Ten killed in shooting at 'Dark Knight Rises' premiere: local radio

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Ten killed in shooting at 'Dark Knight Rises' premiere: local radio

    At least 12 reported killed at Dark Knight Rises premiere shooting in Colorado movie
  • Lcarvone
    • May 2011
    • 425

    WTF? This is messed up...wonder if there is an issue of the comic series that matches this scenario...


    • Joe234
      • Apr 2010
      • 1948

      14 shot dead at 'Dark Knight Rises' screening in Aurora, Colorado

      14 shot dead at 'Dark Knight Rises' screening in Aurora, Colorado

      By NBC News' David Wyllie, Ian Johnston, Dan Strieff and F. Brinley Bruton
      Updated at 5:59 a.m. ET: At least 14 people were killed early Friday when at least one gunman opened fire at a midnight screening of the summer blockbuster "The Dark Knight Rises" near Denver, authorities and witnesses said.
      Aurora police chief Dan Oates told reporters that 10 people died at the scene of the shooting and four others died after being taken to local hospitals. At least 50 other people were injured, Oates said.
      One suspect was in custody, police said.
      The incident occurred in the Century 16 Movie Theaters at the Aurora Town Center, police told NBC News. Aurora is a suburb less than 10 miles east of downtown Denver.
      NBC station KUSA cited a witness as seeing a black-clad 6-foot-tall man wearing a riot helmet, goggles and bullet-proof vest. The witness and her boyfriend crawled to the emergency exit, KUSA said.
      The suspect was found in possession of a gas mask and two firearms, Oates said. The police chief said there was no evidence of additional shooters.
      The suspect made a statement to police about possible explosives at his home, Oates said. An apartment building in north Aurora has been evacuated, Oates said.
      Witnesses told reporters that gunfire erupted during a shootout scene.
      Brenda Stuart, of 850 KOA radio, told Sky News that "a lot of people thought the gunshots were part of the movie."
      'I'm in shock'
      Tear gas also went off in the theater, Stuart said. She added that bullets had passed from one theater into an adjoining one.
      "It was surreal, it was like a movie," eyewitness Hayden Miller told KUSA.

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      As he left the theater, Miller said people ran up to him and said "there was a gunman setting off bombs and shooting people. ... He wasn't giving anyone a chance to get out ... It hasn't really hit me. I’m in shock. it’s insane that this can happen in a movie theater where people had gone to have fun."
      The Denver Post quoted witness, Bejamin Fernandez, 30, as saying that people ran from the theater as shots rang out.
      Fernandez told the Post that he saw people falling, including one young girl.
      Salina Jordan, 19, who was in Theater 8, told the Post she saw one girl struck in the cheek and others in the stomach, including a girl who looked to be around 9 years old.
      Jordan told the Post that someone ran into her theater yelling, "they're shooting out here!" An alarm came on, Jordan said, announcing there was a "murder in [the] theater."
      Police officers converge at the scene of a mass shooting in Aurora, Colo., early Friday.

      Jordan told the newspaper she saw police carrying bodies out of the theater as well as officers opening fire.
      Police spokeswoman Cassidee Carlson said "the scene is still very active."
      More on this story from breakingnews.com
      Local emergency crews from several cities, including Denver and Boulder, have converged on the scene, Stuart told Sky News.
      Cathy Canzanora, a 911 dispatcher, told NBC News that emergency dispatchers were deluged with calls from "everybody who had cellphones in the theater" at 12:39 a.m. Friday local time (2:39 a.m. ET).
      The dispatcher said she could not reveal what people told her but said that they reported "that there had been a shooting so we got the police and the fire department and the ambulance there as soon as they could."
      Further local coverage from NBC station KUSA-Denver
      Police cars transport the wounded
      The injured were being transported to three local hospitals, police told NBC.
      Nicole Williams, with the Swedish Medical Center of Englewood, Colo., told KUSA-Denver the hospital was alerted to a mass-casualty incident at 1:15 a.m. local time Friday (3:15 a.m. ET).
      Kalena Wilkinson, a public information officer for Denver Health, said six patients were taken to that hospital, with one in a critical condition and the other five in " fair" conditions.
      KOA's Stuart said that police officers were taking victims to hospitals in their cars and not waiting for ambulances.
      A bomb squad was at the scene, police added.
      Hundreds of witnesses who have not been injured have been taken to Gateway High School for a debriefing, local media reported.
      "The Dark Knight Rises," starring Christian Bale and Anne Hathaway, is the latest in the popular Batman action movie franchise. Friday was its international premiere.
      This is breaking news story. Please check back for updates.
      The Associated Press contributed to this report.

      Congrats to the NRA. Keep up the good works dildos.


      • Nuusku
        • Aug 2011
        • 993

        Why can't the ****ers just shoot themselves and leave other people unharmed?!


        • truthwolf1
          • Oct 2008
          • 2696

          Congrats to the NRA dildos? Ohh C,MON.

          I would say thank the NRA for heroes like this below. Look at those little f$ckers trip over one another running out the door. Too bad somebody like this was not in the theater in these violent times with criminals who pack guns.


          • Nuusku
            • Aug 2011
            • 993

            Originally posted by truthwolf1
            Congrats to the NRA dildos? Ohh C,MON.

            I would say thank the NRA for heroes like this below. Look at those little f$ckers trip over one another running out the door. Too bad somebody like this was not in the theater in these violent times with criminals who pack guns.

            Shame that they didn't die.


            • OregonNative
              • Aug 2009
              • 647

              I think if an educated gun owner had been there, not so many people would have died. Don't blame the NRA for some jackass going on a killing spree.


              • Bigblue1
                Banned Users
                • Dec 2008
                • 3923

                Originally posted by Joe234

                Congrats to the NRA. Keep up the good works dildos.

                Never let a tragedy go to waste, huh Joe. Way to politicize these deaths before the bodies are even cold. Your Masters have taught you well.


                • OregonNative
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 647

                  RIP to those who have fallen.


                  • dpete

                    Originally posted by Bigblue1
                    Never let a tragedy go to waste, huh Joe. Way to politicize these deaths before the bodies are even cold. Your Masters have taught you well.
                    Joe is spot on IMHO. These needless deaths occurred in large part to the NRA's lobbying against any and all regulations concerning weapons and their procurement. No, the NRA did not pull any triggers but they are morally culpable for helping to create and maintain a system where nearly anyone, mentally competent or not, can legally assemble an arsenal. The NRA is not the main bad guy - they just give him a massive amount of assistance - and they know it. That does rather make them a bad guy in a sense, doesn't it?


                    • devilock76
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 1737

                      Not sure about that. Two different scenarios. One was kids trying to rob a place with supposedly a rusty gun that was not loaded. They were there for loot not blood. The movie theater however he was there to kill with multiple guns and using tear gas and supposedly gas mask. Even if someone was armed the shooter had a huge tactical advantage that would be quite a lot for even military personnel trained in urban combat to overcome. The ugly fact is whenever anything like this happens the two extremes of the gun debate come out, those who want everyone unarmed and unable to protect themselves, and of course the wannabe John Rambos, which is more dangerous is debatable.

                      What is a fact is far more people were killed in 2001 via some box cutters and far more were killed in Oklahoma City via chemicals any of us could buy today at the average Home Depot. In short ban guns all you want, nothing will stop a person determined to kill without seriously destroying the freedoms we preach of...



                      • dpete



                        • Darwin
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 1372

                          What the eternally aggrieved anti-gun folks will never admit is that this sort of thing is possible even if we lived under an all-encompassing and total dictatorship that made ownership of a firearm punishible by summary execution. Even the wildest freedom crushing fever dreams of the most aggressive anti-gunners have zero chance of expunging the presence of firearms from this society. There is no remotely practical way for this to ever happen. If only state approved hunting weapons were available then that's what would be used. Even if the only legal firearms were muzzle loading arquebusses some sick bastard would figure out how to make this sort of disgusting mayhem happen. In a sick society, and an even sicker world, even the most intensely draconian regulation of any supposed means of mass harm will have little effect on perpetrators eager unto death to achieve it. It's as if we had banned the use of airliners after 9/11 because of their capacity for harm.

                          And in that particularly grotesque incidence one may note that not a single firearm was used to cause the deaths of 3000 people. If anyone at all thinks that the banning of any sort of firearm, or the heavy regulation thereof, will mean incidents such as this will not occur in future, or are even slightly less likely, then they are far beyond delusional.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by Joe234
                            Congrats to the NRA. Keep up the good works dildos.
                            Okay **** that Joe, the NRA did not kill these people, a lunatic did. If the NRA had it's way, everyone in that theatre would have been armed and those people wouldn't have been helpless to defend themselves. Now in this particular scenario, with gas grenades and masks etc, everyone was pretty much farked from the beginning, even if it was a room of armed navy seals. In an unexpected attack like that there will be victims.
                            Given the constant that crazies will always exist, it is best to have a system wherin people can acknowledge this threat and be prepared to defend themselves when faced with it. The idea of taking guns away from everyone (which i'm sure the thought of makes your mouth salivate) is what causes situations like this, where everyone is helpless and just gets mowed down in a crowd with no recourse. There's a reason the police have firearms, it's because firearms are good at stopping lunatic shooters from continuing their rampage.


                            • Dirty Hippy
                              • May 2011
                              • 81

                              This is some seriously sad and sadistic shit right here! This man HAD to be completely insane, it is to bad official's were not able to stop him before he went on his rampage.

                              My heart goes out to the families who had to be involved in this tragic scenario.

                              As to the ****ING ASSHOLES on this board who decided to drag this god awful news into a political debate, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Do you think the grieving families are blaming the NRA for their dead children? or the lunatic? easy answer right their folks...

                              Our second amendment was created by our forefather's many generations ago, their insightful thinking as allowed millions of American's to be able to protect themselves against the tyranny of this world. I will always wear my NRA insignia on my jacket, the only way you will take my guns from me, is to pry them from my cold dead fingers.

                              If a trained individual was concealing his firearm earlier this morning, there is a good chance this scenario would of ended differently.

                              Always remember, a armed society, is a polite society.


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