Charlotte during the DNC

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  • Ainkor
    • Sep 2008
    • 1144

    Charlotte during the DNC

    The company I work for got some contracts for catering in Charlotte during the DNC there. I spent two days doing deliveries and I'll be honest, I'm a bit taken aback by the security measures.

    Here was the last one I was on:

    Drive large refrigeration truck into downtown. Stop at security checkpoint with 4 armed camo army guys with M16's at the ready. Secret service agent comes over along with a local cop, both had hands on their sidearms as they approached the truck. Requested documents and fully screened everyone in the truck. Got police escort to next stop to have the van swept and checked by dogs then xray checked.

    Next, all passengers were checked (like at the airport) with a metal detector and had to empty pockets out.

    Back into the truck and had an armed escort to the drop.

    While in downtown here are some of the things I saw:

    Roving bands of armed paramilitary uniformed guys with M16's on their back riding dirt bikes. 8-10 in a group
    Roving bands of bike cops
    Everyone carrying a gas mask on their hip/upper leg
    Armed guards on every corner
    Concrete barriers all around
    10-15 foot tall metal fencing cutting off the area into smaller section, all of them gated. Not chain link fences either, heavy steel fences.

    It was very surreal. This isn't the country I was raised in and it's a ****ed up thing. I can't say that I've ever been as unsettled as I was during these deliveries.

    If this is what America has come to, we are doing something very wrong as a society.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Careful. I'm reading a lot of thoughtcrime in your post. Perhaps you aren't /really/ American. Restriction is freedom.


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Bro.....easy now.......this is the Carolinas you are talking one gives a rats ass about Obama..............

      you must have gotten caught up in the security checks for Wrestle Mania............lot of bootleg tickets out there........and they must be stopped
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • Bigblue1
        Banned Users
        • Dec 2008
        • 3923

        Originally posted by Ainkor
        The company I work for got some contracts for catering in Charlotte during the DNC there. I spent two days doing deliveries and I'll be honest, I'm a bit taken aback by the security measures.

        Here was the last one I was on:

        Drive large refrigeration truck into downtown. Stop at security checkpoint with 4 armed camo army guys with M16's at the ready. Secret service agent comes over along with a local cop, both had hands on their sidearms as they approached the truck. Requested documents and fully screened everyone in the truck. Got police escort to next stop to have the van swept and checked by dogs then xray checked.

        Next, all passengers were checked (like at the airport) with a metal detector and had to empty pockets out.

        Back into the truck and had an armed escort to the drop.

        While in downtown here are some of the things I saw:

        Roving bands of armed paramilitary uniformed guys with M16's on their back riding dirt bikes. 8-10 in a group
        Roving bands of bike cops
        Everyone carrying a gas mask on their hip/upper leg
        Armed guards on every corner
        Concrete barriers all around
        10-15 foot tall metal fencing cutting off the area into smaller section, all of them gated. Not chain link fences either, heavy steel fences.

        It was very surreal. This isn't the country I was raised in and it's a ****ed up thing. I can't say that I've ever been as unsettled as I was during these deliveries.

        If this is what America has come to, we are doing something very wrong as a society.
        You all thought I was some kind of extrmeist whack job when I said that we were becoming a police state. We are no longer on our way we have done passed the line.... I'm sure our european friends will just shrug their shoulders and say big whoop.....


        • Bigblue1
          Banned Users
          • Dec 2008
          • 3923



          • Bigblue1
            Banned Users
            • Dec 2008
            • 3923



            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              Its more of that change we were promised.


              • sirloot
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2011
                • 2607

                are you sure you weren't catering the Metrolina Gun show :P


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  I dunno about Jones. He's a little too conspiratorial imo. I think he attributes more to concerted planning than is deserved. Organizations grasping for more power is as natural as a hungry animal looking for food, or the thirsty looking for drink. IOW, it isn't so much an international conspiracy as a natural progression, and an alliance due to common cause.


                  • Bigblue1
                    Banned Users
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 3923

                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    I dunno about Jones. He's a little too conspiratorial imo. I think he attributes more to concerted planning than is deserved. Organizations grasping for more power is as natural as a hungry animal looking for food, or the thirsty looking for drink. IOW, it isn't so much an international conspiracy as a natural progression, and an alliance due to common cause.
                    I'm all for your thought process and maybe he's just lucky when it comes to his predictions or maybe he really has researched his stuff. I am not truly convinced one way or the other but what I am positive of is the fact that shit is going down like he said it would. Sometimes the proof is in the puddin..... I'm gonna get the book that he says "woke him up" It's called "none dare call it a conspiracy" by Gary Allen. Wherever the stuff comes from I am pretty convinced it's happening for a reason..... I mean when you start adding up the pieces it just can't be a random process...


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by Bigblue1
                      I'm all for your thought process and maybe he's just lucky when it comes to his predictions or maybe he really has researched his stuff. I am not truly convinced one way or the other but what I am positive of is the fact that shit is going down like he said it would. Sometimes the proof is in the puddin..... I'm gonna get the book that he says "woke him up" It's called "none dare call it a conspiracy" by Gary Allen. Wherever the stuff comes from I am pretty convinced it's happening for a reason..... I mean when you start adding up the pieces it just can't be a random process...
                      I'm not willing to completely dismiss him. His spin is plausible enough, but it goes against my core philosophy which says people are too stupid to maintain a conspiracy for any length of time. His conspiracy transcends decades, and that's much longer than I'd expect one to exist.


                      • Bigblue1
                        Banned Users
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 3923

                        I guess I was there to at one point. Hell who wouldn't be? But when you actually start doing a lil research and finding out most of the things he says or the historical events he references are grounded solidly in the truth which as you referenced to as thought crimes in a previous post are true it actually builds on his credibility. A common theme for him is compartmentalization. I'm sure you've experienced the phenomenom in a work place and it happens all the time. When it is occurring, nobody is none the wiser. Most people have a problem with AJ when it comes down to 9/11 and of course we were all told to raise our flags and nobody could even fatom that it happened. We are now 12 yrs from then and we still have no real answers and then you look at the stupid wars that were waged in the aftermath and for no good reason and then you look at the corporations that benefitted at the tax payers cost. I don't know. It's too much to put in a paragraph, tho I'm sure given the opportunity sgreger could. I guess I just don't like to take what the government tells me to tak at face value. And unlike most who don't I don't think it's one sides fault...... Pretty sure both sides are playing us and beyond that they are just puppets as well. Complicit or not...


                        • devilock76
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 1737

                          Originally posted by lxskllr
                          I'm not willing to completely dismiss him. His spin is plausible enough, but it goes against my core philosophy which says people are too stupid to maintain a conspiracy for any length of time. His conspiracy transcends decades, and that's much longer than I'd expect one to exist.
                          I am of a similar mindset. I share the libertarian viewpoint but not the conspiracy view point. Most conspiracies fail the Occam's Razor test.

                          Best example of that, the whole "Chem-trails" thing that many on that far right (heck it is just the new form of the John Birch Society) advocate are real.

                          Forgetting that there is a perfectly scientific reason for the existence of con trails...

                          Ok let's put it to the Occam's Razor test. You want to poison a population with a mind control drug. What is the simpler solution, Get numerous of air planes at your disposal which will require the compliance of numerous private companies and individuals involved in the manufacture, operation, and maintenance of these planes to spread a chemical that high in the upper atmosphere that its dispersion is unpredictable at best and heavily diluted in a way that is visible to anyone looking up and not have that leak out at all. Also in a manner that everyone is exposed even those orchestrating it unless they have some prevention system?

                          Not very likely, the flouride conspiracy holds more weight just for being less visible and a better dispersion method. Althought requires the same amount of people to be compliant and not whistle blow, particularly the Dr's and Dentists backing it as a dental supplement.

                          Seems to me if I was a government wishing to do that there are better alternatives. A chemical in the printing of government forms or money would make a lot more sense and require less people in on it to make it happen.

                          Occam's Razor in action, the simpler solution is the best solution. Most conspiracy theories are too complicated to make any sort of practical sense.



                          • truthwolf1
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 2696

                            WOW! I am really proud of Joe's crowd. They are beginning to see the light that evil also comes in the form of democrats.

                            Occupy protesters block DNC buses



                            • truthwolf1
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 2696

                              On conspiracy.. Woke up out of psychological mainstream training about 8 years ago. Since then it has been a blast seeing friends, family and newbies faces drop with my new freedom of thought. A lot of it is not even what I would consider conspiracy talk just our politcal/government reality and basically the facts you cannot get from FOX/MSNBC news. What I have found is that people generally do crave truth as long as they heard something to that effect from the tv, radio or mainstream news websites or the big one "from another radical person". It seems like these days even the most common man is starting to question everything which is a evolution of individual thought. Even if I do not believe in the actual conspiracy I just want to know about it which I would call being open minded. Many who I would call close minded like my father have the thought of "you are never going to understand how the world really works so don't even try attitude".

                              I guess what ever works for people but I find it amazing how little many actually question anything or bow through manipulation of control and then get angry with the results over and over again. Maybe just having the feeling that something is wrong and questionable is the point of being "awake".


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