In Soviet Russia drugs abuse you

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  • Nuusku
    • Aug 2011
    • 993

    In Soviet Russia drugs abuse you

    Watch this if you have time. Creepy
  • wadetheblade
    • Jul 2009
    • 572

    I read some stuff about this and saw a guy get his leg cut off with no anesthesia, it's gruesome stuff, I love VICE and would like to watch this but don't know if I can stomach it at the moment.


    • Nuusku
      • Aug 2011
      • 993

      Originally posted by wadetheblade
      I read some stuff about this and saw a guy get his leg cut off with no anesthesia, it's gruesome stuff, I love VICE and would like to watch this but don't know if I can stomach it at the moment.
      Yeah it's terrible. I got totally hooked on the videos.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        That's nasty stuff. Some of the pictures are unbelievable. They look fake, but aren't. You gotta wonder about the people that would take that shit. My inclination's to say fsck 'em. If they know what it's about, and think it's worth it, it's on them.


        • Nuusku
          • Aug 2011
          • 993

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          That's nasty stuff. Some of the pictures are unbelievable. They look fake, but aren't. You gotta wonder about the people that would take that shit. My inclination's to say fsck 'em. If they know what it's about, and think it's worth it, it's on them.
          Yeah they are pretty desperate. They start rotting because they do the drug a wrong way


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by Nuusku
            Yeah they are pretty desperate. They start rotting because they do the drug a wrong way
            The real pisser is opium poppies are only valuable due to artificial scarcity. They have cavemen growing them, and because of government intervention, the price skyrockets. If the people had easy access to opium, I doubt you'd see much of this ridiculous crap being used, and opium is pretty safe. Even heroin isn't /that/ bad if care is taken in its use. Junkies can live to ripe old ages, and early death is usually due to government intervention in one form or another.


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              Originally posted by lxskllr
              The real pisser is opium poppies are only valuable due to artificial scarcity. They have cavemen growing them, and because of government intervention, the price skyrockets. If the people had easy access to opium, I doubt you'd see much of this ridiculous crap being used, and opium is pretty safe. Even heroin isn't /that/ bad if care is taken in its use. Junkies can live to ripe old ages, and early death is usually due to government intervention in one form or another.
              Please tell me your kidding. Heroin is terrible stuff.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                I'm not kidding at all. The harm comes completely from the government. Needles are cheap as air, and the only reason people use dirty ones is because of the law. Opium is cheap and easy to grow. There's no reason to cut stuff with junk. or have an overly inflated price due to the legal status. An old junkie...


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Yah I have to agree with Lx, most Heroin deaths result from either using dirty needles that lead to infection, or dirty needles that lead to disease like Hep B. The remainder of most Heroin related deaths come from overdoses due to the incocnsistency in the cut/potency of the drug. Either there is bad shit in it and they take to much, or they one day get a really pure batch and die because they are used to taking larger amounts of the shitty stuff.

                  I forget which country it was, but I know at least one country has taken a different approach tot he whole Heroin epidemic by making small quantities available and supplying free needles plus a place where junkies can freely shoot up where doctors and nurses are on staff. The result is A) Less junkies (since there is an emphasis on rehab rather than imprisonment) and B) Less disease because they have clean needles.

                  It is really due to government intervention in a way, because government intervention is what leads to inconsistent cut/potency of the drug and the lack of availability of clean needles. Plus the whole jailing them for doing it thing which doesn't relaly help, when the emphasis should be on rehabilitation. Jail really only makes things worse. In my opinion, jail is a place for criminals to go when they need to be seperated from society, usually on a permanent basis (murderers, rapists, gang members, pedophiles) etc, and shouldn't be used to send junkies to lockdownn for a few months here and there. It only makes more criminals and leads to a lot of uneccessary cost to the taxpayer.

                  Also, vice FTW.


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