New 9/11 truth documentary among 'most watched' on PBS this week

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    New 9/11 truth documentary among 'most watched' on PBS this week

    The actual free video:

    "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out" is getting public attention and casting doubt on the scientific validity of the U.S. government's investigation into the WTC tragedy. PBS is the first major network to air the program.

    Just days away from the 11th anniversary of the World Trade Center tragedy and months away from the U.S. presidential election, a game-changing 9/11 documentary is ranking number three among "most watched" documentaries on PBS and number one among "most shared." Available for free online August 18th - September 4th, the documentary could have a significant effect on public opinion. [Update: PBS has extended viewing indefinitely.] Both the Republicans and Democrats, as equally staunch defenders of the official story, stand to be affected if the public's suspicion of government corruption grows deeper.

  • devilock76
    • Aug 2010
    • 1737

    I will need to watch this in its entirety later...



    • stubby2
      • Jun 2009
      • 436

      Perhaps these are the same people who believe that if a woman is legitimately raped they have a magic shield that prevents them from becoming pregnant.

      The science appears to be about at the same level.


      • texastorm
        • Jul 2010
        • 386

        Dammit has anyone seen my tin foil?


        • devilock76
          • Aug 2010
          • 1737

          Well here is the thing. It is a different group than Alex Jones who has put this out. Some I am curious as to what they state that is similar and what they can actually verify with data vs much of what Alex Jones points out which is wildly speculative at best on this issue.



          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            This is a documentary mostly about actual architects in the high-rise industry and related professionals on the topic.

            Family members questions/comments as well as a little psychological perspective on why people have such a hard time looking at the facts.


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              It's an extremely compelling video compiled using extensive scientific data and backed by literally thousands of non-biased experts worldwide in the fields of architecture, chemistry, physics, engineering, and psychology. I highly suggest watching the video from start to finish before opining on the validity of the subject matter contained therein. To ignore the evidence is to surrender to an overwhelming and perfectly natural fear that new information will conflict with the comfort of your well-established worldview to the degree that the resulting dissonance will be too big a psychological burden to bear. Simple as that. I just watched it/listened to it at work. Thanks for sharing.


              • texastorm
                • Jul 2010
                • 386

                I watched it all the way to the end, it was a pitch to get 300 dollars for a set of shitty books and cds. Seriously people still dont seem to get it. You cant take one thing out of context and then declare the whole thing is bad.

                But in the interest of bringing some of you to your senses on the topic on conspiracies. Of all the conspiracy stories you have ever heard of, alien crash, Kennedy etc this one would have taken literally hundreds if not a few thousand people to not only set it up, but to help cover it up later. You could potentially buy their silence, but someone would have found evidence of that too, there are just too many laymen in on the whole thing from firemen, to the clean up crews for someone not to have talked. The stark reality you are left with is either this is the best government based coverup mission in history, or that it is what it is, a heartbreaking moment in time with answers that dont make any sense. Most terrorist attacks end with the latter outcome, few people know why it was done, and therefore it makes no sense.

                Until the all non government officials who surely helped carry out the largest conspiracy in the history of mankind come forward, we will just have to assume that it was a couple United planes that were steered into a couple large buildings. Its sad, but its no conspiracy.

                I would however like to take this moment to thank the aliens for crashing. My life would be dull without a laser pointer for my dog to chase at night in the backyard.


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  Fair enough Texas. However I am eager to know how you rationalize the total collapse of WTC7.

                  I know this subject induces excessive eye-rolling, and I feel the same way that you do about conspiracy theories. I would not attempt to offer an alternate and carefully thought-out theory. The evidence that has been put forth simply renders me agnostic on the matter. I will not accept the official line, and it pretty much ends there. At least I can take comfort in reviewing the data (or more accurately, reviewing the reviewing of the data by qualified experts), and coming to terms with the knowledge that "the facts" do not need to be spoon-fed to me by Tom Brokaw in order to be evaluated for their freestanding merit. Whatever happened appears to be far more complicated than we were led to believe. It ends there with me, nothing further. I'm glad you watched it though and have formed your own conclusions. I think that is all that was intended (other than drumming up your $300 to support PBS).


                  • texastorm
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 386

                    Ok I watched (and read about) yours. This page doesn't ask for 300 bucks (that was not entirely to pbs just so you know)...


                    Notice the mountain of combination evidence, vs. the picking out of one or two mysterious bits? That is what I am talking about. You cannot take 1 spoke from a wheel and explain how it works.


                    • devilock76
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 1737

                      I am not dismissing it till I see it. It represents a second source calling it a conspiracy. However I have said in before most conspiracy theories fail the Occam's Razor test for very similar reasons...



                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        Thanks for sharing texastorm. That is compelling as well, although a bit narrow in its direction toward the Alex Jones/conspiracy crowd. There is a lot of focus on the use of the word "Pull" which I unfortunately didn't catch in the PBS video -- I did fast forward through the fundraising pitches so perhaps I missed it.

                        In any case, what I see on the one side is a host of structural engineers telling us that a steel frame building does not and cannot collapse in the manner that it did without the use of explosives -- residues and molecular by-products of which have been found; and on the other hand you have our government saying it refuses to test the remnants or re-evaluate the data for explosives because it has no reason to believe they were there in the first place.

                        But at the end of the day, we agree to disagree on a few points. I hope we would both agree that neither you nor I have the time or the interest in sitting here carrying out a debate for these other louts' personal reading entertainment. I hope that one side or the other is one day empirically proven wrong so it can be laid to rest. Despite my apparent enthusiasm for reviewing the facts, I'm really hoping to not think about this too much more today. Maybe I am too gullible. Maybe you are. Who knows. Chances are, both sides have compelling evidence to support their case and we are just doing our best to sort through it but arriving at different conclusions. Cheers.


                        • truthwolf1
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 2696

                          Originally posted by texastorm
                          Ok I watched (and read about) yours. This page doesn't ask for 300 bucks (that was not entirely to pbs just so you know)...


                          Notice the mountain of combination evidence, vs. the picking out of one or two mysterious bits? That is what I am talking about. You cannot take 1 spoke from a wheel and explain how it works.
                          Those mysterious bits (which are a lot of bits to the official grand story) are the cause's of reasonable doubt for many. I have read both sides of the story over and over and still myself have questions and I am not even a architect or physicist. All these guy's are pushing for is a independent investigation while there still is time to do so. With all the questions of a growing amount of people who sit down and actually look at all the evidence then Why not? What is the big deal? At best nothing is found other then the same or enhanced explanation which will help future architectural hi-rise design. At worst, maybe a true cover-up.

                          I am for a new investigation.


                          • texastorm
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 386

                            I would be more inclined to believe that you could cover up aliens landing in Roswell and then the secret facility in Nevada reverse engineer stuff and release it through companies to the public to better our lives and line some pockets, than I would be to believe that a conspiracy of this magnitude was created simply to get the ok to go bomb the sheet out of Iraq and get Saddam. The reasons for the conspiracy have to be believable, and that is just not a valid reason (nor is any other I have heard), there is to much mystery to even the people behind such a conspiracy. It has to be logical. While I am one to comment on how stupid W came off in interviews and speeches, I dont believe that he nor his "posse" could have or would have pulled the strings and wallets to get a job of this magnitude done, much less the time factor to plan it.

                            I am however inclined to agree that terrorists of the time were working hard to attack us, there is plenty of evidence of that. They had deep pockets and plenty of people who would die for 72 virgins before speaking out as well. So in my mind that makes it an easy decision.

                            Did people screw up... you betcha. Did a few people cover up that that might have known more than they admit to and dismissed it because they were fat and lazy, I would agree to that as well. But the whole damn government turned against its own people and no one has the balls to come forward and talk about it? Nah... I just cannot go that far. Most people who influence government are wanting more of something... more money, more power, more control. Not chaos and discontent amongst the common folk in the factories.

                            Besides for something that large planning would have had to start before Bush, and if anyone starts spouting Clinton did it, then I will just shake my head and laugh. Clinton shagged some fatties, but he would not have done this either.

                            So you have to go with the whole wheel and not just a spoke. People would not have created such a catastrophe without a reason, so ask yourself what is the reason to spend years working this up? You will land with terrorism every time if your logical. But I do understand that logic doesn't rule the day.


                            • Roo
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 3446

                              I'm with you on most of your points as well texastorm. If I were to begin to try to fathom who did it and why, I would not first arrive at the Bush administration (or Clinton) for the purpose of ousting Sadaam. I agree with you that there is no way in hell they would/could pull it off and not for that reason. I also tend to think that the world can be a much more sinister place than many would believe. Now I sound like some kind of Illuminati freak.... not the case. I just think the evidence against the official story is too compelling to simply ignore or brush aside, but again that's as far as I'm taking it.

                              I'd love for someone to come forth with a much more complex and indicting theory so I can laugh at it along with you though. Something needs to get me through from this moment at my desk at work to the moment I walk through my door, kiss my baby girl and open the first of many beers.


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