The company I work for got some contracts for catering in Charlotte during the DNC there. I spent two days doing deliveries and I'll be honest, I'm a bit taken aback by the security measures.
Here was the last one I was on:
Drive large refrigeration truck into downtown. Stop at security checkpoint with 4 armed camo army guys with M16's at the ready. Secret service agent comes over along with a local cop, both had hands on their sidearms as they approached the truck. Requested documents and fully screened everyone in the truck. Got police escort to next stop to have the van swept and checked by dogs then xray checked.
Next, all passengers were checked (like at the airport) with a metal detector and had to empty pockets out.
Back into the truck and had an armed escort to the drop.
While in downtown here are some of the things I saw:
Roving bands of armed paramilitary uniformed guys with M16's on their back riding dirt bikes. 8-10 in a group
Roving bands of bike cops
Everyone carrying a gas mask on their hip/upper leg
Armed guards on every corner
Concrete barriers all around
10-15 foot tall metal fencing cutting off the area into smaller section, all of them gated. Not chain link fences either, heavy steel fences.
It was very surreal. This isn't the country I was raised in and it's a ****ed up thing. I can't say that I've ever been as unsettled as I was during these deliveries.
If this is what America has come to, we are doing something very wrong as a society.
Here was the last one I was on:
Drive large refrigeration truck into downtown. Stop at security checkpoint with 4 armed camo army guys with M16's at the ready. Secret service agent comes over along with a local cop, both had hands on their sidearms as they approached the truck. Requested documents and fully screened everyone in the truck. Got police escort to next stop to have the van swept and checked by dogs then xray checked.
Next, all passengers were checked (like at the airport) with a metal detector and had to empty pockets out.
Back into the truck and had an armed escort to the drop.
While in downtown here are some of the things I saw:
Roving bands of armed paramilitary uniformed guys with M16's on their back riding dirt bikes. 8-10 in a group
Roving bands of bike cops
Everyone carrying a gas mask on their hip/upper leg
Armed guards on every corner
Concrete barriers all around
10-15 foot tall metal fencing cutting off the area into smaller section, all of them gated. Not chain link fences either, heavy steel fences.
It was very surreal. This isn't the country I was raised in and it's a ****ed up thing. I can't say that I've ever been as unsettled as I was during these deliveries.
If this is what America has come to, we are doing something very wrong as a society.