3 killed in shooting near Texas A&M University

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by squeezyjohn
    We're cross-posting - but yes it's the same story.

    I'm sorry man.

    It kind of illustrates my point but in a horrible way.
    It illustrates nothing. The person he knew was a whacko who obviously was psychotic and willing to kill his own children. Do you honestly believe that guns made him do it, are you that uneducated in psychology to fathom a reality where the gun isn't what made him do that, but rather something else going on in his (obviously ****ed up) life?

    How dare you and extreme even try and correlate this man's psychotic killing spree with the availability of guns and not with mental health issues. Guns don't make people do that, but people who do that are more likely to use whatever is most convenient. If not a gun he would have hacked them all up with a hatchet if that's all he had. You truly believe that banning shotguns would stop someone determined to kill their own kids? Is this how Europeans really think? I thought you guys had a better education system over there. Apparently not.


    • Crow
      • Oct 2010
      • 4312

      Originally posted by squeezyjohn
      You're all crazy (apart from when you all seem completely normal which is quite often here thank God)
      I dare you to come here and say that to our face!

      Originally posted by squeezyjohn
      Good luck! I shan't be visiting any time soon.
      First it was Extreme, and now it's you... I'm beginning to think the UK has gone to France. (kidding! but not really.)
      Words of Wisdom

      Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
      Crow: Of course, that's a given.
      Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
      Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
      Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
      Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
      Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
      Frosted: lucky twat
      Frosted: Aussie slags
      Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by GoVegan
        Wow- sgregor is really earning his 2% snuson store discount tonight.
        You know what's ironic is that every time I have ever ordered from the snuson store I never got the 2% discount despite being eligible for it. It just says i'm eligible but never applies itself to the order no matter what.


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          You know what's ironic is that every time I have ever ordered from the snuson store I never got the 2% discount despite being eligible for it. It just says i'm eligible but never applies itself to the order no matter what.

          the admin is aware of the problems in the store and its slowly being corrected. Please give it some time. And hopefully we can make it better and offer the members some deals they can't get anywhere else. The shop just isn't a priority atm. Hang in there.

          Now to put this thead back on topic.............

          If the shop doesn't get their shit together we can load em up and head to the PA warehouse and hold all the employees hostage at gun point untill Frank fullfills our demands. If we are forced to eliminate a hostage or two to get Franks attention......shipping from the US warehouse might be a tad slower for a while.
          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by Premium Parrots
            the admin is aware of the problems in the store and its slowly being corrected. Please give it some time. And hopefully we can make it better and offer the members some deals they can't get anywhere else. The shop just isn't a priority atm. Hang in there.

            Now to put this thead back on topic.............

            If the shop doesn't get their shit together we can load em up and head to the PA warehouse and hold all the employees hostage at gun point untill Frank fullfills our demands. If we are forced to eliminate a hostage or two to get Franks attention......shipping from the US warehouse might be a tad slower for a while.
            THAT my friend is the American way. Let's scare off these europeans, we hold mo-****a's hostage for delaying our discounts her in `MURICA god damnit.

            Edit: For all of those who are reading this and are unale to comprehend sarcasm, realize that in america we do not round up the guns and go take hostages when we don't get something, though i'm sure that watching hollywood movies and watching foreign television has convinced you that this is how the US works. This post is satire, not american "chest pounding".


            • texastorm
              • Jul 2010
              • 386

              Originally posted by Extreme
              ....which brings to mind. There was somebody in my Regiment that left and started up his own security company. Nice house, nice car. He owned a shotgun.
              One day, who knows why, he took that shotgun and shot his two daughters, his wife and then himself dead. Now that's abhorrent but it's down to accessibility.
              So by your own admission you think their deaths would have been easier if he had stabbed them with a butcher knife, or tied them up and burned the house down?

              A crazed man will do what he does regardless of method. Saying that this could have, might have, maybe would have been stopped if this man's country had banned shotguns without knowing the man at the moment of his crime is simply preposterous. You dont know what other heinous methods he may have used, or if he would have not committed any crime.

              In other words, banning is not a preventative. I would be willing to wager good money on the fact that handguns can be obtained in the UK. Sure its tougher, but that just means they cost more, not that they are not available. There is no irrefutable evidence that crime has gone down, only that the methods are not the same. Which tells my logic, that banning it only keeps it from those that respect the law. Meaning the criminals in the UK still have handguns if they want them. The truth is now the criminals dont NEED to own a gun, your more vulnerable than ever because the chances a criminal accidentally crosses paths with a gun owner is practically nil. So now a knife will do just fine. And as someone pointed out to me in another thread now places are banning knives. Now if you dont see the path this leads to there is no hope for you. After knives then what? Sticks?


              • Roo
                • Jun 2008
                • 3446

                Jesus Sgreger, I haven't read all your rambling in it's entirety because it's late but I'll check it out tomorrow. Looks like some seriously aggressive and gratuitous American chest-pounding there chief. Calling a bunch of friends on the forum with alternate worldviews/politics/experiences "weak pussies" and questioning their manhood and shit because they have different opinions about guns? Come on.

                Fkn take a cold shower and cool down that throbbing gun-boner. There's a time and a place for both sides of every argument and that time and place is now, when people come together on common ground to have a discussion about it. You can't just be like YER A PUSSIE I'M AN AMERICAN / THREAD. Can you?


                • squeezyjohn
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2497

                  Thanks Roo - but I think I can take it

                  I'm not so stupid as to think that someone on here would be so "passionate" about the right to own guns that they would go off on one. So "passionate" that they would respond to reasoned argument against their life-long held beliefs with a bunch of insults and bluster. The fact that it was sgreger makes me a bit sad.

                  When I joined this forum in 2007 it was based in Finland. It had a nice mix of nationalities with a good sprinkling of people from the US and it was a nice, civil place to discuss snus and other things. When it got Northernerized a few years back it became american - and it quickly became a place to get bullied, flamed and see silly clips from YouTube - and the serious chat about snus became harder and harder to find amongst the rubbish ... so I left for ages. I came back though, knowing what the place had become because there's not really any other place to talk about the tobacco related stuff. I generally only enter in to discussion about snus, tobacco and things unlikely to end in someone comparing me to Hitler. I should have known better than to get stuck in to this one.

                  I maintain what I said. I FEEL safer in a country where guns are regulated tightly and I'm pretty sure lots of people round me also feel the same and it reflects in how we act in the UK. In the UK you are 3.5 times less likely to get killed by someone by any methods than in the USA ... FACT! It's not about the odd case every now and then when 3 or 10 people are shot by a madman. The point is that living in a safer-feeling environment changes the way a nation thinks and acts on average.

                  I can take all the insults because this thread has certainly shown me that sgreger is not someone whose words I can respect reading as he is incapable of controlling what he writes. I hate to think of him frothing at the mouth at what I have written - it's quite a disturbing mental image.

                  I'll leave you with a little video of a song that I'm sure you can all agree with (that's for you too sgreger)



                  Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                  • squeezyjohn
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2497

                    Originally posted by Crow
                    I dare you to come here and say that to our face!
                    It feels very much like I did.

                    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                    • squeezyjohn
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2497

                      I'd like to thank texastorm for continuing to argue in a polite and reasoned manner despite holding views opposite to mine.

                      I think we can probably all agree that a right to free speech and reasoned discussion without fear of repercussions and bullying is the first thing that needs protecting in any society, even an Internet forum!

                      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                      • Mdisch
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 805

                        I'd like to agree with John, here - In a way at least.
                        I enjoy the idea of freedom of guns, but it clearly isn't working. In Denmark it's not extremely strict, but still enough that you can't acquire a firearm unless you are mentally sane, and a member of the army/the home guard/a full member of a shooting club/over the age of 16.
                        And it's illegal to sell automatic rifles and the likes - you can get hunting rifles, shotguns and pistols.
                        And this limited gun control means that there is almost no gun violence in Denmark - We've had a slight problem with the Scandinavian biker war, but they don't exactly count.


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          Jeeezus. Who turned this into a nose to nose argument. I thought we were having a chat and exchanging points of view from both sides of the water.
                          There is no argument here. Obviously guns are working for you and no guns are working for us. You're shaking your heads in dismay at us and we're shaking our heads at you.
                          So what. Chill pill required.


                          • squeezyjohn
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2497

                            I think I've learnt a lot - mainly from PPs first reply to the thread.

                            Basically there are so many guns out there in the US (50-100 per household ) - and they are all worshipped as idols and passed down the generations.

                            K OK that's an exaggeration - but there are a hell of a lot of untraceable, legally owned firearms there. So if everyone was made to surrender their weapons then it just wouldn't happen for fear that Joe Bloggs down the road will keep his and everyone wants to be safe. It seems to me like a more provincial version of the Cold War with everyone slightly edgy about it but it seems like the only sensible thing to do is maintain the status-quo.

                            I don't believe it's better than the alternative we have over here though - which is "most people don't own guns and don't wish to"

                            I'm going to stop now ... we're going round in circles.

                            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                            • truthwolf1
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 2696

                              London is pretty much the role model for what is to coming to a city near you. We are already seeing similar things implemented in New York, Chicago and LA. Just another viewpoint of the measures taken at the Olympics but could quite possibly end up for everyday life in our future. I would also feel safer living in complete lockdown but would I still feel FREE Is the question? Taking the guns away will make the government officials feels safer over the citizens.

                              Other security measures to be implemented for London 2012 will include facial and iris recognition, finger-print and hand recognition, guards with attack dogs and search dogs. New software is planned to integrate all of London’s CCTV cameras, and will have the capability to follow you through the city. A scheme to search people and vehicles will include machines capable of looking through your clothing. The Air Force will deploy its Reaper pilot-less drone aircraft, which will carry laser-guided bombs and missiles including the Hellfire air-to-ground weapon. While on the Thames, the Royal Navy will deploy its new £1 billion Daring class Type 45 destroyer. These are also to be fitted with laser-guided missile systems able to shoot down a target the size of a cricket ball.


                              • lxskllr
                                • Sep 2007
                                • 13435

                                Originally posted by truthwolf1
                                London is pretty much the role model for what is to coming to a city near you. We are already seeing similar things implemented in New York, Chicago and LA. Just another viewpoint of the measures taken at the Olympics but could quite possibly end up for everyday life in our future. I would also feel safer living in complete lockdown but would I still feel FREE Is the question? Taking the guns away will make the government officials feels safer over the citizens.

                                Other security measures to be implemented for London 2012 will include facial and iris recognition, finger-print and hand recognition, guards with attack dogs and search dogs. New software is planned to integrate all of London’s CCTV cameras, and will have the capability to follow you through the city. A scheme to search people and vehicles will include machines capable of looking through your clothing. The Air Force will deploy its Reaper pilot-less drone aircraft, which will carry laser-guided bombs and missiles including the Hellfire air-to-ground weapon. While on the Thames, the Royal Navy will deploy its new £1 billion Daring class Type 45 destroyer. These are also to be fitted with laser-guided missile systems able to shoot down a target the size of a cricket ball.


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