Originally posted by voodooman
Now that I have played with it a little I am happy with it. I got startup manager to manage what starts w/ the phone, titanium backup for backup and some other great features, and watchdog light to automatically monitor apps that start spiking the CPU. I got rid of advanced task killer in liu of watchdog because watchdog allows me to set specific limits so that if one program start bricking itself and spiking the cpu (slwoing everything else down in the process) than it will automatically kill it or give me the option to kill it.
Between these I have things working pretty solid now. Though, on iphone none of this is necessary as this is all handled by the OS and no add-ons or paid content is required, but still I am just glad I got it sorted out.
I have ot say the thing that makes me so absolutely happy that I missed for so long on iphone but now finally have the ability to do is donwload things to the phone as though it was a computer. It has an actual file/directory structure and lets me just grab shit offline and put it onto a folder or sd card and then open it with any program etc. This simply does not exist in any usable form on the iphone. Just today I got an SNES emulator (free) and then went to a website and downloaded like every SNES game onto my sd card (again, for free) and then played all my old favorites. On IOS you can't just go online and download shit to a folder and then access it. This feature alone is just spectacular.
I am thoroughly happy with android now, though I realize it will have some shortcomings. It's sort of giving up some of the automated smoothness that IOS brings for a little more control, and I personally like that because it has less limitations.
@ Devilock:
I see your point, and I agree that standalone things are best (which is why I use ym computer for gaming since it is more geared towards that), but the phone I have (and any smart phone really) handles gaming, office stuff, and web browsing stuff (oh, and phone calls I guess) decent enough to be a good mobile all-in-one device. I don't play any of the crazy first eprson shooters or anything on my phone, like you said it's more like puzzle games, tower defense stuff etc, but it's a great time killed for when i am in the bathroom or waiting in line or in the passenger seat of the car on a long ride etc. It does it wonderfully.
I guess in the end I was just pissed that the AT&T guy lied to me but I guess it's not that big a deal. I guess Samsung had to hack their phones in a manner that makes the external SD card look like something else because they were the first to have an internal SD and so it was teh only way they could do it. It has 2 gigs of dedicated space for apk's etc and it can be made (somehow) to store other game data on the SD card. For now I will just load the SD card with all my ebooks, audiobooks, pictures, videos and other non-marketplace apps for now. With all that stuff in there I probably won't need the full 16 gigs for gaming.
I havn't changed the ROM yet because I have been trying to figure everything else out, but I will probably try flashing cyanogenmod on ther some time this weekend. This phone came with all kinds of bloatware from yellow pages and AT&T and I would like it all gone.
Question: I don't really understand exactly what a ROM is. The way I understand it it's kind of akin to a different distribution in linux, so it's still linux but with a different set of default packages and maybe a different UI etc. Is that correct? Will I be able to use LauncherPro if I get cyanogenmod and will everything (like the live store) still be available?