With out God, life is simply about ****ing. Simple as that.
That is the silliest thing i've ever heard. Yes, evolution is about passing on your genes, but that is not what the human experience is about. You can do the whole procreating thing and still enjoy the sentience that the universe has granted you to lead a fulfilling life. Only a child would need to derive their "moral" compass from some God in the sky telling them that they shouldn't rape or murder or steal. If you require a supreme entity to make those you aware that those things are bad, than I don't even know what to say.
Also, nice usage of the word ****. Almost to southpark leves lol.
In absence of a higher power, I agree. I'm not advocating either perspective, just sharing an observation.
Along that mindset though, one could argue that life in general, using that mindset, is a complete waste on a macro scale. My life is important to me, but to civilization as a whole, not so much. Again, just sharing an observation. Trust me, my life is worth plenty to me
I also agree about the sex reply from Mdisch but at the same time, unless one attains fame or large scale notoriety, life is inconciquential. Simply trying to achieve personal success or our lives desires are meaningless when you realize that we, as individuals, account for 0.0000000000143% of the world.
This is why religion exists. In religion, God loves ME. He has a plan for ME. I am not some random person, I am a person to my God. It hits our emotional need to be a part of something bigger than just another mammal on this god forsaken rock flying through the universe.
If God had no plan for me and I'm just another creature here to create the next generation of people who are just here to create the next genera........ And so on and so forth. What are the consequences of bad behavior? So I die or spend a few years in jail. I'll just die anyway. Where is my moral compass? What is actual right and wrong?
Just thinking outloud
Right and wrong are subjective, and you will see that what constitutes "right" or "wrong" varies between cultures. In the end, your life is meaningless, and I agree people conjure up a god so they have a supreme parent to which their life means somehting, someone who loves them because they are special etc. At the end of the day you are an animal like any other. The difference between you and the deer or the dolphin is that you have the free will and mental hardware to be able to make something of life other than just procreating.
It's a whole new "layer" on evolution. On one level you have genes being passed on and life evolving etc, but on the other hand you have human consciouseness which itself evolves and creates things. Great thinkers, answers to questions about the universe, philosophy, art, these are all things that humans uniquely bring to the world and while they don't serve a purpose for biological evolution, they serve a purpose none the less. It's all very subjective, one could look to the sunset over a lake and the mountains that the sun eclipses behind and enjoy the absolute beauty of it and even garner emotion from it, while another angle could be that "it's just genes passing on genes and that's all i'm seeing in this picture". The difference is that the human is able to enjoy things in their surroundings, the beauty, the mystery of it all.
But yah, at the end of the day your life is yours and you are charged with making your own meaning or purpose. Go join the vietcong and fight for them, go invent the theory of relativity, go enjoy a day at the park with your kid. Whatever it is that brings you joy and fulfillment, do it. No God has a plan for you, and your time is limited , you must make your own path in this world. That realization is both scarry and exciting. It means the only limits are the ones you impose upon yourself. Chew on that for a while.
We must learn to be tolerant. Individuals should be allowed the right to their own beliefs (or lack thereof) without persecution.
Also, a hostile Atheist can be as equally annoying as a bible-thumping Christian trying to persuade others to convert.
Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Crow: Of course, that's a given.
Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me. Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
Frosted: lucky twat Frosted: Aussie slags Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow
We must learn to be tolerant. Individuals should be allowed the right to their own beliefs (or lack thereof) without persecution.
Also, a hostile Atheist can be as equally annoying as a bible-thumping Christian trying to persuade others to convert.
At least hardcore athiests don't do things like start wars, execute women for trying to exercise their rights, kill gays (or otherwise lobby against gays having rights) etc. People are free to believe or not believe what they want, but it is clear that religion does more damage than good in the modern world. I don't think sun worship or paganism benefits society any more than I think christianity does.
At least hardcore athiests don't do things like start wars, execute women for trying to exercise their rights, kill gays (or otherwise lobby against gays having rights) etc. People are free to believe or not believe what they want, but it is clear that religion does more damage than good in the modern world. I don't think sun worship or paganism benefits society any more than I think christianity does.
Thats right too. I've just had some personal problems with really religious people. Everyone has the right to believe what they want as long they don't shove it in other peoples faces
At least hardcore athiests don't do things like start wars, execute women for trying to exercise their rights, kill gays (or otherwise lobby against gays having rights) etc. People are free to believe or not believe what they want, but it is clear that religion does more damage than good in the modern world. I don't think sun worship or paganism benefits society any more than I think christianity does.
No, they don't kill and maim. But, they're not helping to unite society; they're creating division just like the extremists.
Allow people to arrive at their own conclusion, but don't chastise someone for believing in a deity (or for not believing in one).
Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Crow: Of course, that's a given.
Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me. Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
Frosted: lucky twat Frosted: Aussie slags Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow
No, they don't kill and maim. But, they're not helping to unite society; they're creating division just like the extremists.
Allow people to arrive at their own conclusion, but don't chastise someone for believing in a deity (or for not believing in one).
Religions around the world has gotten so many people killed. And caused so much suffeing. But it still has got people to united and help many people. And get peace to old people.
It's how i get it, i don't believe in god. But still I think that I myself am not wise enough to say something does not excist or does exicts. But i'm at the atheist line
I believe everyone has a right to make their own choices in their path through life as long as they dont force it on anyone else. Nothing is ever easy, but we have to all live with the consequences of the choices. A perfect world, all of the answers would be laid out in front of you where you know what is right or wrong, but thats not the case!
No, they don't kill and maim. But, they're not helping to unite society; they're creating division just like the extremists.
Allow people to arrive at their own conclusion, but don't chastise someone for believing in a deity (or for not believing in one).
Athiests are trying to help unite society. We first must get rid fo institutions that are inherently created to divide (religion), and athiests routinely profess that we must give up our old ways and realize that we are all we have, there is no one watching over us, no one will solve the crisises we face except ourselves. We have to be the change we want to see and we don't have time to sit around waiting for a higher power (who is mysteriously absent) to come correct our problems.
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