Not to disagree with your point. But religion has also greatly contributed to our arts and culture throughout antiquity to current times.
The religious cults that took money off people i.e. The Catholic church paid people to do it - it wasn't inspired by religion, it was inspired by the persons natural gift and money. Artists have got to eat.
The religious cults that took money off people i.e. The Catholic church paid people to do it - it wasn't inspired by religion, it was inspired by the persons natural gift and money. Artists have got to eat.
The word I used was contributed, not inspired. That can be in the form of patronage, commission, or inspiration. Like say for example the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Fact is a great deal of Rennaisance art was inspired by, on the subject of, or directly commissioned by the church. And that is just talking Christianity, we could go on to discuss the art of eastern religions as well, mandalas and such.
But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. (Matthew 10:33)
Are you a believer? I’m not asking if you’re a Democrat, a Republican or an independent. I’m asking if you believe in God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of the living, not the dead. The great “I Am.”
If so, here’s something to seriously consider in the voting booth on Nov. 6. In its official 2012 version, the Democratic Party finally scrubbed all recognition of God from its party platform. This was intentional. It was by design. No one should have been surprised. It was a long time coming.
In just the last decade or so, extremist elements within the Democratic establishment have lodged a successful secular-socialist coup. The alarming consequences of this “progressive” triumph have become manifest throughout the pages of the DNC’s 2012 platform. They were also on display at the recent Democratic convention.
Slippery was the slope into Democrats’ anti-theist primordial bog. In 2004, there were seven mentions of God in the platform. In 2008, there was but one.
And in 2012?
Zip, zero, nada.
The word I used was contributed, not inspired. That can be in the form of patronage, commission, or inspiration. Like say for example the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Fact is a great deal of Rennaisance art was inspired by, on the subject of, or directly commissioned by the church. And that is just talking Christianity, we could go on to discuss the art of eastern religions as well, mandalas and such.
But that was all part of the churches conspiracy to make it look and feel grand so that people would submit to it's power. Vatican city is a prime example. It's all about control and getting people to do what you want them to do. Nowadays it's the government. I'm not saying that the art isn't good, it's what's behind it all I don't find so good. All religious groups make up religion to suit their own needs and agendas. The end product of that agenda twists the original concepts of eg. Jesus, Mohammed etc. into an unrecognisable concept. The frightening thing about this control is that the people involved (not the artists btw) believe that what they did was right.
So you are saying that the entire history of all of the religions of the world is a massive conspiracy to centralize control of the populous? I just want to make sure I understand you correctly before I respond.
I'm with Extreme on this. What better way to control the population than through supernatural fear? You may get some bad asses that'll tell you to shove your laws up your ass, and then do the shoving at the point of a sword. Telling someone they'll be miserable for eternity if they don't follow your rules, or could be struck down without intervention raises the stakes substantially.
I'm with Extreme on this. What better way to control the population than through supernatural fear? You may get some bad asses that'll tell you to shove your laws up your ass, and then do the shoving at the point of a sword. Telling someone they'll be miserable for eternity if they don't follow your rules, or could be struck down without intervention raises the stakes substantially.