influences they needed were their own cultural peculiarities. Aliens shmaliens.
Originally posted by DarwinAncient Egyptian society was perfectly capable of building the pyramids and many other massive monuments. And aligning pyramids in a north-south direction was easy since they were aware of the star Polaris which at the time was almost perfectly true north and did not move in the night sky thus having special astrological significance. What would have been really amazing is if they had aligned pyramids with magnetic north. The only influences they needed were their own cultural peculiarities. Aliens shmaliens.
Originally posted by lxskllrSimple machines. Levers, wheels, ramps... There's a lot of ways to get things done without mechanization.
that should have been an insane labor
Ever move a building? I have. Nothing major, about a 20x10 foot shed. We jacked it up, built a simple wood sled under it and rolled it on PVC pipes using a tractor and sweat. In the absence of modern devices a lever, domesticated draft animals, slaves and logs could easily do the same task, even scaled up to a 20 ton rock.
Originally posted by precious007that explains it ... but those HUGE blocks of stone how where they actually cut and brought right in the construction site?
that should have been an insane labor
Originally posted by devilock76Ever move a building? I have. Nothing major, about a 20x10 foot shed. We jacked it up, built a simple wood sled under it and rolled it on PVC pipes using a tractor and sweat. In the absence of modern devices a lever, domesticated draft animals, slaves and logs could easily do the same task, even scaled up to a 20 ton rock.
there's some explanations here,
thought they say the exact method they used to built the pyramids is still under question .....
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