Ten killed in shooting at 'Dark Knight Rises' premiere: local radio

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by Extreme
    I think you lot are idiots as far as guns are concerned. You want to own them yet get blown away every so often by a nutter and say "duh! More peeps get killed in road accidents" About a quarter of the population in any country is mentally ill. That's not counting the people like me that are just pissed off. Give 'em a gun and its only a waiting game for the trigger.
    Just hope your country doesn't end up like Bosnia.....cause you all love your guns.

    Point? That fact remains that more people die on the roads by orders of magnitude. People occasionally dying in spectacular fashion doesn't call for anything to be done about it. Things don't always have to be "done". The world's dangerous, and it'll always be dangerous. Arms mean power. When only the government has arms, only the government has power. That's an intolerable situation, and one our founding fathers attempted to prevent.


    • jagmanss
      • Jul 2010
      • 12213

      This is to the sick twisted fu*k face who shot up the movie theater In Colorado. I don't know how or why you did what you did. I don't get how you get off on killing innocent children and families. Why didn't you just kill yourself fu*k face . So I hope you rot in hell you sick sick Jackoff. Or I hope someone in prison makes you their bitch and you hate the rest of your life. Prayers out to the lost. Rip.

      To tell you the truth I'm just as Pissed at the parents who brought the 3 month old baby to a midnight crazy movie... lets be realistic it very sad that someone that young has left this earth but obv those parents weren't cut out to be proper pa...rents.... and god works in mysterious ways..


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        Originally posted by lxskllr
        Point? That fact remains that more people die on the roads by orders of magnitude. People occasionally dying in spectacular fashion doesn't call for anything to be done about it. Things don't always have to be "done". The world's dangerous, and it'll always be dangerous. Arms mean power. When only the government has arms, only the government has power. That's an intolerable situation, and one our founding fathers attempted to prevent.

        Well here it fu**ing is.

        I fu**ing hate people - I mean, I really fu**ing hate them.
        I'm drinking.
        I've got an M16 in an armoury in the loft.
        I've had a really bad day.
        I f**ing hate people.

        How many people like me have you got in your country?

        Let me tell you - more than you care to imagine by your comments.


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          So - if it was your daughter that copped ityou'd be ok with that? Compare it to road deaths?


          If there's any serious civil disturbance in your country make sure you've got a good lock up.


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            BAN assault WEAPONS.


            • jagmanss
              • Jul 2010
              • 12213

              This is all BS, They need to protect our children from snus... Oh! The horror of snus.... I bet snus made him do it...


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Extreme
                So - if it was your daughter that copped ityou'd be ok with that? Compare it to road deaths?

                Why wouldn't I? Any other stance would make me a hypocritical ****hole. Letting personal feelings get in the way of truth and doing the right thing is why the world eats shit. The world isn't kind to everyone, every time, and it can't be legislated to make it so.


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  If you're ok with that, that's good. But is it not worth reducing the risk? No?


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    .....or is your point coming from somebody that is so anti government they fear it so much that they need to protect their rights to bear arms just in case they need to rise up? This is what I'm getting here. If American citizens feel like that your country is in deeper sh* t than what happened today.


                    • Dirty Hippy
                      • May 2011
                      • 81

                      Not anti gov at all my friend, I appreciate the gov more than most people actually.

                      It's not my gov I fear. Only the insane fear our government.

                      I fear the insane.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by Joe234
                        Bigotry? Because I made fun of people who owned Africans
                        as slaves while they had sex with them?

                        Are most snusers right wingers?

                        Sorry if I offended anyone. These events raise emotions high.
                        Do you also hate black people? They owned slaves too? What about spanish people, or nearly all middle eastern people, all slave owners at one point (some still today).

                        You are a bigot because you stereotype based on the color of ones skin. And founding fathers or not, the right to defend yourself is a human right and does not require a constitution. It is not Americas fault that the UK denies this basic human right to people by outlawing guns.


                        • Dirty Hippy
                          • May 2011
                          • 81

                          Why should we ban assault weapons? because they have a folding stock? Flash Suppressor? A larger magazine? A pistol Grip?

                          Those items are what constitutes an "Assault Weapon"

                          In the United States, most murders are made with a .22 caliber. For those that actually know about guns, a .22 very rarely has any of these special features.

                          The M16's 5.56x45mm caliber is responsible for many less deaths.

                          A folding stock does not make a weapon any more dangerous, unless your senator tells you it does...


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by Extreme
                            If you're ok with that, that's good. But is it not worth reducing the risk? No?
                            Banning firearms does not reduce the risk of anything. At most, it reduces the instances of criminals choosing a gun as their weapon of choice. If guns were unavailable than they would use something else. Given the vast black market for guns (as in, they can be bought in any high school in america) we can't make laws that ban guns from law obiding citizens because then the criminals are the only ones who get to have guns.

                            Taking away the right to own a firearm (I emphasize again that it's a "RIGHT") is something only a draconian government would do. Then only the police and army have weapons and the state owns you.


                            • Frosted
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 5798

                              Originally posted by sgreger1
                              Do you also hate black people? They owned slaves too? What about spanish people, or nearly all middle eastern people, all slave owners at one point (some still today).

                              You are a bigot because you stereotype based on the color of ones skin. And founding fathers or not, the right to defend yourself is a human right and does not require a constitution. It is not Americas fault that the UK denies this basic human right to people by outlawing guns.
                              Let me explain something. Northern Ireland is a part of the UK right?
                              If people there had a right to bear arms the country would have descended into civil war. Thank f**k it did not.
                              If you fail to see this simple point you ARE retarded.
                              I say assault weapons because they can cause the most damage. You can start there and then with smaller arms

                              I honestly, genuinely think you're all nuts.


                              • lxskllr
                                • Sep 2007
                                • 13435

                                Originally posted by Extreme
                                If you're ok with that, that's good. But is it not worth reducing the risk? No?
                                There's hardly any risk to minimize. I've never had a gun pointed at me, and I've been in some pretty sketchy areas. I've been threatened by someone saying they'd retrieve a gun, but he was just talking out his ass. Guns are more common in the inner cities, but they're criminals, and criminals don't follow the law by definition.

                                There's no reason that guy in Oregon couldn't have done the same thing with improvised explosives. In fact, it would have been more effective. Even making rockets isn't rocket science. That's centuries old technology. This country was founded by an armed citizenry, and our founding fathers did their best to make sure it stayed that way. Trading that for the illusion of security isn't a valuable goal. There'll always be "one more thing" to legislate away. If we only get rid of X, then we'll be safe, and live happily ever after. That'll never happen, and it puts power completely into the hands of the few. When a few have complete power, tyranny is the result every single time.


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