Mow Your F***ing Lawn!

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Mow Your F***ing Lawn!

    Compliance officer breaks into woman's home to yell at her over state of her lawn
    610 WTVN website ^ |When the woman called 911 a deputy wasn’t sent because the compliance officer is a county employee.

    A Georgia homeowner allegedly awoke to an unusual scene on July 2 — a county code compliance officer yelling at her over the state of her lawn from the doorway of her bedroom.

    “I woke up, I didn’t have my glasses on or my contacts in and all I see is this big burly figure standing in my doorway,” Erica Masters explained. “A big huge guy with a grey shirt. It scared the mess out of me.”

    She elaborated: “[He] yelled at me to wake me up, to let me know that I needed to come back outside and sign the violation notice,” informing her that her grass was too long.

    “I could have been coming fresh out of the shower. I mean, if I’m not answering the door, maybe it’s because I can‘t hear you because I’m in the shower,” she later pointed out.

    To top it off, the whole scene can be viewed on Masters’ home surveillance cameras.

    Code Enforcement Officer Walks Into Home (Yells at Sleeping Woman to Mow Her Lawn) ^ |
    Code Enforcement Officer Walks Into Home

    Monday morning, Erica Masters was sleeping in her bed when Columbia County Code Compliance Officer Jimmy Vowell came to serve a violation notice for her grass being too long. Erica caught the whole incident on tape.
    "He let himself in and actually came through the house and into my bedroom. And yelled at me to wake me up, to let me know that I needed to come back outside and sign the violation notice."
    Erica says she was freaked out seeing a stranger in her doorway.
    "I woke up, I didn't have my glasses on or my contacts in and all I see is this big burly figure standing in my doorway. A big huge guy with a grey shirt. It scared the mess out of me."
    After the incident, Erica called the Sheriff's Office to file a complaint against Jimmy Vowell. The Columbia County Environmental Compliance Manager, Mike Anderson, says he is aware of the complaint and that his office is investigating it. He also went on to say that his Code Compliance Officers cannot enter someone's home without their permission, and that even if they had probable cause to enter, they would still need to be escorted by a Law Enforcement Officer. Erica feels as though her privacy was invaded by the county.
    "I could have been coming fresh out of the shower. I mean, if I'm not answering the door, maybe it's because I can't hear you because I'm in the shower."
    She also worries about the safety of the man who served the violation.
    "He didn't even have a concern for his own safety, walking into someone's house, and just trying to get their attention when they could very well be an armed and dangerous person."
    Erica says she isn't sure if she's going to press charges against Jimmy Vowell. For now, she's going to work on getting her lawnmower fixed.
    "I do understand that my yard needs to be cut. I understand that. I have no problem with that. I understand them having to serve a violation notice, but the way they handled it was completely unacceptable."
    If you have any problems with my posts or signature

  • jagmanss
    • Jul 2010
    • 12213

    Sounds like something that could and would only happen here in Florida with our Code Enforcement .... Matter of fact I'm shocked that story wasn't from here first... Good to see that we are not the only crewed up State when it comes to these county code compliance officer's... But

    We do have a saying here in Florida... The further north you get the further south you get... Meaning Georgia


    • OregonNative
      • Aug 2009
      • 647

      I'm not a violent person, but if someone breaks into my home, my Remington 870 would have something to say about it. If someone breaks in, I go for my weapon first. I don't go peek around and see why they decided to break in, I go into defense mode.

      Stupid move on that guy's part. That's an easy way to get shot.


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        I'd have let him feel the full power of my Remington nasal-hair trimmer. Yeah!

        It's what Victor Kyam would have wanted.

        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


        • OregonNative
          • Aug 2009
          • 647

          Originally posted by squeezyjohn
          I'd have let him feel the full power of my Remington nasal-hair trimmer. Yeah!

          It's what Victor Kyam would have wanted.
          You sir, are a badass.


          • devilock76
            • Aug 2010
            • 1737

            Sounds like a good way for a county official to get both barrels here in NC...



            • Mdisch
              • Jul 2011
              • 805

              What the hell? If someone broke into my home whilst I was asleep I would probably.. Well.. first of I would probably piss my pants with fear and after that I'd take real action!!

              I'd go straight for my.. Computer and send a VERY VERY passive aggressive email! Give those types a right scare with my witty word usage and whatnot! That'll show 'em!


              • Dirty Hippy
                • May 2011
                • 81

                Good thing that lady was not a proper redneck.......


                • squeezyjohn
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2497

                  Originally posted by OregonNative
                  You sir, are a badass.
                  Well - and to be serious for a minute, I learnt everything I know about the "Land of the Free" from 1980s advertising in the UK.

                  And being told by your local government that you had to mow the lawn because it looks untidy ... that was never in the manifesto I was sold!

                  Try that in any part of the UK and I fear we know our rights here too well by half! You can expect snide comments and being looked down on by your neighbours for owning a house with poor garden hygiene - but you are well within your rights to keep your property in whatever state you see fit - even if that is a junkyard. And unless that contravenes some law on actual hygiene like it encourages rats or vermin ... you have the right to keep your property in any way you see fit.

                  I like it that way!

                  Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                  • Snusdog
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 6752

                    That ol boy would have never made it onto the porch here in SC.

                    Mr. Dog you need to cut your grass

                    I can't


                    Your standing on it

                    Mr. Dog I need you to sign this violation notice

                    I can't


                    I'm a Noteaterian........we don't believe in signing notices

                    Mr. Dog in about two seconds I am going to write you a fine

                    Mr. Vowell in about two seconds you're gonna need to replace your hood and front windshield now get the hell off my property and don't come back....or you and me is gonna be on da newz
                    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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