Originally posted by OregonNative
Ten killed in shooting at 'Dark Knight Rises' premiere: local radio
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by wa3zrmI can't see why you guys are all in an uproar over 6000 rounds... that's nothing! I go through three bricks (500 rounds per brick) of 22 rounds every month... and that's just for my pocket carry 22. I have several bricks of .38, 9mm, 40 Colt and more shotgun shells (410 & 12 gauge) than you can shake a stick at. I'll bet many of you guys also think targets are round with a bulls-eye or tin cans? I'll bet some of you would be shocked to see how many people at the range(s) use human silhouettes... remember, a head shot brings the bad guy down instantly... you don't want to wing him so he may be able to return fire... or even worse, toss a grenade at you!
Originally posted by lxskllrThat particular number for ammo isn't really relevant. That guy used far less than 6,000 rounds. Was it maybe 100? Is that cutoff? Maybe drop it down to 50 to be safe. Of course 50 is a lot too. That's about 4* more than the number of people killed in the theatre. How much is too much? Should ammo be sold one at a time in shrink wrapped, serial numbered pouches with a limit of one per year? If you sold them more frequently than that(one per month maybe?), someone could save up for a year, and have 12 rounds. That's a lot of mayhem they could cause in a mall or something :^/
My question is that this guy bought like 3k bullet and had an automatic weapon. I'm honestly amazed that he only killed 10 people. Honestly, in a closed room with an auto I could probably pick off maybe 80 people easily, won't even make it to the hospital. I'm amazed these people use automatic weapons and have such a low body count. I am unsure why the umber of deaths was so low given his arsenal.
I've used the saw, the 240 bravo, etc, and honestly with an automatic machine gun I imagine I could kill easily 100 people before the police even got involved, how he only managed to ill 10 people is astounding imo. God bless the fact he clearly failed.
Originally posted by sgreger1My question is that this guy bought like 3k bullet and had an automatic weapon. I'm honestly amazed that he only killed 10 people. Honestly, in a closed room with an auto I could probably pick off maybe 80 people easily, won't even make it to the hospital. I'm amazed these people use automatic weapons and have such a low body count. I am unsure why the umber of deaths was so low given his arsenal.
I've used the saw, the 240 bravo, etc, and honestly with an automatic machine gun I imagine I could kill easily 100 people before the police even got involved, how he only managed to ill 10 people is astounding imo. God bless the fact he clearly failed.
Again I agree, It makes you wonder tho?
The guy even had shotguns. Jesus christ, how did he not kill everyone?
Then he donned a swat uniform and tried blending in with the swat team outside. He would have gotten away with it too until eventually one of the other swat members noticed something was missing from his uniform and they caught him then.
He spoke today at his hearing and was clearly drugged up, he kept falling asleep and seemed oblivious to what had just happened. Really wierd.
'Colorado attacks unlikely to affect gun laws'
Little about the nation's gun laws has changed in the wake of recent high-profile incidents of gun violence, and all indications are that the movie theater shooting last week in Aurora, Colo., isn't likely to affect the gun control debate, either.
Outside of a few isolated, expected voices -- primarily New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg -- few political leaders have called for stronger gun laws after a massacre that left 12 dead.
White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters traveling to Aurora with President Obama on Sunday that the president "believes we need to take steps that protect Second Amendment rights of the American people but that ensure that we are not allowing weapons into the hands of individuals who should not, by existing law, obtain those weapons."
"The president's view is that we can take steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them under existing law," Carney added. "And that's his focus right now."Words of Wisdom
Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Crow: Of course, that's a given.
Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to mePremium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.Frosted: lucky twat
Frosted: Aussie slags
Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow
It would be stupid to change our gun laws because of this nut, did you people not learn anything from 9-11?
The fact is that the states with the strictest gun control regulations (where guns are illegal, no concealed carry etc) have the highest gun related crime rate, while the states with the least gun control regulations have the least gun related violence. It's a black and white issue as far as I am concerned.
To anyone on this board who somehow thinks that gun control is the answer. Prisons discover homemade guns more often than you would think. The devices are crude and probably dont shoot accurately, but thats beside the point, banning guns will NOT solve ANYTHING. period. If you can acquire a gun in a prison, there is 0 chance of complete control in the general population. Someone will have a gun, and most likely that someone will be a criminal.
There is no argument that can defeat that. If you take guns away from everyone, the criminals will then find ways to acquire them. The same way they acquire everything else we have ever made illegal. Now only criminals and a few officials will have guns. I cant imagine the fear that would create and how powerful it would make crime syndicates again. I cant imagine how people are so stupid as to believe that banning anything will stop that thing. You can certainly declare things illegal, but without a total big brother watching you society (and even then it is doubtful) you cannot control anything. Someone will find a way to get whatever you declared illegal.
However in the case of guns, if you teach EVERYONE how to use them, when to use them, and why, I can imagine that this person or anyone who arms themselves with intent to kill many will KNOW they are likely to die if they draw a gun in a crowd. If your great great great great grandfather where an American citizen he would never have shot five people in a crowded place... why you ask? Because someone would have shot him back after one.
You cannot ban things from everyone and expect everyone to play with the same set of rules... lifes not fair... it was never meant to be. No amount of restrictions on things will ever make it fair because some people will just refuse to play by the rules.
I come from a different era. I played in the streets, the news was only 30 minutes a day, and cartoons only came on tv Saturday morning for a few hours. in my lifetime I have watched the media corrupt society into believing that we are somehow less safe then in the time of my childhood, and statistically that is inaccurate. Children are just safe playing outside in the yard as when I was a kid. But now because you have heard firsthand about the last 20 non parent child abductions on the news in the last month or two, and that one cute girl got abducted and killed 3 states away, you will never let your children play outside. Believe it or not that cute girl abduction thing happened in my time to, and no one heard about it except those that read the local paper.
You could argue that the exposure of these crimes in great detail on a nationwide platform has helped solve them and while that is true to a degree... at what price is it no longer worth it. I am so tired of the media sensationalizing every nutcase that kills another human. I am tired of the weather channel telling me to go indoors when its raining. I refuse to live in fear.
I just refuse to live in fear. I wont let people around me rationalize in their heads some utopia where no one gets harmed and everyone lives a healthy natural lifespan, and above that never gets mad and does something mean, hateful and irrational. There will never be such a place, and laws will NEVER create it. Learn to live in the real world without fear, and learn how to protect yourself and your family in the unlikely event that the next candidate for the five o'clock national news is you. But the reality is you will likely never make the news for either murdering someone or being murdered. You can crunch the numbers anyway you like.
Hey lets ban snus so more people will smoke.
You see liberal sports fans, your logic is a failure. Even if you successfully ban guns, you will be unsuccessful at stopping the crime. And in my opinion crime will get worse.
Now I am headed to chic-fil-a to get the gay guy who works there to make me a chicken sandwich. I dont care if the owner hates everyone including white folks, he makes great chicken dammit!
In conclusion you are statistically more likely to be stabbed to death in the UK than gunned down in the US.... where is the march to ban knives? Ban all knives, knives are death, ban all knives rah rah ree.
Good grief I just read an article while making sure I was statistically correct on the knife thing (and I am) and the articles have talk of banning knives in public... lmao, now thats too funny. Now you cant bring a gun to a gun fight, a knife to a gun fight... all you can do is beat each other to death with sticks. Soon they will ban trees.
Originally posted by texastormTo anyone on this board who somehow thinks that gun control is the answer. Prisons discover homemade guns more often than you would think. The devices are crude and probably dont shoot accurately, but thats beside the point, banning guns will NOT solve ANYTHING. period. If you can acquire a gun in a prison, there is 0 chance of complete control in the general population. Someone will have a gun, and most likely that someone will be a criminal.
There is no argument that can defeat that. If you take guns away from everyone, the criminals will then find ways to acquire them. The same way they acquire everything else we have ever made illegal. Now only criminals and a few officials will have guns. I cant imagine the fear that would create and how powerful it would make crime syndicates again. I cant imagine how people are so stupid as to believe that banning anything will stop that thing. You can certainly declare things illegal, but without a total big brother watching you society (and even then it is doubtful) you cannot control anything. Someone will find a way to get whatever you declared illegal.
However in the case of guns, if you teach EVERYONE how to use them, when to use them, and why, I can imagine that this person or anyone who arms themselves with intent to kill many will KNOW they are likely to die if they draw a gun in a crowd. If your great great great great grandfather where an American citizen he would never have shot five people in a crowded place... why you ask? Because someone would have shot him back after one.
You cannot ban things from everyone and expect everyone to play with the same set of rules... lifes not fair... it was never meant to be. No amount of restrictions on things will ever make it fair because some people will just refuse to play by the rules.
I come from a different era. I played in the streets, the news was only 30 minutes a day, and cartoons only came on tv Saturday morning for a few hours. in my lifetime I have watched the media corrupt society into believing that we are somehow less safe then in the time of my childhood, and statistically that is inaccurate. Children are just safe playing outside in the yard as when I was a kid. But now because you have heard firsthand about the last 20 non parent child abductions on the news in the last month or two, and that one cute girl got abducted and killed 3 states away, you will never let your children play outside. Believe it or not that cute girl abduction thing happened in my time to, and no one heard about it except those that read the local paper.
You could argue that the exposure of these crimes in great detail on a nationwide platform has helped solve them and while that is true to a degree... at what price is it no longer worth it. I am so tired of the media sensationalizing every nutcase that kills another human. I am tired of the weather channel telling me to go indoors when its raining. I refuse to live in fear.
I just refuse to live in fear. I wont let people around me rationalize in their heads some utopia where no one gets harmed and everyone lives a healthy natural lifespan, and above that never gets mad and does something mean, hateful and irrational. There will never be such a place, and laws will NEVER create it. Learn to live in the real world without fear, and learn how to protect yourself and your family in the unlikely event that the next candidate for the five o'clock national news is you. But the reality is you will likely never make the news for either murdering someone or being murdered. You can crunch the numbers anyway you like.
Hey lets ban snus so more people will smoke.
You see liberal sports fans, your logic is a failure. Even if you successfully ban guns, you will be unsuccessful at stopping the crime. And in my opinion crime will get worse.
Now I am headed to chic-fil-a to get the gay guy who works there to make me a chicken sandwich. I dont care if the owner hates everyone including white folks, he makes great chicken dammit!
In conclusion you are statistically more likely to be stabbed to death in the UK than gunned down in the US.... where is the march to ban knives? Ban all knives, knives are death, ban all knives rah rah ree.
Good grief I just read an article while making sure I was statistically correct on the knife thing (and I am) and the articles have talk of banning knives in public... lmao, now thats too funny. Now you cant bring a gun to a gun fight, a knife to a gun fight... all you can do is beat each other to death with sticks. Soon they will ban trees.
Jesus christ, this post should be a sticky that gets automatically placed at the top of every gun-related thread. I 100% agree, especially with the not living in fear part. Your utopias don't exist liberals/europeans, and they never will.
And to make you even more angry Texastorm, earlier in the thread Extreme was educating us on how in Ireland it is illegal to posses a knife in public unless it is part of your occupation. A guy can't just walk around with a multi-tool or a knife because someone might get hurt. The whole thing is laughably absurd. Enjoy your utopia Europe, we choose freedom over on our side of the pond. I don't care if some guy occasionally kills people, that's not a gun problem and it's not my problem, and no one from the federal government up to god himself has the right to tell me I can't defend myself, or limit what items I may choose for my defense.
UK and anything over 6 inches I think to correct you.
Texastorms argument is very strong.
The laws in Europe work for us and were happy. You can still own a shotgun.
As you've already got a huge amount of guns in civilian hands it will be impossible to legislate. You're stuck with it and I'm glad you're happy with it. Personally it makes me extremely uncomfortable. I know you'll laugh and probably be offended but I have no desire to visit the States partly because of this.
Originally posted by ExtremeUK and anything over 6 inches I think to correct you.
Texastorms argument is very strong.
The laws in Europe work for us and were happy. You can still own a shotgun.
As you've already got a huge amount of guns in civilian hands it will be impossible to legislate. You're stuck with it and I'm glad you're happy with it. Personally it makes me extremely uncomfortable. I know you'll laugh and probably be offended but I have no desire to visit the States partly because of this.
This is why we carry guns and how they are supposed to be used though (the Colorado situation was different, lots of mayhem, dark, smokey, even if someone would have been carrying, things may have played out the same).
Great post, texastorm. What do you know? You got a "liberal" to agree with you.
Originally posted by texastormGood grief I just read an article while making sure I was statistically correct on the knife thing (and I am) and the articles have talk of banning knives in public... lmao, now thats too funny. Now you cant bring a gun to a gun fight, a knife to a gun fight... all you can do is beat each other to death with sticks. Soon they will ban trees.Words of Wisdom
Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Crow: Of course, that's a given.
Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to mePremium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.Frosted: lucky twat
Frosted: Aussie slags
Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow
I have friend whose great grandmother lived in the "wild west". He was fortunate she lived long enough that he got to know her and talk to her a lot. She told him it was nothing like the movies. Yeah everyone had a gun but you better have a damn good reason to pull it out as there would be 10 more pointed back at you because, again, EVERYONE HAD A GUN...
Originally posted by ExtremeUK and anything over 6 inches I think to correct you.
Texastorms argument is very strong.
The laws in Europe work for us and were happy. You can still own a shotgun.
As you've already got a huge amount of guns in civilian hands it will be impossible to legislate. You're stuck with it and I'm glad you're happy with it. Personally it makes me extremely uncomfortable. I know you'll laugh and probably be offended but I have no desire to visit the States partly because of this.
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