Jim Crow lives on at the University of Colorado

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Jim Crow lives on at the University of Colorado

    (Separate But Equal) Colorado U to Segregate Dorms for Students with Concealed-Carry Gun Permits

    University of Colorado to segregate dorms for students with concealed-carry gun permits

    Two University of Colorado campuses will soon feature dorms that allow students over 21 with gun permits to live. Currently, firearms are banned in all on-campus housing facilities.
    The University of Colorado said it is going to begin segregating students with valid gun permits when assigning on-campus housing.
    Two CU campuses - the main campus in Boulder and another in Colorado Springs - will establish a designated residential area for students over the age of 21 with gun permits, school officials told the Denver Post.
    In any other housing facility, guns will be banned.
    "The main dorms on the main campus will not allow any concealed-carry weapons," CU-Boulder spokesman Bronson Hilliard said.
    School officials said they began considering the policy in March, shortly after Colorado’s Supreme Court ruled that CU can’t ban permit holders from bringing guns to campus.
    The new dorm ban, announced Thursday, will be met with legal challenges.
    "We're going to look into it further, but it's not surprising that the campuses are trying to circumvent the Colorado Supreme Court ruling," Kurt Mueller, an official with the pro-gun group Students for Concealed Carry, told the Post.
    Less than 1% of CU’s student-body population is believed to have concealed-carry permits.
    One such permit holder, a graduate student at CU-Denver, catapulted into notoriety last month after allegedly carrying out a midnight massacre at a crowded suburban Denver theater. There has been no indication that accused Aurora shooter James Holmes brought guns to campus.

    (Excerpt) Read more at nydailynews.com ...
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  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    Good! I would much rather be living in a dorm without a bunch of pistol packing college students in it.


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