Tommy Chong

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  • BadAxe
    • Jan 2010
    • 631

    Tommy Chong

    Well, just read today that Tommy has prostate cancer, which sux!!!!!. But somrhting very interesting that I read, and I will be following, is that he is treating it on his own, with hemp oil. I am so happy to see someone doing this, as I want to see how true Run From The Cure is, as Rick Simpson claims hemp oil is the straight up cure for cancer. Rick claims he can cure cancer anywhere in or on the body, at almost any stage. His documentary is really eye opening.

    My mother in law has terminal colon cancer and is ready to give up on chemo. I have been trying to convince her to give the oil a shot. I mean, it won't do anything bad, and if she is giving up on chemo, why not. But to see someone that is doing it first hand. Man i really hope Tommy cure's his cancer and lets the whole world know that we have a cure.

    If anyone doesn't know about Rick Simpson, please check out the documentary below. Its really eye opening, especially if its true.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Still watching, but I'm highly skeptical. I would think Tommy got plenty of hemp oil over the years. It'll be interesting to see what happens though.


    • BadAxe
      • Jan 2010
      • 631

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      Still watching, but I'm highly skeptical. I would think Tommy got plenty of hemp oil over the years. It'll be interesting to see what happens though.
      Thats what most people think. But Tommy is not a stoner, and was not a pot smoker for most of his adult life. He just played the ultimate stoner, but admitted he would not have been able to play the part if he were actually stoned. Plus, if you are smoking or vaping, you are not taking in the THC at concentrated levels so you will not get the same medcinal effects as you do when you ingest the oil.

      Did you watch Run From The Cure? What were your thoughts?


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by BadAxe
        Did you watch Run From The Cure? What were your thoughts?
        I watched it. The whole thing set off all kinds of bullshit alarms. Patent free miracle drugs have been promoted ever since there have been humans, and AFAIK, none have proven effective. Also, I think THC would be patentable if it were mixed with other ingredients, so big pharma resistance is questionable. The biggest thing in the films favor is it's unclear what they're selling. I'm not seeing a financial motive for BSing people. There may be some kind of motive, financial or otherwise, but it isn't clear to me.

        My background has included looking into a lot of hippie-dippy natural cures, and various claims for healthy living. They're all attractive, but woefully short on scientific testing. Rigorous experimentation separates the bullshit from truth, and in the end, it's all I really believe in. Everything else is just a "someone said" kind of thing.

        All that said, I'd give it a try. I'm not especially interested in chemo/radiation-therapy. They can help you live longer, but the quality of life isn't that great. Eventually there comes a time to die, and I'd rather not prolong it unnaturally, and uncomfortably. I don't see hemp oil doing harm, so the worst case is it doesn't do anything.

        From a technical angle, I question his use of naptha as a solvent. That's toxic, and carcinogenic. Does it really all cook out of the mix? I'd be interested in seeing a lab analysis of his mixture.


        • BadAxe
          • Jan 2010
          • 631

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          I watched it. The whole thing set off all kinds of bullshit alarms. Patent free miracle drugs have been promoted ever since there have been humans, and AFAIK, none have proven effective. Also, I think THC would be patentable if it were mixed with other ingredients, so big pharma resistance is questionable. The biggest thing in the films favor is it's unclear what they're selling. I'm not seeing a financial motive for BSing people. There may be some kind of motive, financial or otherwise, but it isn't clear to me.

          My background has included looking into a lot of hippie-dippy natural cures, and various claims for healthy living. They're all attractive, but woefully short on scientific testing. Rigorous experimentation separates the bullshit from truth, and in the end, it's all I really believe in. Everything else is just a "someone said" kind of thing.

          All that said, I'd give it a try. I'm not especially interested in chemo/radiation-therapy. They can help you live longer, but the quality of life isn't that great. Eventually there comes a time to die, and I'd rather not prolong it unnaturally, and uncomfortably. I don't see hemp oil doing harm, so the worst case is it doesn't do anything.

          From a technical angle, I question his use of naptha as a solvent. That's toxic, and carcinogenic. Does it really all cook out of the mix? I'd be interested in seeing a lab analysis of his mixture.
          Well see, thats the thing. The guy is not selling anything. He has no agenda. That what has me most intrigued by the documentary. The man has basically given up his life to let people know he thinks this is the cure, and even how to make it. He can no longer live in Canada and is presently in Europe.

          As far as the solvent, I would choose Iso Alcohol over Naptha. But I do know Naptha has been used for a long time as a solvent. But I can not answer if it all boils away, or if anything is left over.

          I am a ver y skeptical person, but for some reason every time I watch Run From The Cure, instead of feeling skepticism, I feel hope. So I know I for one am hoping that there is something to it.


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            I offered to pursue that route for a aunt but in the end she refused. We had everything set up.
            My father also would of refused and has been hit twice by cancer. It was mostly his advice to her to not go through with it.

            Western medicine has given them some cancer free years and our family is thankful for that but if it was me I would also add a 3 month regiment of this oil for a precaution but also to possibly heal the after effects of the chemo.


            • BadAxe
              • Jan 2010
              • 631

              Originally posted by truthwolf1
              I offered to pursue that route for a aunt but in the end she refused. We had everything set up.
              My father also would of refused and has been hit twice by cancer. It was mostly his advice to her to not go through with it.

              Western medicine has given them some cancer free years and our family is thankful for that but if it was me I would also add a 3 month regiment of this oil for a precaution but also to possibly heal the after effects of the chemo.
              Isn't it a shame that they were so successful in making pot seem so evil that people won't even recognize it as a true medicine and give it a try? Especially something that would have little to no side effects? Can you imagine if it indeed does turn out to be the cure, and all of the people that turned it down, just because of what they thought they knew about evil weed? Its such a shame.

              For my mother in law, I figure she would take the mindset of, Well, Why not, I am giving up on chemo, might as well give it one last shot before I give up entirely. Iam still hoping she gives me the go ahead to procure and produce some oil for her.


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