Just out of curiosity...are there any other Redditors here?

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  • mistahARK
    • Aug 2012
    • 56

    Just out of curiosity...are there any other Redditors here?

    I frequent a site called Reddit, which is essentially a site broken down into hundreds of other communities, each centered around a specific interest, hobby, way of thinking...etc. People can share links and experiences and cool stuff they've done/made and what-not, and then comment on each others posts and discuss.

    Anyways, I know I've seen Reddit pop up a couple of times since I started searching through the archives of this forum, and just wanted to see if there was any fellow Redditors in here. If there are, feel free to join the subreddit that you may or may not know already exists. http://www.reddit.com/r/Snus/
  • Brutecraft
    • May 2012
    • 43

    I am a frequent of 4chan /v/ /x/ and /vp/ as well as reddit and 9gag

    I know all those sites hate each other but I enjoy all 3


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I hang out a bit at reddit. I'll subscribe to r/snus for a bit, but I only have so much time for snus talk. Also, reddit doesn't really have a community feel. Answering questions for strangers over and over doesn't have much appeal.


      • UsualSnuspects
        • Nov 2011
        • 278

        The /r/tobacco community is mostly minors who love dip and dip can sculptures. /r/snus and /r/swedishsnus are kinda depressing, though one of the mods (bulio) also blogs for Northerner.


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